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Editing & Updating Courses

Editing & Updating Courses

In this lesson, we'll add the ability to edit and update a course within the active organization.

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive

Creating A New Course

In this lesson, we'll add the ability to create a new course within the active organization.

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
Querying & Listing Courses

Querying & Listing An Organization's Courses

In this lesson, we'll query the active organization's courses and list them out in a table.

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
Statuses & Access Levels

Replicating Behaviors for Access Levels & Statuses

In this lesson, we'll replicate everything we've done for difficulties to add our access levels and statuses.

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
Reusable Sorting

Creating A Reusable Sorting Vue Component

In this lesson, we'll extract the drag-and-drop logic we added in the last lesson into a reusable Vue component so we can easily make use of the same behavior for our access levels & statuses.

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
Drag & Drop Sorting

Sorting Difficulties with Drag & Drop

In this lesson, we'll allow our user's to customize the ordering of their difficulties via drag-and-drop using VueDraggable. When they commit a change by dropping an item, we'll persist the updated sort to our database.

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
Exists in Organization Validation

Reusable VineJS Exists In Organization Validation

In this lesson, we'll take our difficulty's exists in organization VineJS validation and make it reusable so we can easily use it for our statuses, access levels, courses, etc.

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
Deleted Replacement

Replacing A Course's Deleted Difficulty

In this lesson, we'll add the ability to gracefully handle instances where a required relationship's record is being deleted. When a difficulty is being used by a course, we'll have our users select a replacement difficulty for the one being deleted.

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
Deleting Difficulties

Confirming & Deleting Difficulties

In this lesson, we'll add the ability to delete an organization's difficulties. We'll also make use of our ConfirmDeleteDialog component to confirm the deletion action with our user.

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
Updating Difficulties

Updating Difficulties

In this lesson, we'll add the ability to update an organization's difficulties using our useResourceActions composable.

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Listing and creating difficulties

Listing & Creating Difficulties

In this lesson, we'll create a page to list the active organization's difficulties. Then, we'll add the ability to create a new difficulty and add a new color picker type to our FormInput component.

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
Confirm Delete Dialog

The Confirm Delete Dialog & Deleting the Active Organization

In this lesson, we'll create a reusable confirm deletion dialog and bind its state into our use resource actions composable. We'll then incorporate this all together to allow users to delete their active organization.

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
Editing the Active Organization

Editing the Active Organization

In this lesson, we'll make use of our useResourceActions composable to add the ability for our user's to edit their active organization.

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Resource Action Composable

Creating A UseResourceActions Composable

In this lesson, we'll create a composable that'll be in charge of maintaining form and dialog state for the resources throughout our application, starting with our organizations.

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Social Authentication with AdonisJS Ally & Google
AdonisJS In 30 #9.0
Nov 06

How To Add Social Authentication with AdonisJS Ally & Google

In this lesson, we'll learn how we can use AdonisJS Ally to add social authentication to our applications. We'll use Google for our demonstration, but this same process also applies to GitHub, Facebook, Discord, LinkedIn, Twitter, & more

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
Switching Organizations

Switching Between Organizations

In this lesson, we'll add the ability for our users to change which of their organizations is their active organization via our organization selector.

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
Form Dialog Component

The Form Dialog Component & Adding Organizations

In this lesson, we'll add a new form dialog component that simplifies the create and update forms we'll use throughout our application. We'll then use this component to add a create organization dialog within our organization selector.


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Querying Relationships and Eager Vs Lazy Loading
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #5.2
Mar 18

Querying Relationships and Eager Vs Lazy Loading

In this lesson, we'll learn how we can query our relationships using our Lucid Models. We'll then learn what the difference is between eagerly loading a relationship (load) and lazily loading a relationship (preload).

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Generating A Movie Slug Using Model Hooks
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #4.17
Mar 15

Generating A Unique Movie Slug With Model Hooks

In this lesson, we'll learn how we can use Model Hooks to generate a unique URL-safe slug based on the movie's title.

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Altering Factory States
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #4.15
Mar 15

Tapping into Model Factory States

In this lesson, we'll dive a little bit deeper into Model Factories by introducing factory states. We'll also learn how we can use the tap method to alter a factory result prior to it persisting into the database

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Querying Recently Released and Releasing Soon Movies
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #4.16
Mar 15

Querying Recently Released and Coming Soon Movies

In this lesson, we'll learn how to use the Model Query Builder to query our movies that have been recently released. We'll then do a separate query to get movies that are coming soon.

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Reusable Query Statements with Model Query Scopes
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #4.14
Mar 11

Reusable Query Statements with Model Query Scopes

In this lesson, we'll learn about Model Query Scopes and how we can use them to create easily reusable query statements that we can apply using the Model Query Builder.

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Adding A User Profile Model, Migration, Factory, and Controller
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #4.12
Mar 11

Adding A Profile Model, Migration, Factory, and Controller

Uh oh, a new requirement has come in and now we also need to account for user profiles! In this lesson, we'll learn how we can easily create a new model, migration, factory, and controller for an entity in one fell swoop!

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SQL Parameters and Injection Protection
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #4.13
Mar 11

SQL Parameters and Injection Protection

In this lesson, we'll learn about SQL Parameters, also called query bindings, and how using them helps safeguard our database from malicious attacks attempting to perform SQL Injection.

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Altering Tables with Migrations
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #4.11
Mar 05

Altering Tables with Migrations

In this lesson, we'll learn how to alter our database tables using migrations both while in development, where we can delete our data, and once our data has already hit production where we need to persist all data.

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Umapped and Computed Model Properties
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #4.10
Mar 05

Unmapped and Computed Model Properties

In this lesson, we'll learn how to add unmapped and computed properties to our Lucid Models. We'll discuss the differences between a model column, unmapped property, and a computed property.

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Querying Our Movies with the Query Builder
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #4.9
Mar 05

Querying Our Movies with the Query Builder

In this lesson, we'll introduce both the database and model query builder. We'll learn the differences between the two and the basics of how to use them.

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Fake Data Factories
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #4.8
Mar 02

Stubbing Fake Data with Model Factories

In this lesson, we'll learn how we can quickly and easily bulk-create dummy/fake data within our database for each of our Lucid Models using Model Factories

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The Basics of CRUD
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #4.6
Mar 02

The Basics of CRUD

In this lesson, we'll walk through the basics of creating, reading, updating, and deleting (CRUD) data from our database using our Lucid Models.

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Defining Required Data with Seeders
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #4.7
Mar 02

Defining Required Data with Seeders

Our database will have specific, non-changing, roles and movie statuses. In this lesson, we'll learn how we can quickly and easily create these records inside of our database using seeders.

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Defining Our Models
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #4.5
Feb 28

Defining Our Models

In this lesson, we'll walk through the process of defining all our database tables and columns as models and properties within our application.

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Introducing Lucid Models
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #4.4
Feb 28

Introducing Lucid Models

In this lesson, we'll introduce models using the Lucid ORM. We'll learn how we can map database columns to our model properties and specify special behavior for our date time columns.

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The Flow of Migrations
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #4.3
Feb 24

The Flow of Migrations

In this lesson, we'll learn about the various migration-based commands made available by the Ace CLI and how they interact with our migration files. We'll use these commands to run, rollback, and refresh our migrations against our database.

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Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #4.2
Feb 24

Introducing and Defining Database Migrations

In this lesson, we'll introduce database migrations. We'll learn what they are, why they're great to have, and how we can create and use them to define our database tables and their columns.

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Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #4.1
Feb 21

Understanding our Database Schema

In this lesson, we'll walk through how to understand a database schema diagram. We'll then discuss the schema we'll be working with throughout this series; describing the tables, columns, data types, and relationships.

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Configuring Lucid and our Database Connection
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #4.0
Feb 21

Configuring Lucid and our Database Connection

In this lesson, we'll learn how we can configure Lucid to use a different driver other than SQLite; PostgreSQL is shown but MySQL and MSSQL are much the same. Then, we'll set up our connection details so that we can successfully connect to our database.

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Easy SVG Icons with Edge Iconify
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #3.10
Feb 21

Easy SVG Icons with Edge Iconify

In this lesson, we'll learn how we can install and use the edge-iconify package giving us super easy access within our EdgeJS files to any of the SVG icon packages available through Iconify.

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