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Form Validation & Displaying Errors

Form Validation & Displaying Errors

In this lesson, we'll add validation to our POST handler for our register route. We'll then update our form fields to check for and display any validation errors that may have occurred.

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Inertia Form Basics

Inertia Form Basics

In this lesson, we'll introduce the basics of working with form in Inertia. We'll set up our register form with its fields, get our form state set up, and send off a post request to one of our AdonisJS routes.

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What Can We Share?

What Code Can & Can't Be Shared Between AdonisJS & Inertia

In this lesson, we'll discuss what code we can and cannot share between AdonisJS and Inertia.

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Page Titles and Meta Tags

Specifying Page Titles & Meta Tags

In this lesson, we'll learn how we can append information into the head of our document with Inertia on a per-page basis. We'll then create our own head component, wrapping Inertia's, to allow easier global changes.

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Default Layouts and Overwriting the Default

Default Layouts & Overwriting the Default Layout

In this lesson, we'll inspect how Inertia injects our layout component and the data passed to it. We'll also learn how we can overwrite our default layout from our page components.

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Creating A Layout

Creating A Layout

In this lesson, we'll learn how to create a layout component and apply it to all our pages, the Inertia way.

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Partial and Lazy Data Loading

Partial and Lazy Data Loading and Evaluation

In this lesson, we'll learn about Inertia's partial reload functionality that allows us to refresh only specifically specified prop items for our page. We'll also examine lazy properties and how our props are evaluated with partial reloads.

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Global Components

Global Components and Hyrdration Mismatch in Action

In this lesson, we'll learn how to register components globally inside our Vue application. We'll also learn what to watch out for and examine a hydration mismatch in action.

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The Link Component

The Link Component and Programmatic Linking

In this lesson, we'll explore Inertia's Link component and its props. We'll then examine how to link between pages programmatically using Inertia's router.

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Linking Between Pages

Linking Between Pages & Page State Flow

In this lesson, we'll learn how to link from page to page the InertiaJS way. We'll then inspect how InertiaJS gets and updates our page's stateful information via our page props.

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Sharing Data from AdonisJS to Vue via Inertia

Sharing Data from AdonisJS to Vue via Inertia

In this lesson, we'll learn how to pass data from AdonisJS to Vue using Inertia as the broker. We'll discuss passing data from our controllers, from middleware, and globally via the Inertia shared data configuration.

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The Flow of Pages and Page Props

The Flow of Pages and Page Props

In this lesson, we'll talk about the flow InertiaJS follows when rendering pages, from AdonisJS to our Vue application. Then, we'll talk about passing props to our Vue page components.

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Shadcn-vue and TailwindCSS

Setting Up TailwindCSS, Shadcn-Vue, and Automatic Component Imports

In this lesson, we'll install and configure Shadcn-Vue and TailwindCSS. We'll then set up automatic imports for all of our local Vue components.

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Server-Side Rendering (SSR) vs Client-Side Rendering (CSR)

In this lesson, we'll discuss the differences between InertiaJS in a server-side rendered (SSR) and a client-side rendered (CSR) application. We'll then compare when you would want to choose one over the other and the pros and cons of both.

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Creating Our AdonisJS App With InertiaJS

Creating Our AdonisJS App With InertiaJS

In this lesson, we'll create a new AdonisJS 6 application with the InertiaJS Starter Kit. We'll then walk through the Inertia-specific aspects of our project structure and briefly discuss the configuration steps taken when adding Inertia.

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What We'll Be Building

What We'll Be Building

At the end of this series, we'll have a feature-complete application with organizations, teams, drag-and-drop ordering, password reset, and more! So, let's take a second to see our end goal and walk through the app.

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What Is InertiaJS

What Is InertiaJS?

In this lesson, we'll introduce InertiaJS. We'll discuss what it is, what it helps with, its adapters, and more.


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Singleton Services and the Idea of Caching
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #2.12
Jan 31

Singleton Services and the Idea of Caching

In this lesson, we'll learn about singleton services and how to use them as a store to hold temporary information throughout our server's life by building a simple in-memory caching service.

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Vite and Our Assets
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #2.5
Jan 24

Vite and Our Assets

In this lesson, we'll learn how Vite is integrating into our EdgeJS views to serve our JavaScript and CSS files.

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Mixins and Compose
Dec 17, 23

A Deep Dive Into Mixins & Compose

In this lesson, we'll walk through what mixins are and how they work by first inspecting them as plain objects then working our way into classes then finally TypeScript. We'll then implement mixins via AdonisJS' compose utility.

Desktop app for NPM
Dec 08, 22

Easily Manage & Update Your NPM Packages With This Desktop App!

In this video, we'll see how we can easily audit, manage, and update our NPM packages/dependencies and their versions using a graphical user interface (GUI) called the NPM Desktop Manager.

Understanding Promises in Loops
Nov 24, 22

Understanding JavaScript Promises in ForEach, Map, and Reduce Loops

In this lesson, we'll take a look at how promises work when we try to await them inside newer callback-based loops, like forEach, map, and reduce.

AdonisJS Quick Tip #10.0
Oct 09, 22

How To Use Vue 3 with TypeScript in an AdonisJS Project

In this lesson, we’ll learn how to set up a Vue 3 TypeScript application within our AdonisJS project using Webpack Encore. We’ll start by getting Vue 3 working, then sprinkle in TypeScript support.

Cross-Tab Communication #3.0
Dec 12, 20

Cross-Tab Communication in JavaScript using a BroadcastChannel

We discuss how to do cross-tab communication with a BroadcastChannel, the browser's native API to communicate across browser instances. It's rather similar to using a SharedWorker, just without the worker.

Cross-Tab Communication #2.0
Nov 28, 20

Cross-Tab Communication in JavaScript using a SharedWorker

In this lesson we'll be going over how to do cross-tab communication using a SharedWorker. SharedWorkers are Web Workers that are sharable across browser-instances (tabs, windows, etc).

Cross-Tab Communication #1.0
Nov 18, 20

How To Do Cross-Tab Communication In JavaScript With LocalStorage

In this lesson, we'll be going over how to do cross-tab communication using LocalStorage. Of the three methods we'll be discussing, this one is the most browser compatible method; despite it being a workaround.

Aug 08, 20

All About JavaScript Arrow Functions

Arrow functions offer a concise alternative for standard functions. Though, there are important functionality differences regarding this binding, constructors, generators, and more.

Aug 05, 20

Introducing and Understanding JavaScript Promises

A promise allows us to delay the execution of code that's dependent upon information retrieved by an asynchronous operation. We'll expand on what this means, how to use promises, and how to go about creating one.