Authenticating A Newly Registered User
In this lesson, we'll learn how we can authenticate, or login, a new user who just registered with our application. We'll then see how we can populate the authenticated user's details on subsequent requests.
- Author
- Tom Gobich
- Published
- Apr 20, 24
- Duration
- 4m 14s

Developer, dog lover, and burrito eater. Currently teaching AdonisJS, a fully featured NodeJS framework, and running Adocasts where I post new lessons weekly. Professionally, I work with JavaScript, .Net C#, and SQL Server.
Burlington, KY
slideOverOpen && setActive());">
Authenticating A Newly Registered User
2.0Routes and How To Create ThemLesson 2.05m 24s
2.1Rendering a View for a RouteLesson 2.16m 30s
2.2Linking Between RoutesLesson 2.27m 52s
2.3Loading A Movie Using Route ParametersLesson 2.39m 18s
2.4Validating Route ParametersLesson 2.46m 7s
2.5Vite and Our AssetsLesson 2.56m 39s
2.6Setting Up Tailwind CSSLesson 2.69m 5s
2.7Reading and Supporting Markdown ContentLesson 2.74m 32s
2.8Listing Movies from their Markdown FilesLesson 2.88m 51s
2.9Extracting Reusable Code with ServicesLesson 2.97m 4s
2.10Cleaning Up Routes with ControllersLesson 2.104m 52s
2.11Defining A Structure for our Movie using ModelsLesson 2.119m 38s
2.12Singleton Services and the Idea of CachingLesson 2.126m 11s
2.13Environment Variables and their ValidationLesson 2.134m 16s
2.14Improved Caching with RedisLesson 2.1410m 44s
2.15Deleting Items and Flushing our Redis CacheLesson 2.156m 46s
2.16Quick Start Apps with Custom Starter KitsLesson 2.166m 28s
2.17Easy Imports with NodeJS Subpath ImportsLesson 2.178m 40s
Building Views with EdgeJS
3.0EdgeJS Templating BasicsLesson 3.08m 49s
3.1HTML Attribute and Class UtilitiesLesson 3.16m 9s
3.2Making A Reusable Movie Card ComponentLesson 3.210m 24s
3.3Component Tags, State, and PropsLesson 3.34m 53s
3.4Use Slots To Make A Button ComponentLesson 3.46m 56s
3.5Extracting A Layout ComponentLesson 3.55m 13s
3.6State vs Share Data FlowLesson 3.62m 59s
3.7Share vs Global Data FlowLesson 3.76m 8s
3.8Form Basics and CSRF ProtectionLesson 3.86m 13s
3.9HTTP Method Spoofing HTML FormsLesson 3.93m 3s
3.10Easy SVG Icons with Edge IconifyLesson 3.107m 57s
Database and Lucid ORM Basics
4.0Configuring Lucid and our Database ConnectionLesson 4.04m 3s
4.1Understanding our Database SchemaLesson 4.19m 35s
4.2Introducing and Defining Database MigrationsLesson 4.218m 35s
4.3The Flow of MigrationsLesson 4.38m 28s
4.4Introducing Lucid ModelsLesson 4.45m 43s
4.5Defining Our ModelsLesson 4.56m 49s
4.6The Basics of CRUDLesson 4.611m 56s
4.7Defining Required Data with SeedersLesson 4.711m 11s
4.8Stubbing Fake Data with Model FactoriesLesson 4.813m 48s
4.9Querying Our Movies with the Query BuilderLesson 4.915m 30s
4.10Unmapped and Computed Model PropertiesLesson 4.103m 24s
4.11Altering Tables with MigrationsLesson 4.117m 6s
4.12Adding A Profile Model, Migration, Factory, and ControllerLesson 4.122m 57s
4.13SQL Parameters and Injection ProtectionLesson 4.139m 19s
4.14Reusable Query Statements with Model Query ScopesLesson 4.148m 11s
4.15Tapping into Model Factory StatesLesson 4.159m 15s
4.16Querying Recently Released and Coming Soon MoviesLesson 4.164m 59s
4.17Generating A Unique Movie Slug With Model HooksLesson 4.177m 59s
Lucid ORM Relationships
5.0Defining One to One Relationships Within Lucid ModelsLesson 5.05m 49s
5.1Model Factory RelationshipsLesson 5.12m 54s
5.2Querying Relationships and Eager Vs Lazy LoadingLesson 5.25m 17s
5.3Cascading and Deleting Model RelationshipsLesson 5.35m 16s
5.4Defining One to Many Relationships with Lucid ModelsLesson 5.46m 56s
5.5Seeding Movies with One to Many Model Factory RelationshipsLesson 5.55m 24s
5.6Listing A Director's Movies with Relationship Existence QueriesLesson 5.68m 41s
5.7Listing and Counting a Writer's MoviesLesson 5.78m 41s
5.8Using Eager and Lazy Loading to Load A Movie's Writer and DirectorLesson 5.85m 18s
5.9Defining Many-To-Many Relationships and Pivot ColumnsLesson 5.99m 48s
5.10Many-To-Many Model Factory RelationshipsLesson 5.104m 50s
5.11A Deep Dive Into Relationship CRUD with ModelsLesson 5.1118m 5s
5.12How To Create Factory Relationships from a Pool of DataLesson 5.1213m 55s
5.13How To Query, Sort, and Filter by Pivot Table DataLesson 5.139m 47s
Working With Forms
6.0Accepting Form DataLesson 6.012m 15s
6.1Validating Form Data with VineJSLesson 6.19m 29s
6.2Displaying Validation Errors and Validating from our RequestLesson 6.27m 16s
6.3Reusing Old Form Values After A Validation ErrorLesson 6.32m 3s
6.4Creating An EdgeJS Form Input ComponentLesson 6.45m 28s
6.5Creating A Login Form and ValidatorLesson 6.55m 1s
6.6How To Create A Custom VineJS Validation RuleLesson 6.69m 7s
Authentication & Middleware
7.0The Flow of MiddlewareLesson 7.07m 49s
7.1Authenticating A Newly Registered UserLesson 7.14m 14s
7.2Checking For and Populating an Authenticated UserLesson 7.22m 10s
7.3Logging Out An Authenticated UserLesson 7.32m 24s
7.4Logging In An Existing UserLesson 7.46m 54s
7.5Remembering A User's Authenticated SessionLesson 7.56m 55s
7.6Protecting Routes with Auth, Guest, and Admin MiddlewareLesson 7.65m 36s
Filtering and Paginating Queries
8.0Creating A Movie List PageLesson 8.03m 43s
8.1Filtering A Query By Pattern LikenessLesson 8.17m 9s
8.2Filtering Our List by Movie StatusLesson 8.25m 47s
8.3How To Apply A Dynamic Sort Filter To Your QueryLesson 8.37m 12s
8.4Joining SQL Tables To Order By A Related ColumnLesson 8.44m 49s
8.5Validating Query String Filter ValuesLesson 8.57m 24s
8.6How To Paginate Filtered Query ResultsLesson 8.69m 15s
8.7Pagination First, Last, Next, and Previous ButtonsLesson 8.74m 3s
User Watchlist
9.0An Alternative Approach to Many-To-Many RelationshipsLesson 9.04m 56s
9.1Toggling A Movie in an Authenticated User's WatchlistLesson 9.19m 56s
9.2Listing and Filtering User Watchlist ItemsLesson 9.27m 31s
9.3Allowing Users To Toggle A Movie As WatchedLesson 9.34m 44s
9.4Filtering By User's Watched StatusLesson 9.46m 7s
9.5Defining A Composite Unique ConstraintLesson 9.54m 47s
9.6Persist Filters Easily with Lucid's Query String MethodLesson 9.63m 58s
User Profiles
10.0How to Create and Fix Missing User Profiles in Your ApplicationLesson 10.07m 37s
10.1Using Dependency Injection to Update A User's ProfileLesson 10.19m 46s
10.2Saving All Or Nothing with Database TransactionsLesson 10.25m 15s
10.3Uploading and Displaying User AvatarsLesson 10.315m 29s
10.4Displaying A User's ProfileLesson 10.46m 1s
10.5Filtering, Preloading, and Sorting By RelationshipLesson 10.57m 6s
Admin Panel
11.0Creating An Admin LayoutLesson 11.07m 14s
11.1Counting Stats for our Admin DashboardLesson 11.15m 43s
11.2Paginated Admin Movie TableLesson 11.213m 2s
11.3Allowing Admins to Create MoviesLesson 11.316m 39s
11.4Allowing Admins to Update Movies and Clear ValuesLesson 11.413m 27s
11.5How To Use One Form to Create or Edit MoviesLesson 11.55m 32s
11.6Uploading Movie Cover Images in our Create or Edit FormLesson 11.610m 29s
11.7Using A Wildcard Route Param to Download Storage ImagesLesson 11.77m 57s
11.8Posting Objects, Arrays, and an Array of Objects in HTML FormsLesson 11.826m 26s
11.9Managed Transactions and Syncing Movie Cast MembersLesson 11.915m 55s
11.10Allowing Admins to Delete Movies and their RelationshipsLesson 11.107m 42s
11.11Thank You for Watching!Lesson 11.110m 31s
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