Accepting Form Data
In this lesson, we'll take a look at how we can create a register form and accept data from that form within our route handler.
- Author
- Tom Gobich
- Published
- Apr 05, 24
- Duration
- 12m 15s

Developer, dog lover, and burrito eater. Currently teaching AdonisJS, a fully featured NodeJS framework, and running Adocasts where I post new lessons weekly. Professionally, I work with JavaScript, .Net C#, and SQL Server.
Burlington, KY
Accepting Form Data
(upbeat music)
Okay, so before we actually start digging
into authentication,
we're gonna need to know how forms work.
So let's start by creating a signup form
and then we'll take it from there.
So first we're gonna need a controller.
So let's do node is make controller.
As your application gets older and becomes more mature,
the authentication flow can get rather complex.
So we're gonna create one controller per action
bound to authentication.
So we're gonna do a register controller,
login controller and a logout controller
for that complete flow.
For right now though,
we'll just start with our register controller
and let's put all of these controllers
specifically for authentication
inside of a folder called auth.
So if we just do auth slash and then the controller name,
the make controller command will create a folder called auth
and then the actual controller file
for whatever we provide on the right hand side of the slash.
So we could do register.
We wanna keep register singular.
So we do hyphen S there to tell the make controller command
that we intend for register to be singular.
Okay, so let's run that.
Cool, so now we have our new register controller
inside of our auth folder,
inside of our controllers and app directory.
So let's dive into that.
Let's do auth register controller and there it is.
Let's get our HTTP context uncommented.
We'll do async and let's do show
because this will be in charge of showing the register form.
View HTTP context, return, view, render pages.
We'll put this inside of an auth folder,
just the same as our controllers
and we'll call the file register.
All right, let's go create that view real quick.
So views, pages, right click that,
new file, create a folder called auth
and then inside of the auth folder,
create a file called register.edge.
We'll have our layout, go ahead and end that as well.
Let's go ahead and take our movie card
and just kind of generalize it.
So let's copy everything that we have inside of here,
right click our components, new file
and we'll create a file called card.edge there.
Paste those contents in
and now we just wanna get rid of everything content based.
We'll keep the padding for div
and then for the picture here, we can make that optional.
So let's do @if slots.picture and if,
go ahead and cut that out, await slots.picture
and render that out as an optional slot
and then for the actual contents,
we'll do await slots.main
so that we can put whatever we want inside of the card.
Okay, give that a save.
We should be able to jump into our movie card component now
and get rid of a good portion of the boilerplate here.
So we can go ahead and get rid of the class
and instead of our div, we can do @ard.
We're gonna want to spread in our props
except for the movie and we'll just let that cascade through
and get rid of our div there.
Then we'll wanna do @slot.picture
around our actual picture and in that slot, okay.
And then we can get rid of the padding for
and everything else just becomes our card content.
Get rid of these two divs and our card component
and lastly fix our indenting.
There we go, give that a save.
Let's make sure that worked okay.
Npm run div, jump into our browser and cool.
Our cards still all look the exact same, so we're A-okay.
There, jump back into our text editor
and let's go back to our register page.
Okay, so let's apply that card.
We'll add a class to it and we'll just do max width,
probably MD, I think, just so that it doesn't attempt
to take up the entire page and end that card.
So we're gonna need a form and let's go take a look
at our user model here and remind ourselves
what all we're dealing with.
So we have a full name, avatar URL we won't worry about
during registration, email and password.
Okay, jump back into our register page.
So we'll do a label, class flex, flex call
and we'll do a span class text, extra small,
font bold and call that full name.
And then we'll wanna do an input where the type is text
and the name is the same as the model's column name.
So that would be full name there.
The reason why we specifically wanna name it that
is because whenever we submit our form,
this is the name we'll be able to access it by
on our server side and naming it the same name
that we have inside of our column just simplifies
actually creating our user record.
Okay, let's give that a copy and a paste two times
because we're also going to need our email and a password.
So the type here will be email and the name
as we have it defined on our column is email.
So we'll have that as email there as well.
And then this one is password with a type password.
All right, then we need a submission button
so that we can actually submit our form.
So at button type submit at end
and we'll just put the text as register.
Let's also give our labels a little bit of spacing
in between one another.
So we'll do class Lex, Lex call gap of four.
Then in order to actually see this page,
we need to register it up to a route.
So let's do command P to open up our file search
and type in routes and hit enter there
to jump into our routes file.
Okay, and then down here, let's do router dot
and let's define a route group.
We'll provide a callback function into this
and any routes that we define inside
of this actual groups callback method
will get applied to anything
that we specify specifically for the group.
So for example, we can prefix our group with slash auth
and now any routes that we define inside of this callback
will actually start with slash auth.
Do the same thing with a name as well.
So we can do as auth there.
Okay, so let's do router dot get slash register.
We'll have our register controller,
hit tab to auto import that and we have our show method.
We'll name this as register show.
All right, so if we scroll down a little bit here,
hit save so that that formats.
What we've just done is defined a route
at slash auth slash register
and the name is now auth dot register dot show.
Thanks to this group, we'll be able to apply these
to all of the routes, simplifying the internal definition
for all of our authentication paths.
So with that defined,
we should be able to jump into our browser,
head into URL bar and go to auth slash register,
hit enter and there we go.
We see our card, our inputs are there,
they just don't have any styling, but they are there
and then we have our register button.
Let's get our inputs where we can see them
and show up a little bit of that styling.
So let's jump back to our register edge page.
On our form, we'll do a margin top of four.
Outside of our card, we'll do a div class flex justify
center so that it's centered within the page.
Go ahead and collapse our form down
and end our div after our card ends
and give everything there an indent.
Lastly, on our inputs, I think maybe we just do this
inside of the actual CSS file.
So we'll jump inside of our app dot CSS,
input not type equals radio and not type equals checkbox.
So if we have an input that's not a radio or a checkbox,
we'll go ahead and just apply, order, order,
slate 300, rounded, EX3, PY 1.5,
and then if it's focused, we'll do border.
Oh, we haven't picked a brand color yet.
Let's do, I guess indigo, maybe 500
and we'll add a small duration, 300,
so that it fades from our slate to our indigo.
Okay, give that a save.
If we jump back into our browser now,
all right, that's a little bit better.
At least we can see our inputs now.
I put the margin top on our form instead of the card.
So that's why the card's still flush up
against the border there.
So we'll move that margin top up to our card.
There we go, okay.
So now we need an actual handler for this form
whenever we click on register.
Right now, it's just gonna submit us back
to /auth register with the fields applied
as a query string.
Since we haven't specified anything specifically
for the form to do, so let's jump back into here.
We're gonna need an action for our form
and we'll also wanna specify the method as post.
Okay, let's jump back into our routes
and let's define it on the route.
So we'll do this time
because we wanna handle the post submission
for our form, /register, register, controller,
and we'll call this store, as register store.
Give that a save.
Now we wanna jump into our register controller,
async, store.
We're gonna want our request and response
so that we can handle the request
and send an applicable response, HTTP context.
So when we submit our form,
we're gonna want to create a user
with the details that are provided.
And then once we create the user,
we're gonna want to log them in.
And then once we log them in,
we wanna send them off back to our application.
So at the end of the day,
our end task is to send them back to the homepage.
So we'll start with the ending task.
So let's return response
and we'll want to redirect them
to the route we've named home.
Then we need to grab the fields
that we need off of the request.
There's actually a few different ways that we can do it.
So we can do const data equals request.all.
And as they're telling us here within the hint,
this will return a reference to all our request data
within the body and the query string.
So whenever we call this,
we can console.log out our data
to see exactly what we've received.
Let's give that a save,
jump back into our register page.
And now the action for our form,
we want to send out to our new route
All right, so let's give that a save.
Let's jump back into our browser and give it a run.
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