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Super Easy Infinite Scroll in InertiaJS 2 with Prop Merging
In this lesson, we'll learn how we can combine the new InertiaJS 2 features together, along with Lucid's pagination, to add infinite scrolling to our application. This is made super easily by the last new feature we'll dicuss, called merged props.

Deferring A Prop Load Until it is Visible in InertiaJS 2
In this lesson, we'll take a look at the new WhenVisible InertiaJS 2 component. This component uses an intersection observer to allow us to defer loading a prop's data until it is actually visible on the page.

Defer Loading Props in InertiaJS 2
In this lesson, we'll take a look at the new deferred props feature in InertiaJS 2. Deferred props allows us to delay a prop from loading until the page itself has mounted, which is great for slower queries or below the fold.

Prefetching Page to Boost Load Times in InertiaJS 2
In this lesson, we'll take a look at the new prefetching feature in InertiaJS 2. We can use this feature to load the next page's data before the user even clicks on the link.

Polling for Changes in InertiaJS 2
In this lesson, we'll cover the new polling feature in InertiaJS 2 to see how we can use it to poll our server at an interval for updated information.

Upgrading to Inertia 2
During this series, InertiaJS release version 2 consisting of minimal breaking changes and several new features. In this lesson, we'll upgrade our packages to the latest for both InertiaJS & AdonisJS.

Clearing Login Attempt Rate Limits on Password Reset
In this lesson, we'll finish our authentication rate limiting flow by clearing out any rate limits counting against the user when they reset their password.

Restricting Login Attempts with Rate Limiting
In this lesson, we'll add AdonisJS' Rate Limiter to our web login action to restrict the number of times a user can attempt to login to our application with invalid credentials.

Setting Up Secondary TailwindCSS Config & CSS File for our Landing Page
In this lesson, we'll create a second TailwindCSS configuration and CSS file specifically for our landing page, which we'll render with EdgeJS.

Let's Learn Adonis 5: Migrations
This lesson is all about migrations. We'll discuss what they are, how to use them, and how they're integrated within Adonis. Then we'll put them to use.

Let's Learn Adonis 5: Installing and Configuring Lucid
In this lesson, we'll be learning how to install and configure Lucid, Adonis' Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) system, within our application.

Let's Learn Adonis 5: Controllers, Services, Resources, and Namespacing
In this lesson, we'll be hammering down several Adonis topics in one swoop. We'll be covering Controllers, which in turn allow us to utilize Services, Resources, and Namespacing.

Let's Learn Adonis 5: Routes and Route Handling
In this lesson, we learn the basics of Adonis routing and route handling by covering how to define a route, render a page, respond with JSON, simplify our route definitions, and more.

Let's Learn Adonis 5: Project Structure and the Ace CLI
We'll learn our way around Adonis' project structure and gain an understanding of what goes where. We'll also discuss Adonis' Ace CLI.

Let's Learn Adonis 5: Prerequisites & Creating A New Project
We'll be learning a little about what Adonis is, the prerequisites to get started, and how to create a new project.
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