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What Are Some of Inertia's Limitations
In this lesson, we'll discuss a couple of Inertia's request and routing limitations and how we can circumvent them by reaching for axios or fetch instead.
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Protection in InertiaJS
In this lesson, we'll learn how cross-site request forgery (CSRF) protection between AdonisJS and InertiaJS behaves in our application.
Creating A FormInput Vue Component
In this lesson, we'll create a reusable FormInput Vue Component using our current form field as a starting point.
Common useForm Methods & Options
In this lesson, we'll walk through some of the more common methods and options we have with the useForm helper, like adding form errors, maintaining scroll position, mutating values prior to submission, and more.
The useForm Helper
In this lesson, we'll introduce the useForm helper composable provided by InertiaJS. We'll refactor our current form to use the useForm helper instead and see how it can help manage our form state, errors, and submission.
Form Validation & Displaying Errors
In this lesson, we'll add validation to our POST handler for our register route. We'll then update our form fields to check for and display any validation errors that may have occurred.
Inertia Form Basics
In this lesson, we'll introduce the basics of working with form in Inertia. We'll set up our register form with its fields, get our form state set up, and send off a post request to one of our AdonisJS routes.
What Code Can & Can't Be Shared Between AdonisJS & Inertia
In this lesson, we'll discuss what code we can and cannot share between AdonisJS and Inertia.
Specifying Page Titles & Meta Tags
In this lesson, we'll learn how we can append information into the head of our document with Inertia on a per-page basis. We'll then create our own head component, wrapping Inertia's, to allow easier global changes.
Default Layouts & Overwriting the Default Layout
In this lesson, we'll inspect how Inertia injects our layout component and the data passed to it. We'll also learn how we can overwrite our default layout from our page components.
Creating A Layout
In this lesson, we'll learn how to create a layout component and apply it to all our pages, the Inertia way.
Partial and Lazy Data Loading and Evaluation
In this lesson, we'll learn about Inertia's partial reload functionality that allows us to refresh only specifically specified prop items for our page. We'll also examine lazy properties and how our props are evaluated with partial reloads.
Global Components and Hydration Mismatch in Action
In this lesson, we'll learn how to register components globally inside our Vue application. We'll also learn what to watch out for and examine a hydration mismatch in action.
The Link Component and Programmatic Linking
In this lesson, we'll explore Inertia's Link component and its props. We'll then examine how to link between pages programmatically using Inertia's router.
Linking Between Pages & Page State Flow
In this lesson, we'll learn how to link from page to page the InertiaJS way. We'll then inspect how InertiaJS gets and updates our page's stateful information via our page props.
Sharing Data from AdonisJS to Vue via Inertia
In this lesson, we'll learn how to pass data from AdonisJS to Vue using Inertia as the broker. We'll discuss passing data from our controllers, from middleware, and globally via the Inertia shared data configuration.
The Flow of Pages and Page Props
In this lesson, we'll talk about the flow InertiaJS follows when rendering pages, from AdonisJS to our Vue application. Then, we'll talk about passing props to our Vue page components.
Setting Up TailwindCSS, Shadcn-Vue, and Automatic Component Imports
In this lesson, we'll install and configure Shadcn-Vue and TailwindCSS. We'll then set up automatic imports for all of our local Vue components.
HTTP Method Spoofing HTML Forms
In this lesson, we'll learn how we can enable HTTP Method Spoofing to allow AdonisJS to spoof intended HTTP Verbs for basic HTML form POST requests.
HTML Attribute and Class Utilities
In this lesson, we'll take a look at a few powerful utilities provided by EdgeJS that make working with attributes and conditional classes a breeze.
Quick Start Apps with Custom Starter Kits
In this lesson, we'll take a look at AdonisJS' bring your own kit feature that allows us to use Git repositories as starter kits when creating a new AdonisJS application.
Easy Imports with NodeJS Subpath Imports
In this lesson, we'll learn about NodeJs Subpath Imports and how AdonisJS leverages them to help simplify our import paths throughout our application.
A Deep Dive Into Mixins & Compose
In this lesson, we'll walk through what mixins are and how they work by first inspecting them as plain objects then working our way into classes then finally TypeScript. We'll then implement mixins via AdonisJS' compose utility.
How To Get City and State Info from User’s IP Address using IP2Location
In this lesson, we'll learn how to get our user's city, region, and country location information using their IP address.
How To Use AdonisJS Model Hooks To Log All User Actions
In this lesson, we’ll be taking a look at how we can log any and every user action performed against our AdonisJS models.
Gracefully Checking and Handling An Expired Auth Session
In this lesson, we’ll take a look at how to gracefully reset the user’s stale session, which includes authentication, CSRF tokens, or anything else you may have set for the user.
How To Redirect Back to the Previous Page After Login with AdonisJS
In this lesson, we'll learn an easy way we can redirect our user's back to their original page after they login or register in an AdonisJS application.
Minify Your AdonisJS HTML in 5 Minutes
We'll learn how we can alter all our AdonisJS HTML response bodies using a simple global middleware to add HTML minification.
How To Create Your Own Global Helpers in AdonisJS
In this lesson, we'll learn how we can create our own globally available helper methods & properties in AdonisJS.
How To Use Vue 3 with TypeScript in an AdonisJS Project
In this lesson, we’ll learn how to set up a Vue 3 TypeScript application within our AdonisJS project using Webpack Encore. We’ll start by getting Vue 3 working, then sprinkle in TypeScript support.
Http Method Spoofing & Helper Components in AdonisJS
In this lesson, we'll learn how we can utilize Http Method Spoofing to send PUT, PATCH, and DELETE requests using native HTML forms. We'll then create utility functions to make the implementation cleaner.
How To Do Multi Model Authentication with AdonisJS and Lucid ORM
In this lesson, we'll learn how to set up multi-model authentication using a User and Admin model with AdonisJS and Lucid ORM.
How To Make Your AdonisJS Authentication Login Case-Insensitive
Learn how to make the AdonisJS login attempt query case-insensitive easily by adding a simple method to our User Model.
How To Add A Custom Method to the Model Query Builder in AdonisJS
In this lesson, we'll learn how to define a macro for the Model Query Builder within an AdonisJS project to provide a new method onto all our Model's Query Builder.
How To Serialize All AdonisJS Lucid Model Properties As Camel Case
In this lesson, we'll learn how to use Naming Strategies in AdonisJS to alter the serialization behavior for all our model properties from snake case to camel case.
How To Add TailwindCSS to a New AdonisJS Project
This lesson covers creating a new AdonisJS project that includes Webpack Encore, then adding and configuring PostCSS and TailwindCSS within the project.
How To Add AdonisJS Edge Support to your WebStorm Environment
A quick tip on how to add AdonisJS Edge syntax highlighting to your JetBrains WebStorm environment using the VSCode plugin and TextMate Bundles.
Debugging, Inspecting, and Freezing Code Execution
In this lesson, we cover a couple of ways to debug your AdonisJS application using the Edge inspect global function, the debugger keyword, and the Chromium NodeJS Devtools.
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