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Form Validation & Displaying Errors

Form Validation & Displaying Errors

In this lesson, we'll add validation to our POST handler for our register route. We'll then update our form fields to check for and display any validation errors that may have occurred.

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Inertia Form Basics

Inertia Form Basics

In this lesson, we'll introduce the basics of working with form in Inertia. We'll set up our register form with its fields, get our form state set up, and send off a post request to one of our AdonisJS routes.

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What Can We Share?

What Code Can & Can't Be Shared Between AdonisJS & Inertia

In this lesson, we'll discuss what code we can and cannot share between AdonisJS and Inertia.

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Page Titles and Meta Tags

Specifying Page Titles & Meta Tags

In this lesson, we'll learn how we can append information into the head of our document with Inertia on a per-page basis. We'll then create our own head component, wrapping Inertia's, to allow easier global changes.

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Default Layouts and Overwriting the Default

Default Layouts & Overwriting the Default Layout

In this lesson, we'll inspect how Inertia injects our layout component and the data passed to it. We'll also learn how we can overwrite our default layout from our page components.

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Creating A Layout

Creating A Layout

In this lesson, we'll learn how to create a layout component and apply it to all our pages, the Inertia way.

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Partial and Lazy Data Loading

Partial and Lazy Data Loading and Evaluation

In this lesson, we'll learn about Inertia's partial reload functionality that allows us to refresh only specifically specified prop items for our page. We'll also examine lazy properties and how our props are evaluated with partial reloads.

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Global Components

Global Components and Hyrdration Mismatch in Action

In this lesson, we'll learn how to register components globally inside our Vue application. We'll also learn what to watch out for and examine a hydration mismatch in action.

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The Link Component

The Link Component and Programmatic Linking

In this lesson, we'll explore Inertia's Link component and its props. We'll then examine how to link between pages programmatically using Inertia's router.

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Linking Between Pages

Linking Between Pages & Page State Flow

In this lesson, we'll learn how to link from page to page the InertiaJS way. We'll then inspect how InertiaJS gets and updates our page's stateful information via our page props.

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Sharing Data from AdonisJS to Vue via Inertia

Sharing Data from AdonisJS to Vue via Inertia

In this lesson, we'll learn how to pass data from AdonisJS to Vue using Inertia as the broker. We'll discuss passing data from our controllers, from middleware, and globally via the Inertia shared data configuration.

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The Flow of Pages and Page Props

The Flow of Pages and Page Props

In this lesson, we'll talk about the flow InertiaJS follows when rendering pages, from AdonisJS to our Vue application. Then, we'll talk about passing props to our Vue page components.

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Shadcn-vue and TailwindCSS

Setting Up TailwindCSS, Shadcn-Vue, and Automatic Component Imports

In this lesson, we'll install and configure Shadcn-Vue and TailwindCSS. We'll then set up automatic imports for all of our local Vue components.

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Server-Side Rendering (SSR) vs Client-Side Rendering (CSR)

In this lesson, we'll discuss the differences between InertiaJS in a server-side rendered (SSR) and a client-side rendered (CSR) application. We'll then compare when you would want to choose one over the other and the pros and cons of both.

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Creating Our AdonisJS App With InertiaJS

Creating Our AdonisJS App With InertiaJS

In this lesson, we'll create a new AdonisJS 6 application with the InertiaJS Starter Kit. We'll then walk through the Inertia-specific aspects of our project structure and briefly discuss the configuration steps taken when adding Inertia.

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What We'll Be Building

What We'll Be Building

At the end of this series, we'll have a feature-complete application with organizations, teams, drag-and-drop ordering, password reset, and more! So, let's take a second to see our end goal and walk through the app.

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What Is InertiaJS

What Is InertiaJS?

In this lesson, we'll introduce InertiaJS. We'll discuss what it is, what it helps with, its adapters, and more.


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Posting an Array of Objects with HTML Forms
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #11.8
Jun 26

Posting Objects, Arrays, and an Array of Objects in HTML Forms

In this lesson, we'll learn how we can use form field names to send an array of objects with our HTML form submission. We'll discuss pitfalls to watch out for and how we use AlpineJS to simplify index syncing within our field names.

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Managed Transactions and Syncing Movie Cast Members
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #11.9
Jun 26

Managed Transactions and Syncing Movie Cast Members

In this lesson, we'll learn how we can use what we learned in the last lesson to also sync our cast members. We'll then extract this functionality into a service and wrap it within a managed database transactions.

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Uploading Movie Cover Images
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #11.6
Jun 20

Uploading Movie Cover Images in our Create or Edit Form

In this lesson, we'll learn how to upload movie cover images when either creating or editing a movie via our create or edit form.

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Download Storage Images
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #11.7
Jun 20

Using A Wildcard Route Param to Download Storage Images

In this lesson, we'll learn how we can utilize a wildcard route parameter to dynamically download images that've been uploaded and stored within our application storage.

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Allowing Admins to Update Movies and Clear Values
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #11.4
Jun 15

Allowing Admins to Update Movies and Clear Values

In this lesson, we'll recreate our movie form for the purpose of updating our movies. We'll also add the ability to clear values and discuss the difference between VineJS' optional and nullable chain options.

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One Form to Create or Edit Movies
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #11.5
Jun 15

How To Use One Form to Create or Edit Movies

In this lesson, we'll learn how we can merge our create form and edit form together into a create or edit form. We'll conditionally determine whether we'll be creating or editing based on our movie value and use EdgeJS features to simplify the process

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Allowing Admins to Create Movies
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #11.3
Jun 12

Allowing Admins to Create Movies

In this lesson, we'll allow our administrators to create movies via our admin panel. We'll walk through getting the form set up, validated, and our movies created.

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Paginated Admin Movie Table
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #11.2
Jun 12

Paginated Admin Movie Table

In this lesson, we'll learn how we can create a paginated movie table for our administrators. We'll list the movies and some of their relationship data, like the number of crew and cast members associated with the movie.

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Creating An Admin Layout
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #11.0
Jun 06

Creating An Admin Layout

In this lesson, we'll learn how to create an admin layout we can use throughout our admin section pages. This layout will include a secondary navigation specific to administrative actions.

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Filtering, Preloading, and Sorting By Relationship
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #10.5
Jun 06

Filtering, Preloading, and Sorting By Relationship

In this lesson, we'll list the movies a user has watched on their profile. To do this, we'll filter, preload, and sort by the watchlist relationship where the user's watched at value is not null.

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Counting Stats for our Admin Dashboard
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #11.1
Jun 06

Counting Stats for our Admin Dashboard

In this lesson, we'll perform various counts against our models to display on our admin dashboard page.

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Displaying A User's Profile
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #10.4
Jun 01

Displaying A User's Profile

In this lesson, we'll learn how you can mimic popular sites and use an @ handle to display your user's profiles

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Uploading and Displaying User Avatars
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #10.3
Jun 01

Uploading and Displaying User Avatars

In this lesson, we'll learn how to validate and upload avatar images into our project's storage. We'll then learn how we can easily display images we have contained within our app's storage

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Saving All Or Nothing with Database Transactions
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #10.2
May 29

Saving All Or Nothing with Database Transactions

In this lesson, we'll learn about database transactions and how we can use them to batch commit or rollback updates, safeguarding against partial updates due to errors.

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Allowing Users To Edit Their Profile
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #10.1
May 29

Using Dependency Injection to Update A User's Profile

In this lesson, we'll learn how to allow users to edit their profiles. We'll also cover how we can inject the HttpContext into a service instance using Dependency Injection (DI).

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Paginator Query Strings
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #9.6
May 23

Persist Filters Easily with Lucid's Query String Method

Learn how to simplify pagination by persisting active filters with the query string method. Follow this step-by-step guide to clean up your code, apply the .queryString method from Lucid, and ensure seamless pagination for your web applications.

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Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #10.0
May 23

How to Create and Fix Missing User Profiles in Your Application

Learn how to create and manage user profiles in your application. This tutorial covers adding an edit profile button, setting up routes and controllers, ensuring profile creation during registration, handling existing users without profiles, and verifying

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AdonisJS 6 Access Token Authentication in 20 Minutes
AdonisJS In 30 #6.0
May 21

AdonisJS 6 Access Token Authentication in 20 Minutes

In this lesson, we'll cover how to implement access token authentication, using opaque tokens, in AdonisJS 6. We'll also take a look at what this would look like on the frontend via a Vue 3 app using Pinia

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Tracking Watched Movies
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #9.3
May 16

Allowing Users To Toggle A Movie As Watched

In this lesson, we'll learn how to allow users to toggle whether they've watched a movie or not within their watchlist.

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Filter by User's Watched Status
Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 #9.4
May 16

Filtering By User's Watched Status

In this lesson, we'll learn how to add a filter to our user's watchlist allowing them to show only movies they have or have not watched.

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