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5 Series
16 Lessons
2h 49m

Services provide a way to write easily reusable code. They also provide a way to help streamline other portions of your code like controllers and route handlers. Most often they're grouped by topic.



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Organizing your AdonisJS Logic
AdonisJS In 30 #7.0
Jul 22

Three Approaches for Organizing your AdonisJS Business Logic Operations

In this lesson, we'll dive deep into three different ways we can organize our code; fat controllers, services, and actions. We'll also discuss circular dependencies, static and non-static service methods, and dependency injection.

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Managed Transactions and Syncing Movie Cast Members
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #11.9
Jun 26

Managed Transactions and Syncing Movie Cast Members

In this lesson, we'll learn how we can use what we learned in the last lesson to also sync our cast members. We'll then extract this functionality into a service and wrap it within a managed database transactions.

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Download Storage Images
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #11.7
Jun 20

Using A Wildcard Route Param to Download Storage Images

In this lesson, we'll learn how we can utilize a wildcard route parameter to dynamically download images that've been uploaded and stored within our application storage.

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Uploading Movie Cover Images
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #11.6
Jun 20

Uploading Movie Cover Images in our Create or Edit Form

In this lesson, we'll learn how to upload movie cover images when either creating or editing a movie via our create or edit form.

One Form to Create or Edit Movies
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #11.5
Jun 15

How To Use One Form to Create or Edit Movies

In this lesson, we'll learn how we can merge our create form and edit form together into a create or edit form. We'll conditionally determine whether we'll be creating or editing based on our movie value and use EdgeJS features to simplify the process

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Allowing Users To Edit Their Profile
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #10.1
May 29

Using Dependency Injection to Update A User's Profile

In this lesson, we'll learn how to allow users to edit their profiles. We'll also cover how we can inject the HttpContext into a service instance using Dependency Injection (DI).

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Filter by User's Watched Status
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #9.4
May 16

Filtering By User's Watched Status

In this lesson, we'll learn how to add a filter to our user's watchlist allowing them to show only movies they have or have not watched.

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Listing and Filtering User Watchlist Items
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #9.2
May 10

Listing and Filtering User Watchlist Items

In this lesson, we'll take our movie filter, and learn how we can reuse it to display a filterable list of the user's watchlist movies.

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Validating Query String Filter Values
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #8.5
May 06

Validating Query String Filter Values

In this lesson, we'll learn how to use VineJS, AdonisJS' Validator, to validate the filter properties and values we have within our query string.

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Joining SQL Tables To Order By A Related Column
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #8.4
May 01

Joining SQL Tables To Order By A Related Column

In this lesson, we'll learn how to join a related table into our query and use that table to apply a sort via the relationship. We'll then see how we can conditionally apply this join only when it's needed for the selected order by.

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How To Apply A Dynamic Sort Filter To Your Query
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #8.3
May 01

How To Apply A Dynamic Sort Filter To Your Query

In this lesson, we'll learn how we can add a user-selected sort option to our filters. Then, we'll apply the selected filter to our movie query

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Singleton Services and the Idea of Caching
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #2.12
Jan 31

Singleton Services and the Idea of Caching

In this lesson, we'll learn about singleton services and how to use them as a store to hold temporary information throughout our server's life by building a simple in-memory caching service.

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Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #2.9
Jan 27

Extracting Reusable Code with Services

In this lesson, we'll learn about services and how we can use them to extract reusable code in a way that makes it super simple to use throughout your project.

Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 #4.0
Feb 05, 22

Service Providers & The IoC Container

We'll learn about Service Providers and how they interact with the IoC Container. We'll then put this to practice by wrapping a NodeJS package so it's easy to use within AdonisJS

Static, Non-Static, and IOC Services
Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 #3.2
Jan 24, 22

Static, Non-Static, & Singleton Services

We'll learn what services are. We'll then discuss three different ways we can use them within our AdonisJS application, including static, non-static, and singleton services.

Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 Preview #4.0
Jan 02, 21

Let's Learn Adonis 5: Controllers, Services, Resources, and Namespacing

In this lesson, we'll be hammering down several Adonis topics in one swoop. We'll be covering Controllers, which in turn allow us to utilize Services, Resources, and Namespacing.