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AdonisJS Bouncer #2.0
Dec 24, 21

Bouncer Actions & Authorizations

We'll learn about AdonisJS Bouncer actions and how we can use these actions to check if a user is authorized to perform a specific task. Plus, conditional check authorizations.

AdonisJS Bouncer #1.0
Dec 18, 21

Introducing, Installing, & Configuring Bouncer

In this lesson, we'll introduce AdonisJS Bouncer, the first-party AdonisJS package for authorization checking. We'll also get a start project setup and install and configure Bouncer.

AdonisJS in 15 #1.0
Dec 12, 21

AdonisJS Authentication in 15 Minutes

We'll be creating a new AdonisJS project and adding authentication to it within 15 minutes. You'll be able to logout, register, and login with either your username or email.

AdonisJS Quick Tip #3.0
Dec 08, 21

How To Add AdonisJS Edge Support to your WebStorm Environment

A quick tip on how to add AdonisJS Edge syntax highlighting to your JetBrains WebStorm environment using the VSCode plugin and TextMate Bundles.

Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 #3.1
Dec 02, 21

Route & Controller Resources

In this lesson, we'll learn what a resource is and how we can quickly and easily define a route resource and handle each resourceful route with a resource controller.

Let's Build with AdonisJS #1.5
Nov 27, 21

Rebuilding Jagr.Co, Adding Posts & SubCollections to Collections

In this stream, we focus on adding the ability to add posts and subcollections to a collection.

Let's Build with AdonisJS #1.4
Nov 26, 21

Rebuilding Jagr.Co, Post, Collection, & Taxonomy Models

In this stream, we focus on setting up the models and migrations for the Collection and Taxonomy models and tables. We set up their relationships and get the Collection CRUD operations setup

Let's Build with AdonisJS #1.3
Nov 20, 21

Rebuilding Jagr.Co, Social Auth & Image Management

In this stream, we work on finishing up social authentication using AdonisJS Ally. Then, we'll add project and permission settings and image uploading to Digital Ocean Spaces.

AdonisJS Quick Tip #2.0
Nov 17, 21

Debugging, Inspecting, and Freezing Code Execution

In this lesson, we cover a couple of ways to debug your AdonisJS application using the Edge inspect global function, the debugger keyword, and the Chromium NodeJS Devtools.

Let's Build with AdonisJS #1.2
Nov 16, 21

Rebuilding Jagr.Co, Password Reset & Account Locking

In this livestream, we'll add a system to lock users' accounts after so many bad login attempts and we'll also add in the password reset flow.

Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 #3.0
Nov 10, 21

Handling Routes with Controllers

In this lesson, we'll learn about Controllers and how we can keep our route definitions clean and easy to scan by extracting our route handlers into these Controllers.

Let's Build with AdonisJS #1.1
Nov 06, 21

Rebuilding Jagr.Co, Username Sign In & Post CRUD

In this livestream we cover adding the ability to sign in using either a username or email address. We also dig into setting up the ability to create, read, update, and delete our posts.

AdonisJS Quick Tip #1.0
Nov 03, 21

Getting Data by the User's Timezone with Luxon's DateTime

In this lesson, we'll learn how we can use the user's current time zone to create, update, or query time-sensitive information in AdonisJS using Luxon's DateTime object.

Let's Build with AdonisJS #1.0
Oct 30, 21

Rebuilding Jagr.Co, Start & Auth

In this livestream we create a new project, install and configure the Lucid and Auth packages. Define our migrations and model schema. And hammer down basic authentication.

AdonisJS Quick Tip #6.0
Oct 27, 21

How To Add A Global Property To Your HttpContext in AdonisJS 5

In this lesson, we'll be covering how we can extend our HttpContext with a new property that we'll populate using a route parameter.

Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 #2.6
Oct 20, 21

Extending the Adonis Router and Route Matchers

In this lesson, we'll be learning how we can add our own chainable methods using macros to the Adonis Router's Route, Route Group, Route Resource, Brisk Route, and Matchers properties.

Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 #2.5
Oct 10, 21

Generating URLs and Signed URLs

In this lesson, we'll be focusing specifically on generating URLs from our route definitions. We'll cover generating generic URLs, signed URLs, redirect URLs, and more.

Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 #2.4
Oct 06, 21

Multi-File Route Grouping Strategies

In this lesson, we'll discuss strategies you can use to apply multiple files worth of route definitions into a single route group without redefining the route group in each file.

Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 #2.3
Oct 02, 21

Naming, Grouping, & Prefixing Routes

In this lesson, we'll learn about naming routes and using groups with prefixes to structure our routes and reduce redundancies.

Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 #2.2
Sep 25, 21

Moving & Organizing Routes

In this lesson, we'll cover various different ways you can structure your routes within your Adonis project, including moving the routes.ts file, and using a module approach

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