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Lesson 3.1
Adding Interactivity to our Button
In this lesson, we'll add extendable interactivity to our button using AlpineJS. We'll also walk through a demonstration of how we can utilize event propagation in AlpineJS to our advantage.
Lesson 2.3
Serializing Props as Element Attributes
In this lesson, we'll learn about EdgeJS' serialize only and serialize except utility methods, which allow us to directly serialize key-value pairs from our props as element attributes within our components.
Lesson 2.2
Component Props and Default State
In this lesson, we'll learn how about props and how props and state interact within EdgeJS Components. We'll also take a look at how we can default default state values for our components.
Latest topic lessons
Lesson 7.0
Listing & Creating Difficulties
In this lesson, we'll create a page to list the active organization's difficulties. Then, we'll add the ability to create a new difficulty and add a new color picker type to our FormInput component.
Lesson 6.6
The Confirm Delete Dialog & Deleting the Active Organization
In this lesson, we'll create a reusable confirm deletion dialog and bind its state into our use resource actions composable. We'll then incorporate this all together to allow users to delete their active organization.
Lesson 6.5
Editing the Active Organization
In this lesson, we'll make use of our useResourceActions composable to add the ability for our user's to edit their active organization.
Latest topic lessons
Lesson 7.6
Protecting Routes with Auth, Guest, and Admin Middleware
In this lesson, we'll learn about the auth and guest middleware included when we created our AdonisJS 6 project. Then, we'll create our own named middleware that will allow us to restrict page access to only users with the admin role.
Lesson 19.0
How To Get City and State Info from User’s IP Address using IP2Location
In this lesson, we'll learn how to get our user's city, region, and country location information using their IP address.
Lesson 2.0
AdonisJS User Role Management
In this lesson, we'll learn how to create a user management screen that'll allow administrators to change any of our registered user's roles