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Updating & Deleting an Organization
In this lesson, we'll begin work on our organization's settings page by adding the ability to update and delete the active organization.
Account Deletion & Cleaning Dangling Organizations
In this lesson, we'll add the ability for our user's to delete their accounts. During account deletion, we'll also delete any organization's this user is the only member of, keeping them from dangling inside our database without users.
Alerting Users When Their Account Email Is Changed
In this lesson, we'll add an additional security step onto our account email change logic, by also notifying the user's old email address about the change.
Allowing Users to Safely Update Their Account Email
In this lesson, we'll add the ability for our users to safely update their account email address. We'll require them to confirm their password, then make the update in our database and log it to the user's email histories.
New Unique & Exist Validation Overloads in AdonisJS 6
In this lesson, we'll cover the new overload option recently added to Lucid's VineJS unique and exists rules allowing for a simplified usage for common use-cases.
Creating the Settings Shell
In this lesson, we'll create shell specifically for our settings pages to live between our pages and their layouts.
3 Easy Ways to Split Route Definitions into Multiple Files in AdonisJS 6
Does your application have a ton of routes? In this lesson, we'll cover 3 easy ways you can split your application's route definitions into multiple files.
Storing Lesson Order Changes & Handling Cross-Module Drag & Drops
In this lesson, save the changes made to lessons inside a course when a user uses drag-and-drop to move a lesson. Users can change the lesson order inside a single module or move a lesson into a new module, so we'll need to handle both use cases.
Storing Module Order Changes from Vue Draggable
In this lesson, we'll persist sort order changes to the database when dragging and dropping a course's modules using Vue Draggable
Patching Tag Changes for our Modules & Lessons
In this lesson, we’ll incorporate our Tag Selector component into our modules and lessons to facilitate easy visibility and updates of their statuses and access levels.
Setting & Loading the User's Active Organization
In this lesson, we'll set up our organization middleware and actions that'll be in charge of loading the user's active organization and role
User Registration with InertiaJS
In this lesson, we'll complete our user registration flow by validating our registration form data, creating a new user, logging that user in, and forwarding them to the next page in the flow.
Creating A Toast Message Manager
Learn how to implement a user feedback manager in your app using toast messages and vue-sonner. We'll integrate our flash message manager with state provided from AdonisJS' flash messages store to display success and error messages.
Three Approaches for Organizing your AdonisJS Business Logic Operations
In this lesson, we'll dive deep into three different ways we can organize our code; fat controllers, services, and actions. We'll also discuss circular dependencies, static and non-static service methods, and dependency injection.
Posting Objects, Arrays, and an Array of Objects in HTML Forms
In this lesson, we'll learn how we can use form field names to send an array of objects with our HTML form submission. We'll discuss pitfalls to watch out for and how we use AlpineJS to simplify index syncing within our field names.
Using A Wildcard Route Param to Download Storage Images
In this lesson, we'll learn how we can utilize a wildcard route parameter to dynamically download images that've been uploaded and stored within our application storage.
Using Dependency Injection to Update A User's Profile
In this lesson, we'll learn how to allow users to edit their profiles. We'll also cover how we can inject the HttpContext into a service instance using Dependency Injection (DI).
Validating Query String Filter Values
In this lesson, we'll learn how to use VineJS, AdonisJS' Validator, to validate the filter properties and values we have within our query string.
Authenticating A Newly Registered User
In this lesson, we'll learn how we can authenticate, or login, a new user who just registered with our application. We'll then see how we can populate the authenticated user's details on subsequent requests.
The Flow of Middleware
In this lesson, we'll learn about the middleware that comes preinstalled within AdonisJS and the flow of this middleware during an HTTP Request at both a global and route-specific scale.
Checking For and Populating an Authenticated User
In this lesson, we'll create a silent auth middleware that will automatically check whether a request has an authenticated user attached to it, and populate that user's details if one is found.
AdonisJS 6 Session Authentication in 15 Minutes
In this lesson, we'll learn how to add authentication to a new AdonisJS 6 application using the session guard. In these 15 minutes, you'll learn how to register a user, logout a user, verify a user's credentials and log them in, and more.
Creating A Login Form and Validator
In this lesson, we'll apply what we've learned to create a login page as well as a validator for our login form.
Validating Form Data with VineJS
In this lesson, we'll learn how to validate form data using AdonisJS homegrown validation library, VineJS. With VineJS we can easily ensure our request body consists of properties we need, in the types we need them, with valid values.
Displaying Validation Errors and Validating from our Request
In this lesson, we'll learn how we can display feedback for invalid fields noted by errors from our VineJS validators. We'll also see how we can validate directly from our request using request data.
Form Basics and CSRF Protection
In this lesson, we'll cover the basics of working with HTML forms in AdonisJS and how they incorporate Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection via AdonisJS Shield.
State vs Share Data Flow
In this lesson, we'll learn about the difference between passing information directly into EdgeJS' state and sharing information with EdgeJS.
Share vs Global Data Flow
In this lesson, we'll compare the difference between sharing information with an EdgeJS instance and defining a Global within EdgeJS.
Cleaning Up Routes with Controllers
In this lesson, we'll learn what controllers are and how they can be used to drastically simplify our route definitions by allowing us to move our route handlers off the route definition and into the controller.
Singleton Services and the Idea of Caching
In this lesson, we'll learn about singleton services and how to use them as a store to hold temporary information throughout our server's life by building a simple in-memory caching service.
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