Stubbing Fake Data with Model Factories
In this lesson, we'll learn how we can quickly and easily bulk-create dummy/fake data within our database for each of our Lucid Models using Model Factories
- Author
- Tom Gobich
- Published
- Mar 02
- Duration
- 13m 48s
Developer, dog lover, and burrito eater. Currently teaching AdonisJS, a fully featured NodeJS framework, and running Adocasts where I post new lessons weekly. Professionally, I work with JavaScript, .Net C#, and SQL Server.
Burlington, KY
Stubbing Fake Data with Model Factories
(upbeat music)
So to get started with querying
and building out information for our application,
it'd be really nice if we didn't have to go
and create hundreds of movies,
cast members and all that fun stuff ourselves,
but instead just had an automated system
to be able to easily spin up
as many of those particular items as we wanted to.
That's where factories come into play.
So within our terminal here,
if we do node ace list to see the list of the commands,
you'll see underneath the make section,
make factory.
A factory is essentially going to allow us
to stub a model with faker information or fake data.
So let's go ahead and create a factory here.
So let's do node ace make.
We're gonna need cynists before we actually have movies
or anything of the like.
So let's start with our cynists.
So let's do a factory
and let's do hyphen hyphen help here
to see the available commands.
You'll see that the first argument
is just going to be the model name.
So all that we need to do is node ace make factory
and to create one for our cynists,
we just do cynists.
I think I misspelled that.
There we go, cynists.
Hit enter there.
And that's gonna create a factory for us
inside of our database,
factories, cynists_factory.ts file.
So let's open up our text editor here
and let's take a peek at it and see what it is.
So let's go to factories, cynists factory.
So you'll see that it's already importing
our cynists model automatically for us
and it's defining a factory specifically for that.
So it's returning back a callback function
inside of this define for our factory,
providing us faker information inside of here
and then returning back an empty object.
Lastly, calling build to build out the factory.
All that we need to do is define the information
for the model itself inside this object
that it's returning.
If we take a quick peek at our cynists model,
we have a first name, last name,
and headshot URL that we need to populate.
Everything else should be automatically taken care of
by either the database itself, which is our ID,
or by Lucid itself, which is our create_at and update_at.
So let's dive back into our factory.
So start with first name.
We can reach for faker dot
and we'll have a number of different items
that we can select from.
So we have an airline, an animal, color, commerce,
company, database, data type, date, all that fun stuff.
We have image that might come in handy here in a second,
but if we keep scrolling down here, we'll see person.
That's exactly what we're looking for.
So we can take a look at what person offers
and look at that, we have first name right there.
So let's go ahead and use first name.
If there's a first name, we can probably assume
that's too going to have a last name.
So do faker person dot last.
And then I think the other one was a headshot URL.
Sure it was.
So we can do faker.
Let's see if person has a headshot URL
or anything of the like in here.
So let's see.
Bio job title prefix.
It does not.
Though it does have a Zodiac sign
in case you have a need for that.
So cool.
Let's try maybe image.
We saw that earlier on
and see a number of deprecated things within here.
So avatar right up here or avatar GitHub or legacy.
One of those would probably do just fine.
Maybe even Flickr.
We'll go ahead and use just avatar here.
That should serve our purpose well enough.
So we can give that a save
and we're off to the races.
Now our start seeder is specifically
for start information that our database needs
to get up and running.
Whenever it comes time to actually making use
of our application,
we're not going to want this faker information
to actually exist inside of our database.
So we'll define the faker information as a separate seeder
that we can use as an optional seed to get things going.
So we'll jump back into our terminal here
and we'll create a new fake seeder.
So node ace make fake seeder, just like so.
Oops, sorry.
Node ace make seeder, fake seeder.
Okay, there we go.
That one's right.
So now we have our fake seeder there.
And again, just like we did with our start seed,
all we need to do is create the information
that we want to exist inside of our database
inside the run method of the seeder.
So right in here.
And we can use our factory in place of our model
to create that information.
So we can await sin.
And you'll see within our autocomplete list here,
we have our sinist_factory.
Let's go ahead and click on that to import it
from our factory.
And let's see what our options are.
So if we do dot,
we'll see that we have both a create and create many method,
just as we do with our lucid model.
So we can use those to create information
inside of our database using the factory.
So let's click on create many there
because we're gonna want many sinist.
And the argument for this is just gonna take in
a count of the number of records that we wanna create.
So for now, let's just start it with 10.
Cool, so we can give this a save
and let's see if everything works.
So let's jump into our terminal here.
Let's clear this out so it's a little cleaner.
And let's try to run using the same command
that we ran last time.
So that's node, ace, db, colon, seed.
By default, this is going to run all of our seeders.
So if we hit run, you'll see that we get an error
because it cannot create another role
with an ID of one or two.
So that's gonna violate that unique constraint
on the primary keys.
So whenever we run this in the future,
although our fake seeder did complete successfully,
we're gonna want to use that files argument
to explicitly define that we just wanna run the fake seeder.
But since that did complete,
we should be a-okay to keep it as is for right now.
So let's hide that away
and just keep that in mind for future reference.
Dive back into pgAdmin
and we can right-click on our sinists,
go down to view edit data and click on all rows.
And voila, we have now 10 fake sinists,
each with a first name, last name,
and some form of a headshot URL.
Awesome, so everything seems to be working a-okay there.
Cool, so let's continue onward
and continue defining our factory.
So we'll do node, ace, make factory.
We have explicit values that we have within our start seeder
for both our roles and our movie statuses tables.
So we're not gonna need fakers for those
because we already have real-world data
that we want our application to use
populated within there from that start seeder,
which leaves us with our users, our sinists,
which we've just created a factory for, and our movie table.
Now, also remember that we have crew movies
and cast movies tables inside of our database
that serve as many-to-many pivot tables.
We don't need those defined as models
because they'll be able to be joined together
via the relationship that we'll define in the next module.
So we can ignore those for now
and just focus on these models that we have here.
So let's do a factory for our movie next.
Okay, cool, so we have that one created.
Dive down into there.
And we have a number of different properties on our movie,
so I'm just gonna drag our movie model over here
onto the right-hand side of our screen
and hide our explorer away using Command or Control + B.
Now, this model in particular
has a number of different relationship-based IDs
specifically on it,
and we haven't defined anything relationship-based yet,
but these IDs are required.
So for right now, for our factory,
we're just going to stub these with hard values.
So for our status ID,
we actually have this within the enum,
so we can put a specific hard value here if we wanted to,
so we could import our status ID, enum,
movie status is right there.
And for right now, let's just put them all in writing.
And then we have our writer ID.
We'll just hard-code those to one,
and our director ID as two,
so that there's a slight difference between the two.
And then we should be good to continue onward
with the rest of our Faker information
for the rest of the properties.
We'll circle back whenever we get to relationships
and fill these two in with relationship-based information.
Cool, so let's do our title next,
and we can reach for Faker.
And let's see what we have.
Let's see if there's a movie in here.
I doubt it, but you never know.
We have music.
I don't see movie.
Okay, yeah, so I don't see anything from movies,
but we could probably use music as that's fairly close.
It's probably the closest thing
that we have available in here.
So we'll go ahead and click on music,
and let's see what we got there.
So we have genre and song name.
So let's go and do song name.
That'll serve our purpose well enough.
And next we have our slug.
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