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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
Forgot Password

Forgot Password & Password Reset

In this lesson, we'll walk through setting up the complete forgot password flow including, creating a password reset token with time-expiry, sending an email notification with a password reset link, verifying the token, and resetting the users password.

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
Remember Me Token

Adding the Remember Me Token

In this lesson, we'll enable the remember me feature on our auth login flow and add the remember me tokens table to our database.

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
Login & Exceptions

Logging In Users & Displaying Exceptions

In this lesson, we'll add the ability to login to our application. We'll then discuss the differences between errors and errorsBag and how we can display long-lived exception messages as an alternative to our toast manager.

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
Onboarding New Users

Onboarding Newly Registered Users

In this lesson, we'll create our onboarding flow for newly registered users. Before users can enter the application, they'll need to have at least one organization set up so everything works smoothly.

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
Logging Out Users

Logging Out Users

In this lesson, we'll hook up our logout user menu button to a POST route to logout an authenticated user.

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
Splitting Our Routes Between Auth & Web

Splitting Our Routes Between Auth & Web

In this lesson, we'll split our routes into two files: auth and web. Our auth routes file will contain all our authentication-based route definitions and our web routes will contain the remaining.

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
Register new users

User Registration with InertiaJS

In this lesson, we'll complete our user registration flow by validating our registration form data, creating a new user, logging that user in, and forwarding them to the next page in the flow.

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
Toast Message Manager

Creating A Toast Message Manager

Learn how to implement a user feedback manager in your app using toast messages and vue-sonner. We'll integrate our flash message manager with state provided from AdonisJS' flash messages store to display success and error messages.

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
AppLayout & NavBar

Completing Our AppLayout & Navigation Bar

In this lesson, we'll finish setting up our application's layout shell and navigation bar.

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
Model Types with DTOs

Typing Lucid Models in Inertia with DTOs

In this lesson, we'll learn how we can specify types for our Lucid Models easily using DTOs we'll generate directly from our models.

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
Seeding Our Initial Data

Seeding Our Initial Database Data

In this lesson, we'll create a seeder file to create the initial data we'll need in our database to get going. For now, that's just going to be our application's roles.

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
Lucid Model Relationship Mixin

Creating A Lucid Model Mixin for our Organization Relationship

In this lesson, we'll learn how we can extract repetitive relationships, and other model properties/methods, into a mixin. We'll also learn what to look out for when using decorators within a TypeScript mixin.


AdonisJS Quick Tip #1.0
Nov 03, 21

Getting Data by the User's Timezone with Luxon's DateTime

In this lesson, we'll learn how we can use the user's current time zone to create, update, or query time-sensitive information in AdonisJS using Luxon's DateTime object.

Let's Build with AdonisJS #1.0
Oct 30, 21

Rebuilding Jagr.Co, Start & Auth

In this livestream we create a new project, install and configure the Lucid and Auth packages. Define our migrations and model schema. And hammer down basic authentication.

AdonisJS Quick Tip #6.0
Oct 27, 21

How To Add A Global Property To Your HttpContext in AdonisJS 5

In this lesson, we'll be covering how we can extend our HttpContext with a new property that we'll populate using a route parameter.

Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 #2.6
Oct 20, 21

Extending the Adonis Router and Route Matchers

In this lesson, we'll be learning how we can add our own chainable methods using macros to the Adonis Router's Route, Route Group, Route Resource, Brisk Route, and Matchers properties.

Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 #2.5
Oct 10, 21

Generating URLs and Signed URLs

In this lesson, we'll be focusing specifically on generating URLs from our route definitions. We'll cover generating generic URLs, signed URLs, redirect URLs, and more.

Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 #2.4
Oct 06, 21

Multi-File Route Grouping Strategies

In this lesson, we'll discuss strategies you can use to apply multiple files worth of route definitions into a single route group without redefining the route group in each file.

Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 #2.3
Oct 02, 21

Naming, Grouping, & Prefixing Routes

In this lesson, we'll learn about naming routes and using groups with prefixes to structure our routes and reduce redundancies.

Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 #2.2
Sep 25, 21

Moving & Organizing Routes

In this lesson, we'll cover various different ways you can structure your routes within your Adonis project, including moving the routes.ts file, and using a module approach

Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 #2.1
Sep 19, 21

Dynamic Routing with Route Parameters

In this lesson, we go in-depth with route parameters covering optional route params, validation using matchers, casting, wildcards, and a few things to watch out for.

Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 #2.0
Sep 11, 21

Routing Introduction

We'll learn how to define routes in Adonis using the Route module. We'll cover defining routes for specific HTTP Methods (like GET, POST, PUT/PATCH, and DELETE), Caveats, and Brisk Routes.

Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 #1.3
Sep 04, 21

Understanding the HttpContext

The HttpContext object contains unique information about individual requests our application receives. In this lesson, we'll cover what it is, how it's passed, and how we can mutate it.

Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 #1.2
Aug 28, 21

Introducing the Ace CLI

In this lesson, we'll be learning about Adonis' command-line interface (CLI). Including what the Ace CLI is, its options, how it'll be expanded, and how we can create custom commands

AdonisJS 5 Infinite Load #2.0
Aug 22, 21

How To Create An Infinite Loader

In this lesson, we'll be going over how to add an infinite loader to our app. We'll specifically be utilizing an Edge component and our Model's paginate method to make this happen.

AdonisJS 5 Infinite Load #1.0
Aug 21, 21

Project Setup & Creating Dummy Data

In this lesson, we'll be setting up our project with fake data using a Model Factory and a Seeder. We'll also set up our initial list of posts so that we're all set and squared away to cover

Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 #1.1
Aug 14, 21

Project Structure

In this lesson, we'll get familiar with our Adonis 5 project by running through all the folders and files and their purposes. We'll learn which folders and files within our project structure

Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 #1.0
Aug 07, 21

Prerequisites & Creating A New Project

In this lesson, we'll learn about AdonisJS 5; what it is, what it offers, its prerequisites, and how to create a new project. We'll then start our project up to ensure everything is working.

Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 Preview #16.0
Apr 10, 21

Let's Learn Adonis 5: Introducing The Edge Template Engine

In this lesson, we learn the basics of the Edge Templating Engine, which allows us to dynamically inject our server-side data into our HTML views.

Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 Preview #15.0
Apr 03, 21

Let's Learn Adonis 5: Validating Requests

In this lesson, we focus on Adonis' built-in Validator. We'll learn how to define a validation schema, custom messages, custom rules, and more

Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 Preview #14.0
Mar 20, 21

Let's Learn Adonis 5: Writing Reusable Queries with Query Scopes

In this lesson, we'll learn how we can extract repetitive query builder statements into reusable query scopes as a way to keep our codebase easy to maintain.

Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 Preview #13.0
Mar 13, 21

Let's Learn Adonis 5: Querying, Checking Existence, and Aggregating Relationships

In this lesson we'll learn how to query relationships, determine if a relationship exists, and how to aggregate relationship data.

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