AdonisJS Quick Tip
Quick tips, lessons, and screencasts covering specific topics on AdonisJS.

Lesson 1.0
Getting Data by the User's Timezone with Luxon's DateTime
In this lesson, we'll learn how we can use the user's current time zone to create, update, or query time-sensitive information in AdonisJS using Luxon's DateTime object.

Lesson 2.0
Debugging, Inspecting, and Freezing Code Execution
In this lesson, we cover a couple of ways to debug your AdonisJS application using the Edge inspect global function, the debugger keyword, and the Chromium NodeJS Devtools.

Lesson 3.0
How To Add AdonisJS Edge Support to your WebStorm Environment
A quick tip on how to add AdonisJS Edge syntax highlighting to your JetBrains WebStorm environment using the VSCode plugin and TextMate Bundles.

Lesson 4.0
How To Add TailwindCSS to a New AdonisJS Project
This lesson covers creating a new AdonisJS project that includes Webpack Encore, then adding and configuring PostCSS and TailwindCSS within the project.

Lesson 5.0
How To Serialize All AdonisJS Lucid Model Properties As Camel Case
In this lesson, we'll learn how to use Naming Strategies in AdonisJS to alter the serialization behavior for all our model properties from snake case to camel case.

Lesson 6.0
How To Add A Global Property To Your HttpContext in AdonisJS 5
In this lesson, we'll be covering how we can extend our HttpContext with a new property that we'll populate using a route parameter.

Lesson 7.0
How To Add A Custom Method to the Model Query Builder in AdonisJS
In this lesson, we'll learn how to define a macro for the Model Query Builder within an AdonisJS project to provide a new method onto all our Model's Query Builder.

Lesson 8.0
How To Make Your AdonisJS Authentication Login Case-Insensitive
Learn how to make the AdonisJS login attempt query case-insensitive easily by adding a simple method to our User Model.

Lesson 9.0
Http Method Spoofing & Helper Components in AdonisJS
In this lesson, we'll learn how we can utilize Http Method Spoofing to send PUT, PATCH, and DELETE requests using native HTML forms. We'll then create utility functions to make the implementation cleaner.

Lesson 10.0
How To Use Vue 3 with TypeScript in an AdonisJS Project
In this lesson, we’ll learn how to set up a Vue 3 TypeScript application within our AdonisJS project using Webpack Encore. We’ll start by getting Vue 3 working, then sprinkle in TypeScript support.

Lesson 11.0
How To Create Your Own Global Helpers in AdonisJS
In this lesson, we'll learn how we can create our own globally available helper methods & properties in AdonisJS.

Lesson 12.0
Minify Your AdonisJS HTML in 5 Minutes
We'll learn how we can alter all our AdonisJS HTML response bodies using a simple global middleware to add HTML minification.

Lesson 13.0
How To Redirect Back to the Previous Page After Login with AdonisJS
In this lesson, we'll learn an easy way we can redirect our user's back to their original page after they login or register in an AdonisJS application.

Lesson 14.0
Remember Me in AdonisJS Authentication
In this lesson, we'll take a look at how to remember the user's authentication session in AdonisJS Auth. We'll learn how to define the remember me checkbox within our form and more.

Lesson 15.0
How To Seamlessly Share AdonisJS Sessions & Authentication Across Subdomains
In this lesson, we'll learn how one simple tweak to our AdonisJS project allows us to seamlessly share sessions and user authentication across multiple subdomains, as well as our application's primary domain.

Lesson 16.0
Exploring My Favorite AdonisJS Model Query Builder Macros: Tips and Examples
In this lesson, I'll highlight a few of my favorite Model Query Builder Macros that I carry with me from project to project. Have a favorite of your own? Let me know in the comments!

Lesson 17.0
Gracefully Checking and Handling An Expired Auth Session
In this lesson, we’ll take a look at how to gracefully reset the user’s stale session, which includes authentication, CSRF tokens, or anything else you may have set for the user.

Lesson 18.0
How To Use AdonisJS Model Hooks To Log All User Actions
In this lesson, we’ll be taking a look at how we can log any and every user action performed against our AdonisJS models.

Lesson 19.0
How To Get City and State Info from User’s IP Address using IP2Location
In this lesson, we'll learn how to get our user's city, region, and country location information using their IP address.

Lesson 20.0
Model Query Builder Macros in AdonisJS 6
In this lesson, we'll learn how we can add custom methods to the Model Query Builder with Lucid in AdonisJS 6 using macros.

Lesson 21.0
3 Easy Ways to Split Route Definitions into Multiple Files in AdonisJS 6
Does your application have a ton of routes? In this lesson, we'll cover 3 easy ways you can split your application's route definitions into multiple files.

Lesson 22.0
New Unique & Exist Validation Overloads in AdonisJS 6
In this lesson, we'll cover the new overload option recently added to Lucid's VineJS unique and exists rules allowing for a simplified usage for common use-cases.