Improved Caching with Redis
In this lesson, we'll install and configure the AdonisJS Redis package. We'll then swap out our singleton in-memory cache service with a Redis cache implementation.
- Author
- Tom Gobich
- Published
- Feb 04, 24
- Duration
- 10m 44s
Developer, dog lover, and burrito eater. Currently teaching AdonisJS, a fully featured NodeJS framework, and running Adocasts where I post new lessons weekly. Professionally, I work with JavaScript, .Net C#, and SQL Server.
Burlington, KY
Improved Caching with Redis
(upbeat music)
Okay, so let's go ahead and install
and configure Redis within our project.
So first let's install it.
So we'll run npm i @adonisjs/redis.
This will install it within our project.
Okay, cool, it's installed.
So we can clear this out.
Now, this package also requires us
to configure it within our project.
The configuration process is essentially going
to inform our project about the particular package
and it will allow the package itself
to run the necessary hooks that it needs
to instantiate various things that it needs
in order for us to successfully use the package itself.
So to configure a package, we'll wanna use the ACLI.
So that'll be node ace and there's a configure command.
And to this configure command,
we just need to provide the package names.
That's adamusjs/redis.
Once we have that run,
we'll see that it's done four things for us.
First, it's created a configuration
within our config directory called redis.ts.
Within this configuration is where we'll set up
our connection to Redis itself.
Then it's also updated our ENV file.
Since that connection information is environment specific,
this is where we're storing the connection information
that our config is reading from.
Then it's updated our start_env.ts file,
requiring those new ENV variables
that have been added into our .env file.
And then lastly, it's updated our adonisrc.ts file,
which we've yet to talk about.
So now the adonisrc.ts file is essentially in charge
of configuration for our project.
It is where the package has added its provider
into our providers array.
Providers essentially allow for the package
to hook into our application's lifecycle
to instantiate instances that it needs to
in order for us to properly work with the package.
It's also within that package's provider
that it's going to read from our configuration
to actually grab our connection details.
Before we leave here,
we can go ahead and boot our server back up,
so empty and run dev,
and let's dive back into our project.
So we left off within our .env file,
and within this file, we see three new variables.
We have our redis_host, our redis_port,
and our redis_password.
Now by default, this package has set us up
with a redis_host and redis_port value.
These two values are actually the default values
for Redis itself.
So if you haven't changed anything
within your Redis configuration,
you're most likely okay to leave these values as is.
The same goes for the password.
By default, it's not going to utilize a password.
So unless you've explicitly set up a password
for your Redis configuration,
you won't need to provide one in here either.
Since we're on our local machine,
we're not really worried about passwords
at this point in time.
Now within the env.ts file,
that's where we're specifying that our host
and our port are required.
So if we dive into here,
we'll see two new additions for our redis_host
and our redis_port.
The redis_host is specifying that it should be a string,
and that string should be a host format.
A host format's basically going to look like an IP address.
It's going to be that value
that we have within our .env file.
And then the port should be a number.
Remember that the port kind of serves
as like the street address for the server
that we want to reach to on the specific host.
So we're A-okay here.
I'll go ahead and give that file a save
so that it fixes our missing comma.
All right, the next thing that the configuration step changed
was our adonisrc.ts file.
So let's go ahead and dive into there.
And we'll see that we're calling define_config
and providing that some form of an object.
This object contains commands, service providers.
There's that providers array that we had mentioned.
And specifically, here's our redis_provider right here.
So it's within this redis_provider
that the redis_package is reading from our configuration,
setting up the connection,
and then providing us back a redis_package
to actually be able to work with.
There's some other things going on
within this adonisrc.ts file,
but we don't need to care about them at this point in time.
We'll come across them as they become important
to the series topic.
So we'll go ahead and close this out for now.
And the last thing that was added to our project
was a new configuration file specifically for Redis
with connection details.
By default, our redis_config
is going to have a default connection called main,
and then we'll have a connections object
that will allow us to define multiple connections
if we need to.
Out of the box though,
we'll just have that single main default connection.
And this main default connection
is going to use the host and the port,
and if needed, the password
that we have set within our environment variables.
It's also got some additional configuration
going on down here as well.
You might notice that we're reading from env.get
to actually read from our environment variables.
If we scroll up to see where that's coming from,
we'll see it's being imported from our start directory
and specifically that env.ts file.
So one nice thing about that file
is not only is it providing type safety
whenever we boot our server up,
but it's also providing type safety
whenever we actually try to read from it as well.
So if we scroll back down to where we call those gets
and we remove, let's say our redis_host altogether,
let's remove the strings as well,
and we type strings back in,
we're going to get an auto-complete
of the variables that we have defined within our env.ts
so that we know what we have within our environment variables
and we can say, okay, I want the redis_host,
click on it, and there we go.
Now, for me particularly,
I need to change one more thing in here.
You most likely don't need to worry about this whatsoever.
Redis allows you to have multiple different databases
specified by this db0, which is the default database.
I'm already using db0 for the Atacast project,
so I need to switch to a different index.
For this one, I'll switch it to one.
Again, you most likely don't need to change this whatsoever.
So I'm going to give that a save,
collapse our config back down, scroll up,
and now we're ready to replace
our cache service implementation with redis.
So let's dive into here.
First things first, let's go ahead and import redis.
So at the top of the file,
let's call import redis from at adonisjs/redis/services/main.
This is going to give us a redis service
to be able to work with.
All right, so let's go ahead and just roll through
the different methods that we have here.
So first, we have a has method,
checking whether or not the key exists within our store.
For this, for redis, what we'll want to do is return.
We can read from redis.
And there's an exists method
that we can utilize to check this.
Now, this method here is overloaded,
meaning that there's a couple of different argument sets
that we could provide into it.
The various options for this essentially mean
that we can either spread in an array of redis keys,
or we could provide a redis key array.
There's an additional callback option
for a couple of these here that we could provide in as well,
but we don't really care about that at this point.
We just want to check whether or not the key exists.
So within here, we can provide our key.
Now, if we wanted to,
we could mimic their spread behavior by spreading our key,
turning this into keys,
and now the string will be a string array.
We can still provide a singular key
because our arguments here are spread,
but if we needed to,
we could provide multiple arguments as an array.
And now we can just provide our keys directly into here,
and we're good to go.
So now we can get rid of our prior implementation reading
directly from our store.
And before we move on,
let's check the exists method.
So this is returning back a promise of number.
So since it's returning back a promise,
that means that this call is asynchronous.
We currently have our methods asynchronous,
so we do want to switch them to async.
Before I forget,
I'm just going to do that for all of them.
So we'll paste it in here,
paste it in there,
and paste it in for our delete as well.
So now we're ready to take care of our get method,
where we're reading a value from the store.
So for this one,
we're actually going to want to hold the value here
momentarily before we return it.
So let's do const value equals await
or read from Redis dot,
and there's a get method
and provide in the key that we want to get.
Now, before we return our value,
we need to understand how Redis
is actually going to store our information.
So Redis is going to store it as a string,
meaning that if we pass it in an object or an array,
we're going to need to stringify it
before we actually put it into the Redis database.
So since we'll need to set it as a string,
whenever we get it,
we'll be getting it back as a string,
meaning we'll want to parse it before we return it back.
So for our return,
what we'll want to do is JSON dot parse
and provide the value in.
Now you'll notice a red squiggly here.
That's because the value could be null
and parse does not like that.
It requires a value.
So what we'll do is check whether or not the value exists
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Incase you have issues with writing to redis, head over to redis-cli on the terminal and run this
`config set stop-writes-on-bgsave-error no`
Restart your redis server and all will be good.
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Thanks for sharing, Phillip!!
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