A Deep Dive Into Relationship CRUD with Models
In this lesson, we'll take a deep look at how we can perform CRUD operations with one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, and many-to-many relationships using our Lucid Models.
- Author
- Tom Gobich
- Published
- Apr 02, 24
- Duration
- 18m 5s

Developer, dog lover, and burrito eater. Currently teaching AdonisJS, a fully featured NodeJS framework, and running Adocasts where I post new lessons weekly. Professionally, I work with JavaScript, .Net C#, and SQL Server.
Burlington, KY
A Deep Dive Into Relationship CRUD with Models
So at this point, we know most of the big picture,
but there is one final piece of the puzzle to put together,
and that's how we combine our relationships together
with our models to actually create data with our models.
So I'm going to hit "Control tilde" here inside of
our text editor and this will bring up the terminal.
Now, I just have it taking up full screen,
you can adjust this right here.
This is going to give us a little bit more room to work with
compared to working directly inside of our terminal application.
I'm going to run node.ace.repl to jump into a REPL session.
Await.loadModels to load up our models.
So let's start with one-to-one relationships.
So let's create a brand new user.
So let's do const user equals awaitModels.user.read.
We'll pass in an object here.
I think this takes a full name.
I'll put my name here,
email, we'll just do [email protected],
and then a password of password.
Let's go ahead and run that.
Cool. So now we should have our user.
If we go ahead and serialize that,
we'll see my details printed out.
However, at present, if we go ahead and try to await
user.loadProfile and we do user.profile,
we're going to get null because we haven't
actually created a profile for this user.
With our factory, we have this creating
all of our profiles along with our users,
which is why we went ahead and created
a brand new user here so that we can walk through this.
So there's a couple of ways that we can actually add
data with a relationship for our user.
So we could do await user.related as we've
done prior to reach through the relationship,
and then provide the relationship name.
So that would be our profile.
So far, we've just used this to
access the relation query builder,
but we can also call create directly off of this as
well for relationships pointing to a single record.
We just provided an object
for the record that we want to create.
So from our user model,
we're grabbing the relationship for our profile,
and then we're going to create a new profile
specifically for the user that we started this call from.
Lucid will automatically bind this user's ID
onto the profile that ends up getting created.
So it will automatically set that user ID that's on
our profile model just via this relationship.
Meaning, all that we have to do is define the,
I think we call it the biography column,
and everything else will be automatically
taken care of for our current profile.
So this is my bio.
Let's hit "Enter" there.
Cannot define biography on profile model since
it's not defined as a model property.
So I got the name wrong, my bad.
Let's go check our profile model here.
Oh, it's called description.
We'll elevate our panel size back up for our terminal.
I'll go ahead and hit "Up",
and I'll switch our biography column to description.
Run that, and there we go.
So now if we await user.loadProfile,
and then user.profile,
and we go ahead and serialize that,
we're going to see that we actually get back
that newly created profile instance.
Additionally, whenever we called create,
it immediately returned the model
that was created as a result as well.
So you could do cost profile equals await
user related profile.create and get
back that brand new profile that way as well.
So let's go ahead and await user.profile.delete
to delete that user's profile.
So now if we do user.profile.isDeleted,
we're going to get back true.
Remember that this is a flag that holds whether or not
the current record has been
deleted out of the database using the model.
This paves way for us to create a brand new profile.
So I've cleared out our terminal,
reloaded our rep session to give us more working room here.
Let's go ahead and grab that user again.
So cost user equals awaitModelsUser.findByOrFail,
we'll find by e-mail,
and we've provided that with [email protected].
So now we should have our user, and if we type out user,
we could see in the hint down here that we do indeed have that user.
We can also create a brand new record by
instantiating the model itself as well.
So we can do const profile equals newModels.profile.
Within our code, I'm going to scroll down to the bottom here.
This would be the same as doing const profile
equals new profile directly with our model class.
So we'll run that on the profile.
We'll set the description value equal to,
we'll just do test right now to give it something.
So at this point, we have a profile instance of
our model and a user instance of our model,
but our profile instance is not persisted into the database,
nor is it bound to our user.
Well, we can do both of those with one call by doing
awaitUser.relatedProfile to reach through with the relationship again,
and calling .save and providing it
the entire model that we want to relate with,
which would be our profile.
This will both persist our profile into the database
and relate it to our user record as well.
So we've run this, and then awaitUser.loadProfile,
user.profile, let's go ahead and serialize that.
There is our brand new profile with our test description.
Once more, let's go ahead and awaitUserProfile.delete.
Back with a fresh slate here,
we have our user once more.
Another way that we can join these relationships together,
and this one is unique to belongs to relationships.
So this will be coming at it from our profile side,
is to use associate and disassociate.
So const profile equals new,
and let's do models.profile once more,
instantiating a new instance of our profile class.
Then we'll do profile.description equals,
I probably spelled that wrong,
but we'll just do associated there.
Now from our profile side,
we can awaitProfile.related,
reach for the user relationship,
and we can associate our profile
with the particular user instance that we have.
Again, this will save our profile into the database,
and set its user ID with the user's ID that we've provided in.
We'll go ahead and run that.
Now if we await,
and let's do this from our user side,
user.loadProfile, user.profile.serialize once more,
we'll see that our profile was successfully associated with this user.
Now, the user ID relationship for our profile is required.
But if this relationship were nullable,
we could then dissociate these two from one another as well,
by doing something relatively similar to our associate call.
We could awaitProfile.related user,
and then call.dissociate to pluck the two apart from one another,
essentially removing the user ID off our profile and setting it to null.
Again, our profile's user ID is required,
it's not nullable in the database.
So if I were to run this,
we're going to get an error due to that violation of the not null constraint.
But if that relationship were nullable,
that's one way that you could dissociate the two from one another.
So we're back into a fresh REPL session with everything cleared out.
Similarly to how we created a record through
the relationship for our one-to-one relationship between our user and our profile,
we can do the same using a create many call for one-to-many relationships as well.
So if we create a new Sinist here,
I'm going to do const me because I find Sinist rather hard to spell correctly,
equals awaitModels.sinist.create,
providing a first name of Tom and a last name of Govij.
So we'll just create a record here for myself.
I believe headshot URL has an empty string default,
so we should be good to just create a record with that.
Cool. Everything looks good there.
If we do await me.related,
and I'm going to collapse this back down and take
a look to see what we call this relationship.
We have moviesDirected and moviesWritten as our hasMany relationships here.
So we can do either one of those for our example,
moviesWritten.createMany here to create many in one go.
So we can provide in an array,
and then inside of our array,
we just need to create objects for however many movies we
want to add and fill them out with each movie's details.
So let's see, we have our status ID.
I'm just going to default that to one.
Our director ID,
we'll default that to one.
Our writer ID will be automatically set via the relationship because we're reaching
through this user via the movie's written relationship,
which is bound by the written ID.
So we can pass over the written ID,
go to title, do written by me or something like that.
I believe everything else there is optional.
So let's move on to our second one, status ID.
We'll just do one here, director ID.
We'll do one again, title,
written by me too.
Let's go ahead and run that.
As you can see, just like create,
it's going to return back each of the movies that was created with this relationship.
Now we should be able to do await me.loadMoviesWritten,
and then me.moviesWritten,
and we'll map over those,
movie.serialize like so,
and we get back both movies written by me and written by me too.
So we're back with a fresh REPL session with me defined once more.
Again, just like with our user profile example,
whenever we called save through the relationship,
we took a model instance that wasn't yet persisted into the database,
saved it, and bound it to the user all in one blow.
We can do that exact same thing here using save many for our one-to-many relationships.
So let's do const movie1 equals new models movie,
and we'll create a new instance of that.
Now, rather than doing movie1.statusId,
so on and so forth, taking up multiple lines here,
what we could alternatively do is do movie1.merge,
and this will merge whatever object data we provide into our current movie data.
So for example, we could just set just as we did with our create call,
our status, id of one.
How about for this one, we set these movies as directed.
So we'll set our writer ID rather than our director ID,
and then our title directed by me1,
and we'll merge that data in.
So now if we do movie1.title,
we see it was directed by me1.
Cool. So let's do const movie2 equals new models movie,
create an instance of that,
and we can do movie2.merge,
statusId of one,
writerId of two,
and title of directed by me2,
and we'll merge that in.
So now for movie2.title,
we have directed by me.
So let's take await me.related,
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