EdgeJS Templating Basics
In this lesson, we'll learn the basics of AdonisJS's homegrown template engine EdgeJS. We'll cover interpolation, conditional statements, looping, variables, state, and more!
- Author
- Tom Gobich
- Published
- Feb 10, 24
- Duration
- 8m 49s
Developer, dog lover, and burrito eater. Currently teaching AdonisJS, a fully featured NodeJS framework, and running Adocasts where I post new lessons weekly. Professionally, I work with JavaScript, .Net C#, and SQL Server.
Burlington, KY
EdgeJS Templating Basics
(upbeat music)
So whenever we select the web starter kit with AdonisJS 6,
it's going to come with the EdgeJS template engine
alongside it.
We've already worked with this a little bit.
It's actually what's rendering out our page
within our application so far.
Additionally, if we dive back into our text editor
and we head into our homepage,
it's also what's allowing us to loop over our movies,
declare an href for our route
and build out the actual route from our route method,
as well as plop the actual movie title
directly into the HTML using interpolation.
We've also already learned on our movie show page,
by default, whenever we use two curly braces,
it will encode anything that we plop into the HTML.
But if we include three curly braces,
we're telling it that we trust the underlying value
that we're injecting into our HTML therein,
and it will render it out raw.
We've seen this already, but for example,
if we remove our third curly brace
and switch our movie abstract back to just two,
and we dive into one of our movie show pages,
we see the underlying HTML because it's being encoded.
Whereas if we add that third curly brace back in,
instead the HTML is directly applied into our HTML document,
and this is now a valid paragraph.
The EdgeJS template engine is doing all that work
underneath the hood for us,
and it's integrating deeply with AdonisJS
to make that a seamless process.
If we head into edgejs.dev,
we'll see the documentations for EdgeJS itself.
We see an example right off the bat
for the interpolation that we've been using so far.
And in addition to that,
we can actually use valid JavaScript expressions
within these interpolated curly braces here as well.
Not only that, but we can define our own stateful variables
within EdgeJS, apply conditionals,
we've already seen loops,
and then it has support for components as well.
Additionally, whenever we use that inspect method
to actually view the underlying properties of an object
and all of its values, that was from EdgeJS as well.
So let's slide back to our text editor here,
and we can, underneath our movie abstract,
inspect, call that as a method,
and pass in our movie, give that a save,
and we'll see once more,
we see all of the different properties
that are on our movie.
Now, we can actually do that exact same thing
for the entirety of our state
that we have within EdgeJS as well.
This is all held within a property called state.
So let's go ahead and give this a save,
and let's inspect our state.
So out of the box, we're gonna see
that this has quite a lot added to it.
A lot of these that we see so far are all helper methods.
We have the inspect method right here.
We can truncate string, get an excerpt for a string,
HTML helpers, JavaScript helpers,
switch text to camel case, snake case, dash case,
all the various cases, pretty print milliseconds.
And then as we scroll down a little bit further,
we start getting into app information, configuration, byte.
We have our request information.
So within our request, we can see the parse URL
and see that we're at the path name movie
slash another awesome movie.
We have contextual information from our HTTP context.
And we just keep scrolling and scrolling and scrolling.
This is just gonna go on and on and on.
Our state holds quite a bit,
particularly within the request
and response objects of our state.
Lastly, down here at the bottom,
we actually see the movie that's on our state,
which matches exactly what we saw
whenever we inspected just our movie.
So if you ever do need to dive into your state
and see what all is available to you,
now you know how to do that.
Just give it an inspect.
So let's go ahead and get rid of this
because it's taking up quite a bit of space
and give this a save.
There we go, that's better.
Okay, so within our movie model,
we made our movies abstract optional.
So if we scroll up to where we have the properties defined,
the abstract is actually optional,
meaning it could be a string or it could be null.
So if we dive into one of our movies,
let's go into our resources, movies,
and we're at another awesome movie.
So we'll do this one for right now.
We can get rid of this abstract altogether.
And now all that we have is our YAML front matter data.
We don't have any additional information within this file.
We'll go ahead and give it a save.
And so that we actually see this
without having to deal with clearing out our cache,
let's dive into our movie model once more.
And let's actually just disable the cache check for right now.
So we'll just give this a comment out, give this a save,
jump back into our browser and give it a refresh.
So presently this is working okay
because ultimately we're reading the value from a file
and that file is gonna return back some kind of a value,
regardless of whether or not we've defined the value there.
But if you see here, we have nothing additional
within our HTML markup besides our H1.
This could become problematic.
So let's dive back into our show page.
If we start wrapping this information
within say a div class, margin Y eight,
maybe we give it a background too.
So background slate 100, rounded Excel,
and maybe P8 as well.
So if we start applying styling based around this content,
let's give this a save, jump back into our browser.
You'll see that we have nothing inside of it,
but if we dive back to one of our other movies,
there's our abstract.
Okay, so let's dive back into another movie.
So let's use a conditional to actually show this
only when we have an abstract.
So let's dive back into our markup
and we can do @if movie.abstract,
and then we can indent our div here,
and then we can end our if by doing @endif.
I'll get this line break there as well.
We can give this a save, jump back into our browser.
And now that background color is gone
because we don't have an abstract on this particular movie.
But if we jump back to our first movie,
it's still there A-okay.
And if you need to, you can do an if else as well.
So let's dive back into this movie.
Let's go ahead and get rid of our inspector,
dive back into our code base, and let's do an @else.
So if we have a movie abstract,
our div with the background will be applied.
Otherwise, let's just say no abstract.
Give this a save, and there we see no abstract.
Cool, so now we know how to do if else,
and we had already previously covered loops
with our homepage whenever we looped over
all of the movies that we have
to show them within our unordered list.
Now for both of our pages here so far,
we are including the navigation
and we're redefining the navigation for each of our pages.
So we have our full navigation here,
and we have our full navigation
on the movie show page as well.
Well, we can actually extract this navigation out
into what's called a partial,
which is essentially just a partial markup file,
allowing us to define the markup in one spot
and reference it elsewhere throughout our EdgeJS files.
So within our views directory,
let's go ahead and right-click it, create a new file.
We'll call this partials.
And for this, we'll call our file nav.edge.
Give that a save.
And now our views directory has both the pages
and partials directory within it.
Within our pages directory, let's dive back to our homepage.
Let's give our navigation here a copy.
Within our nav partial, we can now paste this in,
fix the indenting there, give that a save.
And now we can jump back into our homepage.
And instead of manually defining the navigation,
now all that we need to do is add, include,
and then specify the path to the partial
from our views directory, which will be partials/nav.
So partials/nav.
Now we can give this a save.
Let's go ahead and jump back to our browser,
head to our homepage,
and we still have our navigation here.
So let's go ahead and do the same thing
on our movie show page.
So let's give our include a copy,
jump into our movie show page,
replace the navigation here with our include,
give it a save, jump back into the browser.
And now we should be able to see the exact same thing
on each and every one of our pages, which we do.
So now within our homepage, we can do one more thing.
We can add in our movie summaries
underneath the actual movie title.
So let's go and jump back into our text editor,
jump back into our homepage,
scroll down to where we're looping over each of our files.
And underneath our anchor,
let's go and add in a paragraph and inject movie.summary
using interpolation here with double curly braces.
We can add in a class, text, slate,
maybe six or 700 and give it a save.
Let's jump back into our browser.
And okay, so we have our movie summary
showing up underneath there.
Let's give this a little bit of spacing too.
So let's bring our text editor back up on our UL.
Maybe we'll do class flex, flex column, gap of four,
and give that a save, jump back into here.
Okay, it's looking a little bit better.
Let's push this from 700 to 600
and let's make the movie title bold.
So we'll do class font bold, give that a save.
All right, so that's looking better.
Now let's say that we wanted to truncate
this text down a little bit.
Maybe it's a little bit too long for our liking.
We can do that using one of the helpers from EdgeJS.
So we dive back into the documentation and scroll on down.
There's a digging deeper section with helpers within it.
For this in particular, we see two different helpers.
We see truncate and we see excerpt,
which is just below truncate.
Join The Discussion! (11 Comments)
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Hi, I am getting the Cannot lookup rote Edge error when I try to use an edge template with the route() helper in it.
That route shows up in list:routes:
GET /join (moms.join) .................................................. #controllers/join_controller.join
What am I doing wrong? Please let me know what additional information is needed.
Thank you.
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I should probably add that the 'moms' at the start of that route name is for a domain:
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I haven't yet worked with subdomains in AdonisJS 6, but I believe they work the same as in v5. When building the route's url using the
method, the third argument accepts the domain.The subdomain behavior is siloed, so you can have the same route defined outside the subdomain as well, and they can also be dynamic. Due to these reasons, that's why the
will need specified when you're specifically looking to build a route for that domain.Hope this helps!
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Wow thanks. I did not get that from the documentation anywhere. Hey, question: Do you know of any full-featured V6 example site on Github? It would be soooo helpful to see a full example of all this stuff, service providers, the container, everything.
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Anytime!! This site is public on GitHub and uses AdonisJS 6
Beyond that, I'm not aware of any that are currently public.
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So this still is not working. I tried it just like that, console.log confirmed it, and it still says it "cannot look up" the route.
How can I recreate the route outside of an Edge template? I don't see a helper for that. Laravel had a route helper you could use anywhere in the app to craft a url string. If I had that I could just craft the string in the service and feed it into Edge. Failing that, I will just have to manually create the URL strings. I can, but for all the reasons you know, would rather not.
Thanks for all your help.
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I just pushed up a working example of subdomain usage you can find at the link below. If you're linking into your subdomain, you'll want to prefix the generated url with your subdomain and include the port if you're local.
The specific files of interest here are the route definition and the url generation inside of EdgeJS. Within the route definition I also added examples for both the URL builder and the
method AdonisJS provides. Theroute
method inside EdgeJS is the same as therouter.makeUrl
method, so the arguments should match 1:1. Apologies, my formatter went a little extreme with themakeUrl
usage lol.Hope this helps!! :)
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Thanks, I will check it out. I thought I had found the answer (I found "URL Builder" in the docs) but it still won't look up the routes inside Edge. And one clarification: I'm not doing subdomains, I'm doing different domains. It works fine on the routing end - everything routes correctly - but it's just inside Edge that it won't work. I will look at what you did and can probably kitbash it to my usage. I really appreciate all your time. You're a mensch.
Just FYI, this is how I generate the routes in my routes.ts file:
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Ah - gotcha, so you're using one server to serve multiple sites? If the routes are shared by all site, then you could most likely omit the
usage as that essentially just namespaces the routes.Anytime! Hope you were able to get things working! :)
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The URL builder in Adonis works fine, so I generate the route strings in my publish service and put the strings in the Edge template. Works great. Thanks!
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Oh good, happy to hear you got everything working! :)
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