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Building with AdonisJS & Inertia
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Lesson 10.5
Updating & Deleting an Organization
In this lesson, we'll begin work on our organization's settings page by adding the ability to update and delete the active organization.
Lesson 10.4
Account Deletion & Cleaning Dangling Organizations
In this lesson, we'll add the ability for our user's to delete their accounts. During account deletion, we'll also delete any organization's this user is the only member of, keeping them from dangling inside our database without users.
Lesson 10.3
Alerting Users When Their Account Email Is Changed
In this lesson, we'll add an additional security step onto our account email change logic, by also notifying the user's old email address about the change.
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6
Latest from this series
Lesson 11.11
Thank You for Watching!
A quick thank you to all those who watched! If you have feedback, please let us know down in the comments.
Lesson 11.10
Allowing Admins to Delete Movies and their Relationships
In this lesson, we'll learn how we can safely delete movies and their relationships. We'll discuss how we need to consider foreign key constraints, and what to do when our deletes aren't set to cascade.
Lesson 11.9
Managed Transactions and Syncing Movie Cast Members
In this lesson, we'll learn how we can use what we learned in the last lesson to also sync our cast members. We'll then extract this functionality into a service and wrap it within a managed database transactions.
EdgeJS Components
Latest from this series
Lesson 6.2
Form HTTP Method Components
In this lesson, we'll create helper HTTP Method form components, further simplifying our method spoofing by allowing us to just chain the desired method off our form component.
Lesson 6.1
Form Component Method Spoofing
In this lesson, we'll add simplified HTTP Method Spoofing functionality to our base form component. With this simplified functionality all we'll need to do is specify the desired HTTP Method to the method prop and it'll add it to our URL.
Lesson 6.0
Form Utility Component
In this lesson, we'll start a form utility component. This component will allow us to create one central location where we can maintain our forms and provide additional functionality like simplified method spoofing.
Building with AdonisJS & Inertia
Latest from this series
Lesson 10.5
Updating & Deleting an Organization
In this lesson, we'll begin work on our organization's settings page by adding the ability to update and delete the active organization.
Lesson 10.4
Account Deletion & Cleaning Dangling Organizations
In this lesson, we'll add the ability for our user's to delete their accounts. During account deletion, we'll also delete any organization's this user is the only member of, keeping them from dangling inside our database without users.
Lesson 10.3
Alerting Users When Their Account Email Is Changed
In this lesson, we'll add an additional security step onto our account email change logic, by also notifying the user's old email address about the change.
AdonisJS Quick Tip
Latest from this series
Lesson 22.0
New Unique & Exist Validation Overloads in AdonisJS 6
In this lesson, we'll cover the new overload option recently added to Lucid's VineJS unique and exists rules allowing for a simplified usage for common use-cases.
Lesson 21.0
3 Easy Ways to Split Route Definitions into Multiple Files in AdonisJS 6
Does your application have a ton of routes? In this lesson, we'll cover 3 easy ways you can split your application's route definitions into multiple files.
Lesson 20.0
Model Query Builder Macros in AdonisJS 6
In this lesson, we'll learn how we can add custom methods to the Model Query Builder with Lucid in AdonisJS 6 using macros.
AdonisJS In 30
Latest from this series
Lesson 9.0
How To Add Social Authentication with AdonisJS Ally & Google
In this lesson, we'll learn how we can use AdonisJS Ally to add social authentication to our applications. We'll use Google for our demonstration, but this same process also applies to GitHub, Facebook, Discord, LinkedIn, Twitter, & more
Lesson 8.0
How To Make A Simple AdonisJS 6 Package
In this lesson, we'll learn how to use AdonisJS' Package Starter Kit to create a simple package where we can configure and add a make:action Ace CLI command to generate action class files, similar to the make:service command.
Lesson 7.0
Three Approaches for Organizing your AdonisJS Business Logic Operations
In this lesson, we'll dive deep into three different ways we can organize our code; fat controllers, services, and actions. We'll also discuss circular dependencies, static and non-static service methods, and dependency injection.
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6
Latest from this series
Lesson 11.11
Thank You for Watching!
A quick thank you to all those who watched! If you have feedback, please let us know down in the comments.
Lesson 11.10
Allowing Admins to Delete Movies and their Relationships
In this lesson, we'll learn how we can safely delete movies and their relationships. We'll discuss how we need to consider foreign key constraints, and what to do when our deletes aren't set to cascade.
Lesson 11.9
Managed Transactions and Syncing Movie Cast Members
In this lesson, we'll learn how we can use what we learned in the last lesson to also sync our cast members. We'll then extract this functionality into a service and wrap it within a managed database transactions.
EdgeJS Components
Latest from this series
Lesson 6.2
Form HTTP Method Components
In this lesson, we'll create helper HTTP Method form components, further simplifying our method spoofing by allowing us to just chain the desired method off our form component.
Lesson 6.1
Form Component Method Spoofing
In this lesson, we'll add simplified HTTP Method Spoofing functionality to our base form component. With this simplified functionality all we'll need to do is specify the desired HTTP Method to the method prop and it'll add it to our URL.
Lesson 6.0
Form Utility Component
In this lesson, we'll start a form utility component. This component will allow us to create one central location where we can maintain our forms and provide additional functionality like simplified method spoofing.
Let's Learn AdonisJS 5
Latest from this series
Lesson 6.2
Model vs Database Query Builder
In this lesson, we'll take a look at the differences between the model and database query builders.
Lesson 6.1
Limiting, Sorting, & Pagination with the Query Builder
In this lesson, we'll take a look at the various options we have to limit results when using the query builder including first, firstOrFail, limit, and pagination. We'll also learn how we can sort our results.
Lesson 6.0
Intro to the Query Builder & It's Where Statements
In this lesson, we'll introduce the query builder. We'll spend most of our time looking at its various where statement options and how we can use them to build queries.
AdonisJS + InertiaJS
Latest from this series
Lesson 9.0
How To Create An AdonisJS 5 & Inertia 1 Project with SSR
In this lesson, we’ll take a look at how to set up AdonisJS 5 and InertiaJS V1 using server-side rendering (SSR).
Lesson 8.0
Form Validation Error Handling
In this lesson, we'll see just how nice InertiaJS is when it comes to form validation error handling. As you'll see, little work needs to be done on our part.
Lesson 7.0
Introducing InertiaJS Forms & The InertiaJS Form Helper
In this lesson, we'll learn about InertiaJS and how it differs when it comes to forms. We'll see how it helps simplify response handling and treats forms as a hybrid between APIs and a Monolith. We'll also learn about Inertia's form helper.
HTMX & AdonisJS Filters
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Lesson 5.0
Updating Our URL & Populating Filter Field Values
In this lesson, we'll learn how we can use HTMX to easily update our URL via our AdonisJS response. Then, we'll use our URL's query string to pre-populate our filter form field values.
Lesson 4.0
Posting & Swapping Filtered Content with HTMX
In this lesson, we'll utilize the filter form handler we defined in our last lesson by adding an HTMX post handler to our filter form that will retrieve the filtered results HTML and swap it with the pre-existing results.
Lesson 3.0
Defining Our AdonisJS Filter Form Handler
In this lesson, we'll expand on the filter query we built in the last lesson by reusing the query within a service for our filter form handler.
Let's Build A Changelog App
Latest from this series
Lesson 5.0
Team / User Management
In this stream, we'll add the ability for admins to invite others to their team. They'll be able to either invite them as a member or another admin.
Lesson 4.0
Creating Teams & Setting Default Team
In this stream, we'll be adding the ability to create new teams, set the default team for a user when they switch between teams, and auto-forward users to their default team after login.
Lesson 3.0
Project CRUD
In this stream, we'll be defining our starting projects table schema, model, and setting up create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations for it.
AdonisJS User Roles
Latest from this series
Lesson 4.0
Simple Steps To Require Email Verification In Your AdonisJS App
Learn how to require your users to verify their email address using a Token model with AdonisJS and Lucid ORM.
Lesson 3.0
How To Create A Password Reset Flow in NodeJS with AdonisJS
In this lesson, we'll cover, from start to finish, how to create your own password reset (or forgot password) flow in your NodeJS application with AdonisJS.
Lesson 2.0
AdonisJS User Role Management
In this lesson, we'll learn how to create a user management screen that'll allow administrators to change any of our registered user's roles
Let's Build with AdonisJS
Latest from this series
Lesson 1.11
Recreating YouTube's Chapters Functionality
In this stream, we'll be working to recreate YouTube's chapter functionality on Adocasts.
Lesson 1.10
Altering Adocasts' Lesson 404 Page Behavior
In this stream, we'll alter our soon-to-be-published lessons to display a "Coming Soon" notice when visited instead of the current 404 page.
Lesson 1.8
Working A Bit with AdonisJS Social Auth
In this stream, we worked on fixing an issue I have on the new, not yet released, Jagr site where I didn't account for changing emails within my social auth.
AdonisJS Bouncer
Latest from this series
Lesson 4.0
Creating & Using Bouncer Policies
We'll learn about policies and how we can use them to group resource-based actions. We'll also learn how to create and share hooks with policies.
Lesson 3.0
Implementing Authorization Actions
We'll take what we learned about AdonisJS Bouncer actions in the last lesson to finalize the needed authorization checks for our blog application.
Lesson 2.0
Bouncer Actions & Authorizations
We'll learn about AdonisJS Bouncer actions and how we can use these actions to check if a user is authorized to perform a specific task. Plus, conditional check authorizations.
AdonisJS 5 Infinite Load
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Lesson 2.0
How To Create An Infinite Loader
In this lesson, we'll be going over how to add an infinite loader to our app. We'll specifically be utilizing an Edge component and our Model's paginate method to make this happen.
Lesson 1.0
Project Setup & Creating Dummy Data
In this lesson, we'll be setting up our project with fake data using a Model Factory and a Seeder. We'll also set up our initial list of posts so that we're all set and squared away to cover
Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 Preview
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Lesson 16.0
Let's Learn Adonis 5: Introducing The Edge Template Engine
In this lesson, we learn the basics of the Edge Templating Engine, which allows us to dynamically inject our server-side data into our HTML views.
Lesson 15.0
Let's Learn Adonis 5: Validating Requests
In this lesson, we focus on Adonis' built-in Validator. We'll learn how to define a validation schema, custom messages, custom rules, and more
Lesson 14.0
Let's Learn Adonis 5: Writing Reusable Queries with Query Scopes
In this lesson, we'll learn how we can extract repetitive query builder statements into reusable query scopes as a way to keep our codebase easy to maintain.
Cross-Tab Communication
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Lesson 3.0
Cross-Tab Communication in JavaScript using a BroadcastChannel
We discuss how to do cross-tab communication with a BroadcastChannel, the browser's native API to communicate across browser instances. It's rather similar to using a SharedWorker, just without the worker.
Lesson 2.0
Cross-Tab Communication in JavaScript using a SharedWorker
In this lesson we'll be going over how to do cross-tab communication using a SharedWorker. SharedWorkers are Web Workers that are sharable across browser-instances (tabs, windows, etc).
Lesson 1.0
How To Do Cross-Tab Communication In JavaScript With LocalStorage
In this lesson, we'll be going over how to do cross-tab communication using LocalStorage. Of the three methods we'll be discussing, this one is the most browser compatible method; despite it being a workaround.
Amplify + Nuxt
Latest from this series
Lesson 7.0
How To Deploy a Nuxt SPA to AWS Amplify for Production
We'll learn how to create and deploy an Amplify production environment so that our development data and production data are separate from one another.
Lesson 6.0
How To Deploy A Nuxt SPA To AWS Amplify
In this lesson we cover how to deploy our Nuxt application as an SPA to AWS Amplify.
Lesson 5.0
Implementing Our Private & Public Amplify GraphQL API In Our Nuxt App
In this lesson we'll be implementing the publicly and privately accessible GraphQL API that we created in the last lesson within our Nuxt project.