Tailwind CSS Icon


4 Series
19 Lessons
1h 16m

A dynamic and flexible utility-first CSS framework that enables building rapid constraint-based design systems and applications




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Settings Up Tailwind CSS
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #2.6
Jan 24

Setting Up Tailwind CSS

In this lesson, we'll learn how to install and configure PostCSS and Tailwind CSS within our AdonisJS 6 project using Vite.

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
Button Inverse and Outline Styles
EdgeJS Components #3.4
Nov 20, 23

Adding Button Inverse and Outline Styles

In this lesson, we'll add two new button style options, inverse and outline. Both styles will extend off the work we did with our base button to keep all functionality in one concise location

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
Adding Button Variants
EdgeJS Components #3.3
Nov 20, 23

Adding Button Variants

In this lesson, we'll add variant options for our base button. These will provide light and dark options as well as stateful coloring blue, green, red, and yellow.

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
Adding Button Sizes
EdgeJS Components #3.2
Nov 20, 23

Adding Button Size Options

In this lesson, we'll add four size options to our base button large, base, small, and extra small. These sizes will then automatically be available as we add our button variants and styles.

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
Adding Interactivity to our Button
EdgeJS Components #3.1
Nov 13, 23

Adding Interactivity to our Button

In this lesson, we'll add extendable interactivity to our button using AlpineJS. We'll also walk through a demonstration of how we can utilize event propagation in AlpineJS to our advantage.

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
Base Button
EdgeJS Components #3.0
Nov 13, 23

Creating Our Base Button

In this lesson, we'll create our base button component which al our other button styles will derive from. It'll be in charge of building our classes, adding interactivity, and more.

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
EdgeJS and AlpineJS State
EdgeJS Components #2.1
Oct 29, 23

Component State & Passing State from EdgeJS to ApineJS

In this lesson, we'll take a look at how we can define and manage state within EdgeJS Components. We'll also learn how we can pass single properties or full objects from EdgeJS to AlpineJS and our client-side scripts.

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Adocasts Plus Exclusive
A Look at Component Reactivity
EdgeJS Components #2.0
Oct 29, 23

A Look At Component Reactivity

In this lesson, we'll take a look at how we'll approach reactivity within our EdgeJS components using AlpineJS. We'll also briefly discuss where the line between EdgeJS and AlpineJS is, in terms of our component state and reactivity.

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Structure and Component Layouts
EdgeJS Components #1.2
Oct 21, 23

View Structure and Component-Based Layouts

In this lesson, we'll get our view and component structures set up. Then, we'll take an abnormal approach and cover how to use components for your layouts.

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Installing AlpineJS and TailwindCSS
EdgeJS Components #1.1
Oct 21, 23

Getting Started, Installing AlpineJS and TailwindCSS

In this lesson, we'll quickly create a new AdonisJS 5 project to house our components. Then, we'll install the dependencies needed by PinesUI; AlpineJS and TailwindCSS.

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exploring edgejs-components
EdgeJS Components #1.0
Oct 21, 23

Exploring EdgeJS' Component System

In this lesson, we'll walk through a high-level overview of this series' objectives, including the various components we'll build throughout this series.

AdonisJS API with Nuxt 3 Auth
AdonisJS In 30 #4.0
Jun 25, 23

AdonisJS 5 API & Nuxt 3 SSR Authentication in 15 Minutes

In this lesson, we’ll learn how to set up authentication in an AdonisJS API application while using server-side rendered (SSR) Nuxt 3 as our front end.

AdonisJS Filter Form Handler
HTMX & AdonisJS Filters #3.0
Mar 26, 23

Defining Our AdonisJS Filter Form Handler

In this lesson, we'll expand on the filter query we built in the last lesson by reusing the query within a service for our filter form handler.

HTMX & AdonisJS Filters #2.0
Mar 26, 23

Creating Our Filter Query with AdonisJS

In this lesson, we'll create the route and query we'll need to get filtered results with our filter form using the Lucid ORM and AdonisJS.

Installing HTMX
HTMX & AdonisJS Filters #1.0
Mar 26, 23

Installing HTMX & Project Overview

In this lesson, we'll briefly outline the project structure and then install HTMX inside our project.

AdonisJS + InertiaJS #4.0
Aug 07, 22

Adding TailwindCSS to our Adonis, Inertia, Vue Application

In this lesson, we'll learn how to add TailwindCSS to an Adonis, Inertia, and Vue 3 application using Webpack Encore.

AdonisJS Quick Tip #4.0
Jan 09, 22

How To Add TailwindCSS to a New AdonisJS Project

This lesson covers creating a new AdonisJS project that includes Webpack Encore, then adding and configuring PostCSS and TailwindCSS within the project.