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Forgot Password

Forgot Password & Password Reset

In this lesson, we'll walk through setting up the complete forgot password flow including, creating a password reset token with time-expiry, sending an email notification with a password reset link, verifying the token, and resetting the users password.

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Remember Me Token

Adding the Remember Me Token

In this lesson, we'll enable the remember me feature on our auth login flow and add the remember me tokens table to our database.

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Login & Exceptions

Logging In Users & Displaying Exceptions

In this lesson, we'll add the ability to login to our application. We'll then discuss the differences between errors and errorsBag and how we can display long-lived exception messages as an alternative to our toast manager.

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Onboarding New Users

Onboarding Newly Registered Users

In this lesson, we'll create our onboarding flow for newly registered users. Before users can enter the application, they'll need to have at least one organization set up so everything works smoothly.

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Logging Out Users

Logging Out Users

In this lesson, we'll hook up our logout user menu button to a POST route to logout an authenticated user.

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Splitting Our Routes Between Auth & Web

Splitting Our Routes Between Auth & Web

In this lesson, we'll split our routes into two files: auth and web. Our auth routes file will contain all our authentication-based route definitions and our web routes will contain the remaining.

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Register new users

User Registration with InertiaJS

In this lesson, we'll complete our user registration flow by validating our registration form data, creating a new user, logging that user in, and forwarding them to the next page in the flow.

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Toast Message Manager

Creating A Toast Message Manager

Learn how to implement a user feedback manager in your app using toast messages and vue-sonner. We'll integrate our flash message manager with state provided from AdonisJS' flash messages store to display success and error messages.

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AppLayout & NavBar

Completing Our AppLayout & Navigation Bar

In this lesson, we'll finish setting up our application's layout shell and navigation bar.

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Model Types with DTOs

Typing Lucid Models in Inertia with DTOs

In this lesson, we'll learn how we can specify types for our Lucid Models easily using DTOs we'll generate directly from our models.

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Seeding Our Initial Data

Seeding Our Initial Database Data

In this lesson, we'll create a seeder file to create the initial data we'll need in our database to get going. For now, that's just going to be our application's roles.

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Lucid Model Relationship Mixin

Creating A Lucid Model Mixin for our Organization Relationship

In this lesson, we'll learn how we can extract repetitive relationships, and other model properties/methods, into a mixin. We'll also learn what to look out for when using decorators within a TypeScript mixin.


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Model vs Database
Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 #6.2
Dec 28, 23

Model vs Database Query Builder

In this lesson, we'll take a look at the differences between the model and database query builders.

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Mixins and Compose
Dec 17, 23

A Deep Dive Into Mixins & Compose

In this lesson, we'll walk through what mixins are and how they work by first inspecting them as plain objects then working our way into classes then finally TypeScript. We'll then implement mixins via AdonisJS' compose utility.

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Self-Destruct & Dismissible Alerts
EdgeJS Components #4.4
Dec 11, 23

Dismissible & Self Destructing Alerts

In this lesson, we'll focus on adding interactivity to our alerts by making them both conditionally dismissible and self-destructable.

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Inverse Style & Cascading Slots
EdgeJS Components #4.3
Dec 11, 23

Inverse Alert Style & Cascading Slots

In this lesson, we'll add our alert's inverse styling by extending our base alert. We'll also see how to cascade slots passed into our inverse alert to our extended base alert.

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Limiting, Sorting, and Pagination
Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 #6.1
Dec 08, 23

Limiting, Sorting, & Pagination with the Query Builder

In this lesson, we'll take a look at the various options we have to limit results when using the query builder including first, firstOrFail, limit, and pagination. We'll also learn how we can sort our results.

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Adding Conditional Content
EdgeJS Components #4.2
Dec 04, 23

Adding Conditional Icon, Headline, and Message Content

In this lesson, we'll make our alert's icon, headline, and message completely optional. We'll also allow our icon to be provided via slot and our headline and message via prop or slot.

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Adding Alert Variants
EdgeJS Components #4.1
Dec 04, 23

Adding Alert Variants

In this lesson, we'll focus on adding a light, dark, blue, green, red, and yellow variant option to our base alert.

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Creating Our Base alert
EdgeJS Components #4.0
Dec 04, 23

Creating Our Base Alert

In this lesson, we'll create our base alert to serve as our building block for our content, variant, and style options. We'll also fix a pseudo-selector issue.

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Introducing the Query Builder
Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 #6.0
Nov 26, 23

Intro to the Query Builder & It's Where Statements

In this lesson, we'll introduce the query builder. We'll spend most of our time looking at its various where statement options and how we can use them to build queries.

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Button Inverse and Outline Styles
EdgeJS Components #3.4
Nov 20, 23

Adding Button Inverse and Outline Styles

In this lesson, we'll add two new button style options, inverse and outline. Both styles will extend off the work we did with our base button to keep all functionality in one concise location

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Adding Button Variants
EdgeJS Components #3.3
Nov 20, 23

Adding Button Variants

In this lesson, we'll add variant options for our base button. These will provide light and dark options as well as stateful coloring blue, green, red, and yellow.

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Adding Button Sizes
EdgeJS Components #3.2
Nov 20, 23

Adding Button Size Options

In this lesson, we'll add four size options to our base button large, base, small, and extra small. These sizes will then automatically be available as we add our button variants and styles.

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Adding Interactivity to our Button
EdgeJS Components #3.1
Nov 13, 23

Adding Interactivity to our Button

In this lesson, we'll add extendable interactivity to our button using AlpineJS. We'll also walk through a demonstration of how we can utilize event propagation in AlpineJS to our advantage.

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Base Button
EdgeJS Components #3.0
Nov 13, 23

Creating Our Base Button

In this lesson, we'll create our base button component which al our other button styles will derive from. It'll be in charge of building our classes, adding interactivity, and more.

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Main Slot, Named Slots, and Slot Scope
EdgeJS Components #2.4
Nov 06, 23

Main Slot, Named Slots, and Slot Scopes

In this lesson, we'll learn all about the main slot, how to define and use named slots, as well as passing state information from within our components to our slots using slot scopes.

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Serialize Props as Attributes
EdgeJS Components #2.3
Nov 06, 23

Serializing Props as Element Attributes

In this lesson, we'll learn about EdgeJS' serialize only and serialize except utility methods, which allow us to directly serialize key-value pairs from our props as element attributes within our components.

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Location from user IP address
AdonisJS Quick Tip #19.0
Nov 03, 23

How To Get City and State Info from User’s IP Address using IP2Location

In this lesson, we'll learn how to get our user's city, region, and country location information using their IP address.

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Component Props & Default State
EdgeJS Components #2.2
Oct 29, 23

Component Props and Default State

In this lesson, we'll learn how about props and how props and state interact within EdgeJS Components. We'll also take a look at how we can default default state values for our components.

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EdgeJS and AlpineJS State
EdgeJS Components #2.1
Oct 29, 23

Component State & Passing State from EdgeJS to ApineJS

In this lesson, we'll take a look at how we can define and manage state within EdgeJS Components. We'll also learn how we can pass single properties or full objects from EdgeJS to AlpineJS and our client-side scripts.

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
A Look at Component Reactivity
EdgeJS Components #2.0
Oct 29, 23

A Look At Component Reactivity

In this lesson, we'll take a look at how we'll approach reactivity within our EdgeJS components using AlpineJS. We'll also briefly discuss where the line between EdgeJS and AlpineJS is, in terms of our component state and reactivity.

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