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1 Series
2 Lessons
20m 2s

Vite is a popular frontend tooling server that provides a snappy environment to build, bundle, and watch your frontend assets.



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Shadcn-vue and TailwindCSS
Building with AdonisJS & Inertia #1.4
Aug 20, 24

Setting Up TailwindCSS, Shadcn-Vue, and Automatic Component Imports

In this lesson, we'll install and configure Shadcn-Vue and TailwindCSS. We'll then set up automatic imports for all of our local Vue components.

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Vite and Our Assets
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #2.5
Jan 24, 24

Vite and Our Assets

In this lesson, we'll learn how Vite is integrating into our EdgeJS views to serve our JavaScript and CSS files.