

9 Series
130 Lessons
35h 50m

Lucid is AdonisJS' Object Relational Mapping (ORM). It's a first-party package that follows the active record pattern. With it you can easily perform CRUD operations, add database hooks, normalize data, and so much more.




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Storing Lesson Reordering

Storing Lesson Order Changes & Handling Cross-Module Drag & Drops

In this lesson, save the changes made to lessons inside a course when a user uses drag-and-drop to move a lesson. Users can change the lesson order inside a single module or move a lesson into a new module, so we'll need to handle both use cases.

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Storing Module Reordering

Storing Module Order Changes from Vue Draggable

In this lesson, we'll persist sort order changes to the database when dragging and dropping a course's modules using Vue Draggable

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Lesson & Module Tag Selector

Patching Tag Changes for our Modules & Lessons

In this lesson, we’ll incorporate our Tag Selector component into our modules and lessons to facilitate easy visibility and updates of their statuses and access levels.

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Editing & Deleting Lessons

Editing & Deleting Course Lessons

In this lesson, we'll add the ability to edit and delete lessons from a course's module. When editing, we'll also decrement the order field for all lessons within the module after the lesson being deleted.

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Creating & Listing Course Lessons

Creating & Listing Sortable Course Lessons

In this lesson, we'll add the ability to create new lessons within a course's module. We'll then list the lessons within their designated module using the order specified by the user.

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Model Query Builder Macros in AdonisJS 6
AdonisJS Quick Tip #20.0
Dec 10

Model Query Builder Macros in AdonisJS 6

In this lesson, we'll learn how we can add custom methods to the Model Query Builder with Lucid in AdonisJS 6 using macros.

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Course Module CRUD

Creating, Editing, & Deleting Course Modules

In this lesson, we'll add the ability to create, edit, and delete a course's modules using the reusable components and composables we've created in past lessons.

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Listing Sortable Course Modules

Querying & Listing Sortable Course Modules

In this lesson, we'll query and add a sortable list of a course's modules on the courses show page.

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Tag Selector Component

The Tag Selector

In this lesson, we'll define a reusable tag selector component that we'll use for our difficulties, access levels, and statuses. This component will accept props that will automatically send a patch request to our server to update values as they change.

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Showing Course Details

Showing A Course's Details

In this lesson, we'll add our courses show page, which will be in charge of displaying the course details along with its modules & lessons. In this lesson we'll lay the groundwork, then in the next module we'll add in our modules & lessons.

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Deleting Courses

Deleting Courses

In this lesson, we'll add the ability to delete courses from an organization with confirmation from our user.

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Editing & Updating Courses

Editing & Updating Courses

In this lesson, we'll add the ability to edit and update a course within the active organization.

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Creating A New Course

In this lesson, we'll add the ability to create a new course within the active organization.

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Querying & Listing Courses

Querying & Listing An Organization's Courses

In this lesson, we'll query the active organization's courses and list them out in a table.

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Drag & Drop Sorting

Sorting Difficulties with Drag & Drop

In this lesson, we'll allow our user's to customize the ordering of their difficulties via drag-and-drop using VueDraggable. When they commit a change by dropping an item, we'll persist the updated sort to our database.

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Deleted Replacement

Replacing A Course's Deleted Difficulty

In this lesson, we'll add the ability to gracefully handle instances where a required relationship's record is being deleted. When a difficulty is being used by a course, we'll have our users select a replacement difficulty for the one being deleted.

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Deleting Difficulties

Confirming & Deleting Difficulties

In this lesson, we'll add the ability to delete an organization's difficulties. We'll also make use of our ConfirmDeleteDialog component to confirm the deletion action with our user.

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Updating Difficulties

Updating Difficulties

In this lesson, we'll add the ability to update an organization's difficulties using our useResourceActions composable.

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Listing and creating difficulties

Listing & Creating Difficulties

In this lesson, we'll create a page to list the active organization's difficulties. Then, we'll add the ability to create a new difficulty and add a new color picker type to our FormInput component.

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Confirm Delete Dialog

The Confirm Delete Dialog & Deleting the Active Organization

In this lesson, we'll create a reusable confirm deletion dialog and bind its state into our use resource actions composable. We'll then incorporate this all together to allow users to delete their active organization.

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