AdonisJS Bouncer
In this series, we'll be introducing and covering AdonisJS Bouncer, AdonisJS' first-party authorization package.
Lesson 1.0
Introducing, Installing, & Configuring Bouncer
In this lesson, we'll introduce AdonisJS Bouncer, the first-party AdonisJS package for authorization checking. We'll also get a start project setup and install and configure Bouncer.
Lesson 2.0
Bouncer Actions & Authorizations
We'll learn about AdonisJS Bouncer actions and how we can use these actions to check if a user is authorized to perform a specific task. Plus, conditional check authorizations.
Lesson 3.0
Implementing Authorization Actions
We'll take what we learned about AdonisJS Bouncer actions in the last lesson to finalize the needed authorization checks for our blog application.
Lesson 4.0
Creating & Using Bouncer Policies
We'll learn about policies and how we can use them to group resource-based actions. We'll also learn how to create and share hooks with policies.