Loading A Movie Using Route Parameters
In this lesson, we'll learn how we can reuse a route definition using route parameters to show any item we have for our movie resource.
- Author
- Tom Gobich
- Published
- Jan 24, 24
- Duration
- 9m 18s

Developer, dog lover, and burrito eater. Currently teaching AdonisJS, a fully featured NodeJS framework, and running Adocasts where I post new lessons weekly. Professionally, I work with JavaScript, .Net C#, and SQL Server.
Burlington, KY
Loading A Movie Using Route Parameters
(upbeat music)
- So at this point, we should have some understanding
of how the route system's gonna work within our application,
how we can reuse the same URL for a route
using different HTTP methods
to make up what's called a resource
that allows us to perform different actions
against said resource.
But at this point,
we only know how to hard code particular routes,
but we might have a database of thousands
or even millions of different movies.
And whenever it comes to our route definitions,
we're not gonna wanna have thousands
or millions of different routes
defining each individual movie that we have.
That's just not realistic.
So how can we replace my awesome movie
with some unique identifier
that allows us to reuse our movies.showRoute
for any one individual movie that we may want to show
so that we don't have to copy and paste
this particular route thousands or millions of times?
Well, that's where route parameters come into play.
A route parameter can kind of be thought of
as a placeholder within our routes definition.
So let's go ahead and take a look at what that looks like.
So we can replace my awesome movie here
with a route parameter, let's call it slug,
because that's kind of what we have
within the string right here.
A slug can be thought of as a URL safe, unique identifier.
That's also human readable.
To define a route parameter,
we wanna start the parameter with a colon,
and that's gonna tell AdonisJS,
hey, we're entering in a route parameter here,
and that's gonna help Adonis match up our route
whenever we make our requests.
And then after the colon,
we just wanna give our parameter a name,
which we can call it slug.
At this point, if you recall back to when we were taking a
look at our HTTP context,
you may remember that we had a params object on it.
So we can try to do ctx params,
and we can do dot here,
and you'll notice it doesn't pick anything up.
If we take a look at the type for our params,
it's just a record string any,
which we previously learned is essentially just an object
where the string is our key,
and any is the underlying value.
Well, we know that we've called our param slug.
So let's try to do params.slug.
Let's give this a save.
And on our movies detail page,
we're already providing movie directly into our H1.
So if we jump into our browser at this point
and give it a refresh,
uh-oh, we get an error.
Cannot make URL for slash movies,
slash, and then our slug param route.
It says it's missing a value for slug param.
And then if we scroll down just briefly here,
it states that the error is happening
within our resources, views, pages, movies.edge,
line number 13.
And that's where we're creating and injecting the URL
for our navigation.
Whenever we generate out a URL
that has a required route parameter within it,
we have to define that route parameter
to the route in order for it to successfully
generate out the URL for that route.
So let's hide our browser back away.
And we know that the error is within our navigation.
Specifically, it happened on our movies page,
but that's just because that's the page
that we were trying to render.
It exists too on our homepage.
Within the route method,
the way that we can specify a route parameter
for the underlying route that we want to generate
is via the second argument.
We can provide a key value pair here
where the key is the parameter name
and the value is the parameter value.
So our parameter name is slug
and our value is my awesome movie.
Well, at this point,
the name for our navigation item's
a little outdated as well.
So let's switch this to my awesome movie
because that's the specific movie
that this route will render out.
Let's copy our navigation once more
and let's apply this into our movies page as well.
So paste it in here.
And now if we jump back into our browser,
let's give our page a refresh and cool.
So now we see my awesome movie,
but instead of being valid English,
now it's just rendering out
the underlying slug that we have.
If we try our navigation,
we can go home
and we can jump back to my awesome movie again.
However, in our URL,
since my awesome movie is now dynamic,
we can replace this with whatever we want.
So this could be another awesome movie
and look at that, it worked just fine.
But if we click my awesome movie,
that's always gonna take us back to my awesome movie
because that's the underlying slug
that we're providing whenever we generate out
this particular route.
If we wanted to, we could copy this link,
paste it in here.
Movies.show would remain the same,
but the slug would change from my awesome movie
to another awesome movie.
We can update the text for that there as well.
We can give that a copy
and paste that within our homepage too.
If we jump back into our browser,
now we have two links.
We have my awesome movie and another awesome movie.
We can click between these just fine and it will work.
In most cases though,
you're not gonna want the user
to be able to put just anything in here.
You're gonna wanna actually be able to match it up
to something that you have
to render out some dynamic content
because at the end of the day,
we're not just gonna wanna show the slug back to the user.
Instead, we're gonna wanna show details
about this particular movie.
So how can we go about that?
Let's go ahead and hide our browser back away.
And within our resources,
let's add a directory called movies.
So new folder, movies.
For right now, we're gonna place some movies within here
along with their details.
So let's create a couple.
We can do my awesome movie.
And for right now, we'll do this as just plain HTML.
We'll have an H1 with my awesome movie.
And then we'll just do a paragraph
and let's go back to our extensions
and let's install an extension called Lipsum Generator.
This is just gonna allow us to generate out quickly
paragraphs of Lipsum text,
which is just placeholder text.
We can do Command or Control + Shift + P
to enter in our command palette
where we can type in Ipsum and generate lorem ipsum text.
For right now, we can just say generate out one paragraph
and then just hit Enter there as well.
And it will generate out a paragraph worth of text.
I've gone ahead and broken mine down in the separate lines.
So it looks a little something like this.
I'm gonna give this page a copy
and let's create another movie.
So let's right click on movies, new file,
another awesome movie.html.
Paste this in here and let's just update the H1.
So another, and let's create a third.
So we'll right click again, do new file,
and we'll do awesome movie, the trilogy.
Paste that in there, awesome movie, the trilogy.
So I'm gonna close each one of these HTML files out
to clean our tabs up here a little bit.
Let's head back into our routes.
And now we wanna use the value
within our slug route parameter
to fetch the underlying HTML from our movies.
For this, we can use a new JS module.
So let's import fs, which is short for file system,
from node colon fs.
And let's do the promises version.
Within our route handler,
we can build out the URL to fetch our movie
by doing const URL equals,
and we can use Adonis's app module
and we can import that from AdonisJS core services app.
And that specifically has a method called makeURL
that will allow us to make a URL
from our applications route relatively simple.
So from our applications route,
we wanna go within resources, movies, provider slug,
and then our slug's not gonna contain .html,
so we'll wanna add that in.
So we can do resources, movies,
and we'll wanna switch these to backticks
so that we can inject the slug
directly into our file path here.
So this is just ctx, rams, slug,
and then lastly, let's add in the HTML file extension.
And this will build out a URL object
pointing to the underlying movie
that we provide into the slug,
which means we can now use the fs module
to read that file directly to get its contents.
So we can call this const movie equals await,
reach for that fs module.
Specifically off of this module,
we want to read a file provided in the URL
that we just generated from the previous line,
and then specify that this is an encoding type of UTF-8.
Now within the data that we're passing
into our pages movies,
we can remove the slug altogether and just pass in movie.
We can give this a save now, jump back into our browser.
Another awesome movie matches one of the files
that we created within our movies directory.
So we should be able to give this just a refresh,
and voila.
So we see the underlying text
that that makes up the body of the file that we're reading.
We have h1 right here, along with our paragraph text.
But within here, we're seeing the actual HTML elements
rather than those being rendered out.
This is something that AdonisJS and EdgeJS
does for our safety.
It's not going to just willy nilly plop any old HTML
that we have saved within our system onto the page.
Instead, we have to tell it that,
hey, this is safe to actually render out.
And the way that we do that is,
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Can I study course of API with Adonis?
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Hi Jose! We will be doing a series of API development a little later on, at the moment though, we unfortunately don't have any resources for this. However, the primary difference between this series and an API is instead of providing information into page state, you'd instead return it as a JSON response.
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Excellent course concept of Adonis
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Thank you very much, Jose!!
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