How To Create A Custom VineJS Validation Rule
In this lesson, we'll learn how to make a custom validation rule with VineJS that requires a value to be unique for the provided table and column. We'll learn how we can register this rule for both strings and number types.
- Author
- Tom Gobich
- Published
- Apr 12
- Duration
- 9m 7s
Developer, dog lover, and burrito eater. Currently teaching AdonisJS, a fully featured NodeJS framework, and running Adocasts where I post new lessons weekly. Professionally, I work with JavaScript, .Net C#, and SQL Server.
Burlington, KY
How To Create A Custom VineJS Validation Rule
(upbeat music)
So we can create our own rules with VineJS as well.
And the documentation does a fantastic job
of walking through this.
And the example that they give is great as well.
So we're gonna walk through that in this lesson
in the context of AdonisJS.
So we're gonna be provided a couple of things
whenever we create a rule.
We're gonna be provided the value,
which will be of type unknown.
So we're gonna need to discern what the type is
before we actually attempt to use it.
Options accepted by the rule.
These are options that we can define as is.
So this could be something like a table or a column
to check the database to see whether or not
a value is unique.
That's something defined by us.
And if we define the rule to have nothing as options,
then the second parameter will be undefined.
Then comes the field context.
This is contextual information about the actual field data.
So things like the value, data, metadata,
whether the field is valid, defined.
You can mutate the value, report errors,
field parent, name, and whether or not it's an array member.
So that's what's confined within the field context.
So to start, we're going to need a place
to house our new validation rule.
For this, we'll want to use a preload file.
So we can stop our server.
Let's clear that out.
Let's do node ace make reload.
We'll put these inside of a directory called rules,
and we're gonna follow along with the documentations example.
So we'll create a unique rule to simplify the unique checks
throughout our validation example.
Remember, right now within our application,
if we dive inside of our auth validator,
our unique check looks something like this,
where we're taking a callback function
that's provided into the database,
manually compiling out that query,
and then returning back whether or not we found results.
So we're gonna wrap this up in a pretty little bow,
where all that we need to do is provide in the table
and the column that we want to check,
and the check will happen automatically.
So let's hide that back away.
Let's run that to create our preload.
We'll have it register it within our AdonisRC.ts file,
and we're good to go there.
Let's go ahead and boot our server back up while we're here.
All right, let's hide that back away
and dive into our text editor,
and let's head into our new preload file.
So that's within our start directory.
We created that within a folder called rules,
and there's our file for unique.
Within here, we're gonna want an async function.
We'll call this function our rules name.
Within the documentation, they call this unique.
However, I don't want to overwrite
the current unique check that we have.
We'll leave this in place.
So let's name our simplified rule something different,
maybe something like is unique.
Our parameters to this method will then be the value,
which as the documentation noted, is of type unknown.
So we need to discern what type the actual value holds
before we can use it.
Then options.
By default, if we don't want our method
to accept any options, this will be undefined.
We do want ours to accept options,
but just to get us going,
let's stub that to undefined for right now.
And then our field information,
which is of type field context,
which we can import from vine.js/vine-types.
Since we're specifically going to use that just as a type,
we'll import that as a type there as well.
So for our options,
let's go ahead and create a type for that.
So we'll do type options equals object.
We'll have one option be our table.
So the table that we should check against for the column,
this will be a type string,
and then the column that we should check against
inside of that table.
Let's jump down to our options
and set that as the type value there.
The first thing we're going to want to do
is check the type of our value.
For the documentation,
they show this as just being a string
and they kick out anything that is not a string,
but I could see this being used for an ID as well.
So I think we'll allow numbers within ours as well.
So let's do if type of value does not equal string
and type of value does not equal number,
then we'll just want to return back out of this method
so that this particular method
doesn't handle either of those types.
We're going to add our is unique method
as an option onto vine string and vine number.
So if the value doesn't match one of those two types,
the vine string or vine number validation
will handle that accordingly.
So within our actual unique check,
we don't need to report the error at this point
because that vine string or vine number check
will take care of that for us.
We can just ignore the value here.
Then if our value is a string or a number,
we can move onward.
So we'll do const result equals await,
and then we're going to want to import the database module
because we don't know what particular model
we're going to be working with here.
So we can use the database module to accept in the table
that we should check against and hone that in
on the particular column to check and see
whether or not we have a value.
So import db from at AdonisJS,
Lucid services, db, we can scroll back down
and make use of that db query builder.
So db.from, provide in our options.table,
select just the options.column that we want to hone in on
where that options.column equals the value
that's provided in.
And then if any of them exist inside of the database,
the is unique check will be false.
So we can just stop at the first found record
and get that back as our result.
So if we have a result,
then we'll want to report that the value is not unique.
So we'll do field, and then we can use that report method
that we saw inside of the documentation to report an error.
The first argument here is going to be that error message.
The second argument is going to be the rule that failed.
And then the third argument is going to be
the field information for our validation.
So for this value, we can do something like this
and then reach for interpolation and specify in the field.
And this would plop something in like this.
And then if we're validating an email,
this would be this email is already taken
or something like that.
The rule here is is unique.
And then the field information we can provide in
as the third argument.
If this rule is valid, however,
we don't want to report an error.
And instead we can just escape out of this function
so we don't need to do anything else.
Okay, so we have the function handler
for our rule fully defined.
Now we need to register it with VineJS.
So first thing we're going to want to import find
from VineJS/find.
Scroll back down and let's do const is unique rule
equals find.
And there's a method on here called create rule
that will actually create a find validator rule
for the function that we provide in.
So we'll just want to provide in our is unique function.
There, now we've actually created a find rule
with our is unique method.
And the full rule is our is unique rule variable.
We could export this so that we could use it
as needed elsewhere.
But as stated earlier, we could also add this directly
onto the types that we want this rule
to be available for as well,
which in our case is both our string and our numbered types.
So let's import find string,
which is the rule set for the find string validator
and then find number,
which is the same thing for the number validator.
Scroll back down and let's do a macro for both of those.
So we'll do find string first,
create a macro called is unique.
We'll create a block level function that accepts in this,
which is of type find string.
And this is an instance of the actual validation rule
that's being built specifically for the string type.
And then the second argument will want to be
the actual options that we accept
into our new is unique validation rule.
So that's going to be the options type
that we defined at the top of this file.
It's defined as a block level function
and then return this dot.
And we can use to push our validation rule
into the applied validations
for this specific find string instance.
So for this use method,
we'll want to provide in our is unique rule,
not the actual is unique function.
So we'll do is unique rule.
We'll call that as a function
and provide the options into it.
Okay, now we're getting a red squiggly
on our is unique string because is unique
is not assignable to a parameter uptight key find string
because it has not been defined on the actual type set.
So we want to do that next.
So let's declare module at find JS slash bind.
Then we'll want to reach for the bind string interface.
So bind string there and add in our is unique rule
and designate that this accepts in options of type options
and returns back the validation rule builder of type this.
And now we should have that readily available to us.
Furthermore, if we now dive back into our auth validator,
before where we call this unique,
let's attempt to do now dot is unique
and there is our brand new rule.
And if we attempt to call it,
we'll see that it accepts in our options.
So we can provide in our object with a type table.
For this, we want to check the users table
and provide in the column.
Then we'll want to check the email column there.
So now we should be able to get rid
of this big function call
and just use our brand new is unique rule.
And additionally, we've left that unique method there
just in case we need it in the future
for more expandability.
Okay, let's jump back into our unique rule
and apply this for our number types as well.
It's gonna look very similar to this.
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Good content so far. Thanks for putting it together. Keep up the hard work. This course indeed is going to help me start my own business. Praying to God to give me the strength to move forward with it.
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Thank you, redeemefy!! I'm happy to hear it's helping, and best of luck with starting your business! You got this, just take it one line at a time!! :D
Also - apologies your Adocasts Plus badge was missing! Looks like it was a concurrency issue with the Stripe Webhook, I'll have to get that fixed up.
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Nice listening with those Stripe web-hooks. I use those myself at work when Stripe was our provider.
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Adocasts has been my first time working with Stripe, we do more direct B2B sales where I work, so it's been a fun learning experience lol. :D
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