Cross-Tab Communication
In this series, we'll be covering three different ways to perform cross-tab communication using JavaScript's LocalStorage, SharedWorker API, and the BroadcastChannel API

Lesson 1.0
How To Do Cross-Tab Communication In JavaScript With LocalStorage
In this lesson, we'll be going over how to do cross-tab communication using LocalStorage. Of the three methods we'll be discussing, this one is the most browser compatible method; despite it being a workaround.

Lesson 2.0
Cross-Tab Communication in JavaScript using a SharedWorker
In this lesson we'll be going over how to do cross-tab communication using a SharedWorker. SharedWorkers are Web Workers that are sharable across browser-instances (tabs, windows, etc).

Lesson 3.0
Cross-Tab Communication in JavaScript using a BroadcastChannel
We discuss how to do cross-tab communication with a BroadcastChannel, the browser's native API to communicate across browser instances. It's rather similar to using a SharedWorker, just without the worker.