AdonisJS In 30
In this series, we'll highlight various features and functionalities in AdonisJS you can complete in about 30 minutes or less.
Lesson 1.0
AdonisJS Authentication in 15 Minutes
We'll be creating a new AdonisJS project and adding authentication to it within 15 minutes. You'll be able to logout, register, and login with either your username or email.
Lesson 2.0
How To Do Multi Model Authentication with AdonisJS and Lucid ORM
In this lesson, we'll learn how to set up multi-model authentication using a User and Admin model with AdonisJS and Lucid ORM.
Lesson 3.0
AdonisJS User Role Authentication in 15 Minutes
In this lesson, we'll learn how we can specify user roles using a User and Role AdonisJS Model within our project.
Lesson 4.0
AdonisJS 5 API & Nuxt 3 SSR Authentication in 15 Minutes
In this lesson, we’ll learn how to set up authentication in an AdonisJS API application while using server-side rendered (SSR) Nuxt 3 as our front end.
Lesson 5.0
AdonisJS 6 Session Authentication in 15 Minutes
In this lesson, we'll learn how to add authentication to a new AdonisJS 6 application using the session guard. In these 15 minutes, you'll learn how to register a user, logout a user, verify a user's credentials and log them in, and more.
Lesson 6.0
AdonisJS 6 Access Token Authentication in 20 Minutes
In this lesson, we'll cover how to implement access token authentication, using opaque tokens, in AdonisJS 6. We'll also take a look at what this would look like on the frontend via a Vue 3 app using Pinia
Lesson 7.0
Three Approaches for Organizing your AdonisJS Business Logic Operations
In this lesson, we'll dive deep into three different ways we can organize our code; fat controllers, services, and actions. We'll also discuss circular dependencies, static and non-static service methods, and dependency injection.
Lesson 8.0
How To Make A Simple AdonisJS 6 Package
In this lesson, we'll learn how to use AdonisJS' Package Starter Kit to create a simple package where we can configure and add a make:action Ace CLI command to generate action class files, similar to the make:service command.