Listing and Filtering User Watchlist Items
In this lesson, we'll take our movie filter, and learn how we can reuse it to display a filterable list of the user's watchlist movies.
- Author
- Tom Gobich
- Published
- May 10, 24
- Duration
- 7m 31s
Developer, dog lover, and burrito eater. Currently teaching AdonisJS, a fully featured NodeJS framework, and running Adocasts where I post new lessons weekly. Professionally, I work with JavaScript, .Net C#, and SQL Server.
Burlington, KY
Listing and Filtering User Watchlist Items
(upbeat music)
So now that we can add movies to and from a user's watchlist,
let's go ahead and add in a list
of what the user has within their watchlist.
And we'll add the button to get to this page
right up here next to the logout.
But first we need to define the route and the handler.
So within our watchlist controller,
we can scroll on up to our index page
and we'll want view and we're also gonna want auth
so that we can grab the authenticated user.
Right now let's just return view.render
and let's scroll down to our pages here to see what we have.
There's a couple of different places that we could put this.
We could put it inside a movie's watchlist,
we could do user's watchlist,
or we could just put watchlist out here with our home.
Since this will be our one and only page for watchlist,
I think probably putting it out there with home
is gonna make the most sense.
So we'll just do pages/watchlist for our render there.
Let's save that real quick
and let's go define the route for it.
So above our toggle here,
let's do router.get/watchlist.
I'm gonna leave the S off of this particular route
because it will make a little bit more sense for the user
since they have that one and only watchlist.
Whereas with our post here,
it makes a little bit more sense
because that's a resourceful action.
Then we'll point this to our watchlist controller
and our index method inside of there is watchlist.index.
We'll keep with the resourceful naming
for the actual route name
as that won't be user-facing in any way.
Now that we have that, let's dive into our navigation
and add a link to that page
when we have an authenticated user.
So this will just be an ahref to our route,
watchlists, index, and we'll just call this link watchlist.
Then we're gonna want these two
to display beside each other.
So let's go ahead and wrap it in a div
and a class of flex item center gap of maybe three
and that div, give this here an indent and that div.
And we also have our button text here is text extra small.
So let's go ahead and apply that to our link here as well
so that they are the same size.
All right, give that a save.
Jump into our browser real quick just to check it out.
And okay, let's also copy that hover padding on that as well.
Looks like that might actually just be within our CSS.
So let's dive into our CSS real quick.
Nav A, let's just apply that to nav button as well.
Okay, just check that out once more.
There we go, that's a little bit more uniform.
So we can't click on this quite yet
because we haven't actually created the page.
So let's do that next.
So within our pages directory, let's right click that,
new file, watchlist.edge, hit enter there.
And one thing I think would be really nice for this page
is if we took what we have for our filters for our movies
and apply that to the watchlist as well.
So let's go ahead and use our movie index page,
which has our filters within it
as the base point for our watchlist.
Scroll up to the top.
We'll change our meta description here
to something like movies in your watchlist.
Scroll down a little bit
because we should also have an H2, there it is.
And we'll do the same there.
So movies in your watchlist.
Give that a save.
And let's jump back into our watchlist controller
because we need to finish out our index method.
Now for this, we can go ahead and use our movies controller
as a starting point here as well.
So we really just need to give everything here a copy
and we'll paste it and replace everything that we have
within our index method so far.
Updating the view render path to watchlist.
Scroll up a little bit here
because we will also need our request
and we can hit command dot on one of the red squigglies
and add all missing imports.
Looks like it didn't quite know
where to get query string from.
So let's try hitting command dot there and there it is.
So let's import that.
Okay, let's make sure everything's nice and happy.
Looks like it.
So let's give this a save real quick
and give our watchlist page a click
just to check and make sure that everything works.
And okay, cannot resolve the page
at pages watchlist.edge.
I wonder if I misspelled it again.
Let's go scroll down and see.
This time I didn't forget the L but I did forget the T.
All right, let's rename that real quick.
Can't fix that.
Let's jump back into our browser and try that once more.
There we go.
Okay, so next up we need to filter this down
to just movies in our watchlist.
So we could dive into our get filtered method
and make that change in there
but then it would also apply to our movies index page
where we're also using this method.
We could add in an argument
specifying whether or not we want to filter it
to just our watchlist movies
or we could define another method
but there's an alternative approach I think
would be a little bit more reusable.
So if we dive into our get filtered method,
I think what would be most useful
is if we just left this to getting our filtered
and we move the pagination back into the controller.
So if we remove the paginate here,
that's going to allow us to apply additional
filter statements to this query
within the controller itself,
making this method a little bit more reusable.
So we'll remove the page and the paginate,
give that a save once more so that it formats.
If we take a look real quick,
no red squigglies as we're only being used
for the pagination method.
Let's first go ahead and dive back
into our movies controller
and fix the index method up there real quick.
So if we scroll up,
we no longer want to supply the page into there.
And if we temporarily remove the await here
and we take a look at the type of our movies,
it's now our model query builder contract.
We're no longer executing the query
since we're not awaiting it anywhere,
meaning that we can now do .paginate
directly off of our get filtered call
as the page number in
and specify that we want 15 per page.
Now we no longer have that default one
that we were applying within the parameter defaults
of our get filtered call.
So we do want to provide that default here
with our request.input as a default value of one there.
And then we just need to add the await back.
We'll remove that for demonstration purposes.
So everything here should be behaving
the exact same as it was before.
We just move the paginate from inside of our get filtered
to now outside of our get filtered.
So we want to do that exact same thing
within our watchlist controller as well.
So remove page there,
add in a default page of one on our page,
input .paginate, specify the page and save 15 per page.
Now, before we take this any further,
let's go ahead and dive back into our browser,
give it a quick refresh just to make sure
that everything still works and it does.
Hide that back away.
And specifically what that refactoring allowed us to do
is now we can break this down
and do an additional where has
to filter these results down beyond
just our get filtered call.
So now we can do a where has with watchlist
and specify that we only care about the watchlist
where query.where user ID is the current auth user ID
and our exclamation point there.
Now, since this is our watchlist controller
and we're going to place an auth middleware on this
to require a user to be authenticated
in order to get in here,
we don't need that if statement wrapping this where has.
So we're a-okay to leave this as is.
We'll give that a save real quick.
And now if we jump back into our browser,
give it a refresh,
we should only get back movies
that are in the user's watchlist,
which is exactly what we get.
So the next thing that we need to do is update our form
because currently if we were to submit it,
it's going to take us back to just our movies index page
while we want to be on the watchlist page
after we apply a filter.
So let's hide that back away,
jump back into our watchlist page,
and we should just need to update the action here
from movies.index to our watchlist.index.
We also need to apply that to the base URL as well.
So if we jump back into our watchlist controller,
scroll down a little bit,
the base URL right here,
we need to switch that to our watchlist.index too.
Give that a save.
Now, if we jump back into our browser
and try to search by movies with a title containing S,
search that, we get back just to,
saving private Ryan and stay.
If we remove that, run it again,
nope, looks like our validator there
doesn't like an empty value for that.
Probably need to add nullable to that as well.
So let's go scroll up to our validators real quick,
go into our movie validator,
movie filter validator,
and let's see, that was our search field.
So we have that as optional.
Probably also need to just make that nullable.
Let's give that a try.
Jump back into our browser,
try removing that once more,
search, nope, still doesn't like that.
Okay, well, let's go ahead
and just remove this off a numeric.
It may be missing up the optional check that we have.
Give that a save there.
And now if we run this without our title search,
everything should be happy.
There we go.
See, we have one movie in post-production.
I'm your boogeyman.
So we'll go ahead and do a post-production search there.
All right, let's do a released
and now put I'm your boogeyman should not be included.
Cool, so everything seems to be working a-okay.
Let's go check out our pagination real quick.
So make sure that that's going to the right page,
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