Toggling A Movie in an Authenticated User's Watchlist
In this lesson, we'll learn how to add the ability to toggle whether a user has a movie within their watchlist. We'll also query and display whether a movie is in the authenticated user's watchlist as well.
- Author
- Tom Gobich
- Published
- May 10
- Duration
- 9m 56s
Developer, dog lover, and burrito eater. Currently teaching AdonisJS, a fully featured NodeJS framework, and running Adocasts where I post new lessons weekly. Professionally, I work with JavaScript, .Net C#, and SQL Server.
Burlington, KY
Toggling A Movie in an Authenticated User's Watchlist
(upbeat music)
So now that we have our watch list defined
inside of our database,
let's go ahead and make use of it by adding a button
within our movie card that allows a user
to add a movie to their watch list.
So let's go ahead and hide our browser back away.
We can hide our database directory there.
And let's first go ahead and just jump into our controllers
and we should now have a watch list controller right here.
Let's grab our HTTP context import
and actually come to think of it,
we should have created this controller here as a resource.
So let's go ahead and just delete it out temporarily,
move that to our trash, jump back into our terminal,
stop our server, clear that out,
node, ace, make, controller, watch list.
And we could do hyphen R or hyphen hyphen resource
to add in resourceful methods,
which would be index, create, update, delete,
so on and so forth.
But really for this, all that we want is an index
for when it comes time to list out the watch list page,
a toggle method to allow the user to toggle
between having the movie in their watch list
and not having it in their watch list.
And then we're also gonna want another toggle
specifically for just whether or not the movie was watched.
Okay, let's go ahead and boot our server back up,
npm run dev, hide that away, jump into our new controller,
and there we go.
So right now our main target is to allow a user to toggle
whether or not a movie is inside of their watch list.
So what we're gonna want is our response
so that we can redirect user back
after they perform some action,
our params so that we can get the IDs applicable
as well as auth so that we can get the user applicable too.
So from our params, we're gonna want to be able to get
the movie ID and then we're also going to want our user ID
from our auth there.
And right after our user,
we're gonna put an exclamation point
because we're gonna use the middleware to ensure
that in order for us to reach this method,
the user is actually authenticated.
And that will just essentially remove
the undefined portion from the type.
Then we'll wanna check and see whether or not
a watch list for that user in this movie already exists.
So we do watch list equals await auth.user,
we'll add another exclamation point to assert
that we do have a user and then do related watch list.
And we'll query where we have the movie ID
and we only care about the first.
So we'll just grab the first there.
So there's plenty of ways that you can actually query that.
That's one way.
You could of course also just do it directly
from the watch list model.
So for example, we could do await watch list,
import that from our model, query where,
and then check for both the movie ID
as well as the user ID there and grab the first.
Whatever your preference is.
This one here is probably actually a little bit cleaner.
So we'll go ahead and cut that out
and paste it in and use this one.
Okay, so let's scroll down a little bit.
If we have a watch list, so if watch list actually exists,
then what we wanna do is just delete it.
So we'll await watch list delete.
Otherwise, if it doesn't exist,
then we just wanna create it.
So we can await watch list dot create
and pass in our movie ID as well as our user ID there.
Once we've done that, we can go ahead and return response,
redirect the user right back to where they were.
Okay, let's give that a save.
Now let's jump into our routes
and let's go ahead and put this after our movies.
So do router dot, and this will be a post slash,
watch lists slash, and we only need the movie ID
that we wanna toggle.
And then we'll do another slash
and specify that we specifically
just want this route to be for toggling.
Import our watch lists controller,
scroll down to there, hit tab to auto import that
and pass this our toggle handler as watch lists toggle.
All right, give that a save.
Then let's go ahead and scroll down to our components,
go into our movie card and down to our button.
Let's just go ahead and give this button here a copy
and we'll put this action above it,
but we only wanna show this button if we have an off user.
So we'll go ahead and end our if there
and paste our button in.
For right now, we don't have a way to actually tell
whether or not the user has this movie in their watch list.
So we'll just do a strict add to watch list button
and we'll make that conditional here in a little bit.
For our href, we no longer want that to be a route
and we probably don't want the class margin top on that
either, we'll remove it from our button below
and wrap this whole section here in a div
with that applied here momentarily.
But we do want this button to have a type of submit
and we also want to wrap this button in a form method,
post action will be route watch lists dot toggle.
And we need to specify the movie ID as the param,
which is our movie dot ID.
And the form add in our CSRF field,
give our button an indent and end the form.
All right, let's go ahead and pause here,
give that a save, hide our text editor back away,
jump into our browser and whoops, I did watch lists.
Jump back into my text editor here
and let me add the L right there.
Okay, back into the browser, give that a refresh.
There we go.
All right, so yeah, we do need to fix the margin there,
but if we right click somewhere, inspect,
let's jump into our network tab, go into XHR,
click the gear, persist our log
and let's go ahead and click on add to watch list.
Oop, right, that's not an XHR, that's a form.
So let's go back to all and we can see
that it did a post request out to our slash toggle.
If we hover over that toggle,
we can see the full URL is watch list slash 420 slash toggle
and then that redirected us with a 302
right back to where we were, which is our homepage.
So that does seem to be working.
Let's go ahead and hide this back away
and give ourselves a way to determine
whether or not this movie is in the user's watch list.
So let's jump back into our text editor
and we're gonna wanna find all of the methods
where we're using movie card.
So I'm gonna hold command shift F to open up find.
It'll be a little search icon right around over here
if you have that toolbar enabled
and we'll do a search for at exclamation point movie.card
and it looks like we have this on,
expand this out here momentarily,
our resources views homepage,
our director's show page,
our movies index page and our writer's show page.
So first let's go ahead and jump into our home controller
and we'll take care of that one first.
And this is just gonna be a conditional preload
based off of whether or not we have an authenticated user.
So if auth user, if we have an authenticated user,
then we'll want to apply to our query,
query.preload our watch list.
I'm gonna go ahead and break this down
so that it's a little easier to follow
because inside of our preload watch list,
we're also going to have another query
where we want to limit the watch lists that are preloaded
to just those where the user ID
is our auth user exclamation
So if we have a user at all,
then we want to add to our entire movie query
a preload for our watch list
and then specifically to our watch list preload,
we want to limit those just where the user ID
is the currently authenticated user.
This should only ever be one
and we can actually enforce that
at the database level here momentarily too,
but we'll go ahead and leave it as a list
because that's what the relationship here will be expecting.
So we'll give that a save, it'll do its formatting.
I think it's complaining there
because we already used query.
Yep, so I'll just call that maybe watch list
since it's the watch list specific query.
There we go.
And now we just want to give this section here a copy.
We also need to apply it to our recently released here too.
So we can paste it there,
go into our director's controller down in the show method.
We're gonna want to break this query down a little bit
and paste our if inside of there.
It's like we also need to grab auth out of the HTTP context,
give that a save.
There we go.
This is our movies controller.
All right, this one should just be the index method
and it looks like we're using our get filtered there.
So let's go ahead and dive into there
by command clicking into it.
And at the end of our if chain here,
let's just go ahead and paste one more in.
And now we need to make our auth user accessible
within here.
We can either pass that in as a parameter,
which would be the most straightforward way,
or we can inject our HTTP context into the service.
Since we have this as a static method,
we'll go ahead and add it as a parameter for right now.
So at the end of our parameter list,
we'll add in user of type user and import that from a model
or have that be undefined and default it to undefined.
Give that a save so that it can do its formatting.
And then we just need to switch this to if user
and where user.
Okay, and then lastly, we have our writers controller
and it should be the show method right there.
So we'll give it one more paste
and grab auth out of the HTTP context there as well.
Nope, we did this one here a little bit different.
If won't be here,
but rather it will be within the movies written preload.
So we want to do query there, query,
break that down and paste it in there like so.
Give it a safe set of formats
and we'll go ahead and switch this one to written
since it is specifically for our written movies.
All right, so now we should have our watch list preloaded
everywhere that we're using our movie card.
So now within our movie card,
we should be able to tell whether or not the movie
is in their watch list by checking to see whether or not
watch list has a length.
So we can cut that out, do double curly braces
and check whether movie.watchlist has a length.
If it does, then we'll say maybe in your watch list,
otherwise we'll paste in our add to watch list text.
Give that a save.
And now if we jump into our browser
with our coming soon section,
we can now see in your watch list here for our button.
If we give that another click,
it's now back to add to watch list
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