🕰️ Chapters
- Lesson Objective
- Reusing Our Avatar Upload Fields
- Reviewing Avatar Upload Logic
- Adding Poster Field Validations
- Movie Creation Cover Upload
- Movie Edit Cover Upload & Deletion
- Testing Our Cover Upload
- Moving Cover Image Upload to a Service
Uploading Movie Cover Images in our Create or Edit Form
In this lesson, we'll learn how to upload movie cover images when either creating or editing a movie via our create or edit form.
- Author
- Tom Gobich
- Published
- Jun 20
- Duration
- 10m 29s
Developer, dog lover, and burrito eater. Currently teaching AdonisJS, a fully featured NodeJS framework, and running Adocasts where I post new lessons weekly. Professionally, I work with JavaScript, .Net C#, and SQL Server.
Burlington, KY
Uploading Movie Cover Images in our Create or Edit Form
(upbeat music)
So when we add movies in via our seeder,
we have these cover images being appended onto them.
And currently these are just coming
from the Picsum service.
So if we inspect this real quick,
we're gonna see the URL is going directly
to picsum.photos,
but we haven't accounted for this cover photo at all
on our movie forum.
So our current movie that we've added in
doesn't have a cover image and it can't have a cover image.
So let's follow a similar process that we took
whenever we added in the ability to upload an avatar,
with our cover images.
So if we jump into our edit profile,
here is our avatar upload.
We can copy that and use that as a base point
for our admin movie, create and edit movie form.
So let's go ahead and hide our browser away.
I am already inside of our profile edit page.
Right here is where the avatar URL determination starts.
And this is just what displays the preview.
If we scroll on down,
then we have our hidden input that determines
whether or not we are attempting to remove an image.
And then we have our form input
that allows us to insert a new image.
So we'll give all of that a copy,
and then we can scroll down and find
our admin movies create and edit field,
the page for that form.
And then we'll scroll down a little bit.
Let's go ahead and plop this directly above our title.
So just paste everything that we had copied in.
I'm gonna fix the formatting here real quick.
And I'm gonna Command + P and jump into our movie model,
because I can't remember,
it looks like we called it our poster URL.
Okay, we jump back into our creator edit,
and now our avatar URL will change to poster URL.
So we can do a find and replace all
of avatar URL with poster URL here,
replace all there.
The name of our form input will be poster rather than avatar.
So we can do poster and poster there.
The poster URL will not be coming from our auth user,
but rather the movie itself.
So we can have movie dot there
to determine where that loads in at.
And right, we need to use optional chaining there
because we may or may not have a movie.
If we're just trying to create,
the movie's not gonna be populated.
See, we had added edit form to our actual form ID
to allow us to easily clear that out.
And right up here, we have another instance
where we need to do movie and right here as well.
So movie,
and then we'll add our ID of edit form.
Maybe we'll switch that to movie form for our form itself.
So movie form there too.
Cool, so if we jump back into our browser real quick
and check out what we have,
we have a basic input because we currently do not have
a poster for the movie that we're attempting to create.
But if we jump into say movies,
let's jump into one that we seeded.
So let's edit this one.
We do have a cover image here and we can clear it out.
Awesome, so it looks like everything that we have
within EdgeJS is working so far.
I'm gonna go ahead and jump into a movie
that's already created here, hide this back away.
And relatively similar to how we are saving our avatar,
we need to take the same approach for our movie store
and update handlers.
So if we jump into our profiles controller,
let's remind ourselves what we're doing here.
We have the avatar and avatar URL
coming from our validator.
Then we're doing an if check to see whether or not
we're attempting to upload a new avatar.
If we are, we're moving that into our storage
underneath the avatars location
and persisting that onto the user's avatar URL.
If we don't have an avatar and there isn't an avatar URL,
but there is one on the currently loaded user,
then we're going to remove and delete that avatar image.
And then this all gets saved right down here
where we're saving the user.
So the first thing that we're gonna wanna do
is jump down to our validators and our movie validator.
We can just go ahead and add this above the title as well.
So we're gonna have a poster field,
which will be the actual image of Vine type file.
And this will be optional.
And then we're also going to have a poster URL
type Vine string optional.
For the file, we're going to want to add some extension.
So ext names restrictions.
Remember, these are the file extensions
that we want to allow the user to be able to upload.
We do png, jpeg, jpeg.
And I have a gif image.
I don't have many images on my machine,
so I'm gonna allow gifs here as well.
And then we can also specify a file size limitation
of say five megabytes.
Cool, so that should be our validator taken care of.
If we scroll back up to not that movie's controller,
but our admin movie's controller now,
jump into here and scroll on down.
Currently, we are taking in all of the data
from our validator, merging that into the movie itself
and using that to create.
And if we scroll on down to our edit,
I believe we're doing relatively similar.
So yeah, we're just taking in the movie
and it's validated data and merging it together.
So within our store here,
really all that we care about for uploading
is the poster itself.
We don't care about the poster URL at this point
because we don't actually afford the user
the ability to manually specify a poster URL themselves,
but rather that's a property that we use
after the actual upload is done.
So we'll take our poster out of the validated data
and we can spread everything else into data.
And then we can do an if check.
So if poster await poster dot,
remember this is a multi-part file,
so it has added abilities on it.
And we're going to want to move this file
from its temporary location
to a more permanent location on our file system.
And for that location,
we can use the app module once again to make a path,
just like we are with our avatars.
We'll keep this inside of a directory called storage
and we can put it inside of a subfolder
called posters.
Now we did not do this for our avatars,
but it is good practice to rename the uploaded images
to prevent collisions.
So we'll go ahead and do that here.
So we can provide in a custom name
and we can use the kuid helper from AdonisJS
and call that,
which is going to generate out
a collision resistant ID for us.
So we can use that there as our file name.
And then we just need to grab the extension,
which we can do via poster dot ext name for extension name.
Once we have that poster moved where we need it,
we can go ahead and add it onto our data dot poster URL
as slash posters slash.
And we are going to need to get a reference to this name.
So instead of generating it
directly inside of the options here,
let's go ahead and save it to a variable.
So const file name equals,
and then we can provide that into the name there.
Give this a couple of line breaks.
And now we can plop the file name
into our poster URL string.
Give that a save for formatting.
And when all said and done,
this will get merged in with the created movie
right down here,
since we're plopping and mutating the data directly.
If they are not uploading a poster,
then poster URL will just be undefined
since we're not defining it anywhere on our form.
If you need to explicitly make sure
that a user is not trying to force a poster URL in there,
you can always do an else here
and clear out that data poster URL.
For us, I don't think we need to worry about that.
Cool, so that should take care of our creation step.
Our edit step is going to be relatively similar.
So we can go ahead and give this block here a copy,
but we also need to worry about instances
where the user may be trying to remove the image as well.
So we'll do this right here,
just like we did before.
I think we want to spread out our poster
and then we can leave poster URL in data
so that we can mutate it.
So we'll just spread everything else
directly into data there.
So we have our if poster taken care of.
Now we want to do our else if.
So else if not data.posterURL
and our movie.posterURL has a value.
So if the movie did have a poster URL,
but we no longer have one defined in our form,
that's where we're going to want to await
and use unlink from Node.js.
And I'm going to use the one specifically
from Promises there.
Provide in our app.makePathToStorage
and then merge into the path at movie.posterURL.
Then to clear out our poster URL,
we can do data.posterURL equals.
And we have this not nullable in the database
defaulting to an empty string.
So we'll just set this to an empty string to clear it out.
Give that a save.
Then we jump back into our browser,
jump into one of our manually added movies,
browse, select a movie, open it up, scroll on down.
Let's try to update our movie.
And, oh right, we forgot to make this a multi-part form.
So we need to scroll on down to our creator edit.
On the form itself, let's add ink type
and select multi-part form data there.
Now we should be good to go ahead
and jump back into our browser,
browse, select our photo, open it up,
scroll on down, update our movie.
And it seems to have worked.
Now we haven't added the ability
to actually view this image yet.
So if we go into edit,
we'll see that it at least tried to render it out,
but it's not going to be able to find it.
But the fact that it's trying
means that it saved successfully onto our movie itself.
Furthermore, if we had our browser back away,
scroll on down to our storage directory.
We see that we now have a posters directory
with an actual randomly named file inside of it
that shows our picture.
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