Creating A New AdonisJS 6 Project

In this lesson, we'll create our first AdonisJS 6 project and learn how we can boot it up and open it within VS Code.

Jan 24
5m 55s

Developer, dog lover, and burrito eater. Currently teaching AdonisJS, a fully featured NodeJS framework, and running Adocasts where I post new lessons weekly. Professionally, I work with JavaScript, .Net C#, and SQL Server.


Burlington, KY

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  1. Commented 1 month ago

    I am new to adonis, I think we need to pay attention more to this than just the hyped who look for stability. Thankyou so much for the great work by making this tutorials.


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    1. Commented 1 month ago

      Thank you for watching, Fadli! I hope you find as much enjoyment in working with AdonisJS as I have! 😊


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  2. Commented 1 month ago

    thanks for this tutorial, but I have an issue when running, npm run dev.
    I got error like this
    Error: Cannot find package 'luxon'


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    1. Commented 1 month ago

      Hi Mathius! Is this a brand new AdonisJS project? If so, make sure you're using at least version 20.6 of NodeJS. If you are, can you please share the repo? I can take a look and see if anything stands out.


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      1. Commented 1 month ago

        yes, I'm using the latest node version 20.14.
        this is my repo


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        1. Commented 1 month ago

          Hmm… I just pulled down your repo, and ran npm i and it booted up a-okay. I'm using Node v20.14 as well. Maybe try deleting your package-lock.json and node_modules and rerunning npm i? Might've been some issue with NPM cache.


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          1. Commented 1 month ago

            ok, thank you


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            1. Commented 1 month ago



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              1. Commented 1 month ago

                works well after giving permission to npm to access .npm folder.


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                1. Commented 1 month ago

                  Oh, good find! Happy to hear you were able to get it figured out!


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