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What Are Some of Inertia's Limitations

What Are Some of Inertia's Limitations

In this lesson, we'll discuss a couple of Inertia's request and routing limitations and how we can circumvent them by reaching for axios or fetch instead.

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Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in InertiaJS

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Protection in InertiaJS

In this lesson, we'll learn how cross-site request forgery (CSRF) protection between AdonisJS and InertiaJS behaves in our application.

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Creating A FormInput Component

Creating A FormInput Vue Component

In this lesson, we'll create a reusable FormInput Vue Component using our current form field as a starting point.

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Common useForm Methods & Options

In this lesson, we'll walk through some of the more common methods and options we have with the useForm helper, like adding form errors, maintaining scroll position, mutating values prior to submission, and more.

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The useForm Helper

The useForm Helper

In this lesson, we'll introduce the useForm helper composable provided by InertiaJS. We'll refactor our current form to use the useForm helper instead and see how it can help manage our form state, errors, and submission.

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Form Validation & Displaying Errors

Form Validation & Displaying Errors

In this lesson, we'll add validation to our POST handler for our register route. We'll then update our form fields to check for and display any validation errors that may have occurred.

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Inertia Form Basics

Inertia Form Basics

In this lesson, we'll introduce the basics of working with form in Inertia. We'll set up our register form with its fields, get our form state set up, and send off a post request to one of our AdonisJS routes.

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What Can We Share?

What Code Can & Can't Be Shared Between AdonisJS & Inertia

In this lesson, we'll discuss what code we can and cannot share between AdonisJS and Inertia.

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Page Titles and Meta Tags

Specifying Page Titles & Meta Tags

In this lesson, we'll learn how we can append information into the head of our document with Inertia on a per-page basis. We'll then create our own head component, wrapping Inertia's, to allow easier global changes.

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Default Layouts and Overwriting the Default

Default Layouts & Overwriting the Default Layout

In this lesson, we'll inspect how Inertia injects our layout component and the data passed to it. We'll also learn how we can overwrite our default layout from our page components.

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Creating A Layout

Creating A Layout

In this lesson, we'll learn how to create a layout component and apply it to all our pages, the Inertia way.

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Partial and Lazy Data Loading

Partial and Lazy Data Loading and Evaluation

In this lesson, we'll learn about Inertia's partial reload functionality that allows us to refresh only specifically specified prop items for our page. We'll also examine lazy properties and how our props are evaluated with partial reloads.

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Global Components

Global Components and Hydration Mismatch in Action

In this lesson, we'll learn how to register components globally inside our Vue application. We'll also learn what to watch out for and examine a hydration mismatch in action.

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The Link Component

The Link Component and Programmatic Linking

In this lesson, we'll explore Inertia's Link component and its props. We'll then examine how to link between pages programmatically using Inertia's router.

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Linking Between Pages

Linking Between Pages & Page State Flow

In this lesson, we'll learn how to link from page to page the InertiaJS way. We'll then inspect how InertiaJS gets and updates our page's stateful information via our page props.

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Sharing Data from AdonisJS to Vue via Inertia

Sharing Data from AdonisJS to Vue via Inertia

In this lesson, we'll learn how to pass data from AdonisJS to Vue using Inertia as the broker. We'll discuss passing data from our controllers, from middleware, and globally via the Inertia shared data configuration.

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The Flow of Pages and Page Props

The Flow of Pages and Page Props

In this lesson, we'll talk about the flow InertiaJS follows when rendering pages, from AdonisJS to our Vue application. Then, we'll talk about passing props to our Vue page components.

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Shadcn-vue and TailwindCSS

Setting Up TailwindCSS, Shadcn-Vue, and Automatic Component Imports

In this lesson, we'll install and configure Shadcn-Vue and TailwindCSS. We'll then set up automatic imports for all of our local Vue components.


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Form Utility Component
EdgeJS Components #6.0
Jan 14

Form Utility Component

In this lesson, we'll start a form utility component. This component will allow us to create one central location where we can maintain our forms and provide additional functionality like simplified method spoofing.

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Accordion Variant Options
EdgeJS Components #5.2
Jan 07

Bordered, Active Bordered, and Plain Variants

In this lesson, we'll split out three different variants from the accordion item we made in the last lesson. We'll create bordered, active bordered, and plain accordion items.

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Identifying Accordion Items
EdgeJS Components #5.1
Jan 07

Identifying Accordion Items

In this lesson, we'll add the ability to have more than one item on a given accordion by creating a new accordion item component.

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Starting Our Accordion
EdgeJS Components #5.0
Jan 07

Starting Our Accordion

In this lesson, we'll start our accordion component and gain an understanding of how to handle uniquely identifying components that may appear multiple times on a single page via the AlpineJS magic id utility.

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Model vs Database
Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 #6.2
Dec 28, 23

Model vs Database Query Builder

In this lesson, we'll take a look at the differences between the model and database query builders.

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Mixins and Compose
Dec 17, 23

A Deep Dive Into Mixins & Compose

In this lesson, we'll walk through what mixins are and how they work by first inspecting them as plain objects then working our way into classes then finally TypeScript. We'll then implement mixins via AdonisJS' compose utility.

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Self-Destruct & Dismissible Alerts
EdgeJS Components #4.4
Dec 11, 23

Dismissible & Self Destructing Alerts

In this lesson, we'll focus on adding interactivity to our alerts by making them both conditionally dismissible and self-destructable.

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Inverse Style & Cascading Slots
EdgeJS Components #4.3
Dec 11, 23

Inverse Alert Style & Cascading Slots

In this lesson, we'll add our alert's inverse styling by extending our base alert. We'll also see how to cascade slots passed into our inverse alert to our extended base alert.

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Limiting, Sorting, and Pagination
Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 #6.1
Dec 08, 23

Limiting, Sorting, & Pagination with the Query Builder

In this lesson, we'll take a look at the various options we have to limit results when using the query builder including first, firstOrFail, limit, and pagination. We'll also learn how we can sort our results.

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Adding Conditional Content
EdgeJS Components #4.2
Dec 04, 23

Adding Conditional Icon, Headline, and Message Content

In this lesson, we'll make our alert's icon, headline, and message completely optional. We'll also allow our icon to be provided via slot and our headline and message via prop or slot.

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Adding Alert Variants
EdgeJS Components #4.1
Dec 04, 23

Adding Alert Variants

In this lesson, we'll focus on adding a light, dark, blue, green, red, and yellow variant option to our base alert.

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Creating Our Base alert
EdgeJS Components #4.0
Dec 04, 23

Creating Our Base Alert

In this lesson, we'll create our base alert to serve as our building block for our content, variant, and style options. We'll also fix a pseudo-selector issue.

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Introducing the Query Builder
Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 #6.0
Nov 26, 23

Intro to the Query Builder & It's Where Statements

In this lesson, we'll introduce the query builder. We'll spend most of our time looking at its various where statement options and how we can use them to build queries.

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Button Inverse and Outline Styles
EdgeJS Components #3.4
Nov 20, 23

Adding Button Inverse and Outline Styles

In this lesson, we'll add two new button style options, inverse and outline. Both styles will extend off the work we did with our base button to keep all functionality in one concise location

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Adding Button Variants
EdgeJS Components #3.3
Nov 20, 23

Adding Button Variants

In this lesson, we'll add variant options for our base button. These will provide light and dark options as well as stateful coloring blue, green, red, and yellow.

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Adding Button Sizes
EdgeJS Components #3.2
Nov 20, 23

Adding Button Size Options

In this lesson, we'll add four size options to our base button large, base, small, and extra small. These sizes will then automatically be available as we add our button variants and styles.

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Adding Interactivity to our Button
EdgeJS Components #3.1
Nov 13, 23

Adding Interactivity to our Button

In this lesson, we'll add extendable interactivity to our button using AlpineJS. We'll also walk through a demonstration of how we can utilize event propagation in AlpineJS to our advantage.

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Base Button
EdgeJS Components #3.0
Nov 13, 23

Creating Our Base Button

In this lesson, we'll create our base button component which al our other button styles will derive from. It'll be in charge of building our classes, adding interactivity, and more.

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Main Slot, Named Slots, and Slot Scope
EdgeJS Components #2.4
Nov 06, 23

Main Slot, Named Slots, and Slot Scopes

In this lesson, we'll learn all about the main slot, how to define and use named slots, as well as passing state information from within our components to our slots using slot scopes.

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Serialize Props as Attributes
EdgeJS Components #2.3
Nov 06, 23

Serializing Props as Element Attributes

In this lesson, we'll learn about EdgeJS' serialize only and serialize except utility methods, which allow us to directly serialize key-value pairs from our props as element attributes within our components.

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