Controllers are a great way to cleanly direct the business logic needed to handle requests for a route within your application.
Cleaning Up Routes with Controllers
In this lesson, we'll learn what controllers are and how they can be used to drastically simplify our route definitions by allowing us to move our route handlers off the route definition and into the controller.
Route & Controller Resources
In this lesson, we'll learn what a resource is and how we can quickly and easily define a route resource and handle each resourceful route with a resource controller.
Handling Routes with Controllers
In this lesson, we'll learn about Controllers and how we can keep our route definitions clean and easy to scan by extracting our route handlers into these Controllers.
Let's Learn Adonis 5: Controllers, Services, Resources, and Namespacing
In this lesson, we'll be hammering down several Adonis topics in one swoop. We'll be covering Controllers, which in turn allow us to utilize Services, Resources, and Namespacing.
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