⏳ Chapters
- Installing Shadcn-Vue & TailwindCSS
- Configuring Shadcn-Vue
- Configuring TailwindCSS
- Installing Our First Shadcn-Vue Component
- Testing Our Button Component
- Automatic Component Registration
In this lesson, we'll install and configure Shadcn-Vue and TailwindCSS. We'll then set up automatic imports for all of our local Vue components.
Developer, dog lover, and burrito eater. Currently teaching AdonisJS, a fully featured NodeJS framework, and running Adocasts where I post new lessons weekly. Professionally, I work with JavaScript, .Net C#, and SQL Server.
Burlington, KY
00:00 - Running Our Project
00:50 - Installing Shadcn-Vue & TailwindCSS
04:00 - Configuring Shadcn-Vue
07:10 - Configuring TailwindCSS
08:35 - Installing Our First Shadcn-Vue Component
09:44 - Testing Our Button Component
10:42 - Automatic Component Registration
All right, so before we change anything
inside of our project,
let's go ahead and jump into our terminal
and boot it up and see what it looks like.
So npm run dev, we'll get our server up and running.
So let's go ahead and run that.
All right, we can click on the server address right here
by holding command and clicking it.
And it opens up our application inside of our browser
at localhost and the default port of 3333.
And sweet, so we can see that our application's up running
and working a-okay.
As a next step, let's go ahead and get
the core dependencies of our application installed.
So that's gonna be tail and CSS, shodcm-view,
which is our view component library.
And then on top of that, since shodcm-view
puts the components directly inside of our project,
we'll go ahead and incorporate an automatic
component import and registration step
within our project flow so that we don't have to worry
about importing them every time that we wanna use a component.
So to start out with, I have a secondary tab
open up here for shodcm-view.
You can find the documentation at shodcm-view.com.
And you can find the installation instructions
that we'll be following by clicking getting started
and going to the install tab.
AdonisJS uses Vite, so we will be using
the Vite instruction steps.
And step one of their instructions has you create
a brand new project.
Well, we already have a project that we're working within,
so we're just gonna skip straight to step two,
which is getting tail and CSS installed.
So we can go ahead and give that command there a copy
and jump back into our terminal, stop our server,
clear that out, and paste that command in.
Awesome, so that installed a-okay.
We can go ahead and clear that out as well.
And next, we're gonna want to jump into our project.
So I'm gonna hide my browser away and jump back into here,
go into our Vite config.
We'll see a red squiggly just because all of this
is on one line.
If we give our project a save there,
and you have ESLint configured,
it will go ahead and run the fix for that
to add new lines for each of those.
What we need to do now is set up Tailwind
and AutoPrefixer, so we can do that by doing CSS,
providing an object inside of there.
Tailwind and AutoPrefixer are for post-CSS,
which we will be using and comes pre-installed with Vite.
So we can go ahead and specify a configuration
for that right here.
And specifically, we want to add them as plugins.
So we'll add a plugins array there as well.
We're going to want to use the Tailwind plugin
as well as the AutoPrefixer plugin there.
And you'll see that neither of those auto-imported for me.
So I'm gonna jump up to the top of my file
and import Tailwind from TailwindCSS
and import AutoPrefixer from AutoPrefixer.
Give that a save to fix our squigglies.
And there we go.
Out of the box, AdonisJS and its Inertia Starter Kit
started us with an Inertia plugin
that specified that we do want to use SSR,
the Vue plugin.
So if you're using Vue, that will be there,
and your traditional AdonisJS plugin
that comes with any AdonisJS project.
The resolve alias right down here
is going to allow us to import files
from the Inertia directory using a alias of tilde.
So for example, up here in this comment,
let's say we wanted to import something
from Inertia components header.
We would be able to do that in Vue via import header
from your string to the tilde to specify this alias slash.
And now we're already looking
inside of our Inertia directory.
So we would just need to do components/header.vue there
to import that file prefix that one example there as well.
As a heads up, if you are looking at the shodcm-vue,
if we scroll down a little bit,
they use an at character for their alias.
We're going to stick with a tilde.
The differentiation there doesn't really matter at all.
Either one will get the job done.
All right, let's hide that back away.
This resolve alias is also defined by default
inside of our Inertia TS config directory right here
with the paths under our compile options.
So if you do change that to say the at character instead,
you want to make that change here as well.
We're sticking with the defaults of the Inertia starter kit.
So we will leave those as is.
All right, so our V config should be all set up.
shodcm-vue comes with its own configuration step
that's going to alter some things inside of a project.
So we're going to want to jump inside of our CSS file
inside of our Inertia directory
and just go ahead and delete this out
because it's going to add one in for us automatically.
So we'll delete that there and move the trash for right now.
Once we've deleted that,
we can jump back inside of our terminal.
Make sure you're at the root of your application there.
And let's run shodcm-vue's configuration command,
mpx shodcm-vue at latest init.
We can hit enter to start this.
And it's going to walk us through some questions
to determine how we want it configured.
So we are using TypeScript here, so we'll hit yes for that.
Out of these options, we're using Vite,
so we will move forward with Vite there.
We'll go ahead and stick with just the default style.
This is really asking which flavor of gray
you would like to use with TailwindCSS.
I tend to stick with Slate, so I'll be going with that.
This is inconsequential,
so feel free to select whichever one you would prefer.
Then it's going to ask where our tsconfig file is located.
Now, this is going to be our Inertia tsconfig
because shodcm-vue is specific to our Vue application.
So we don't want to point it to our root tsconfig
like the default is here,
but instead to our Inertia tsconfig.
So we'll do ./inertia/tsconfig.json
to ensure that it is looking inside of our Inertia directory
for that tsconfig.
Then it's going to ask where our global CSS file is.
This is that file that we just deleted
out of our Inertia CSS directory.
So we can point it to Inertia CSS,
and that file is called app.css.
So we can hit enter there as well.
And it'll ask us whether or not we want to use CSS variables.
This will set up our Tailwind configuration
in a way where it will use CSS variables,
which I tend to prefer.
So I will hit yes here.
Then it's going to ask where we want
our Tailwind config to be located.
Default is a-okay there.
We can have that at the root of our application.
And here's an important distinction
that's going to ask us to configure our import alias.
Their default is using the @ character.
The Inertia starter kit uses a tilde instead.
So we'll overwrite this instead of using the @ character
with tilde/components there.
Same thing here for utilities, tilde/,
and we can put that at lib/utils,
sticking with their defaults there for everything
except for the @ character.
We're replacing that with a tilde.
Then lastly, we'll have a go ahead
and write everything that we've configured here
to a components.json file.
So we'll hit yes for that.
Then it's going to set all of this up for us.
And once it says success,
everything should be ready to go for us.
So in the background here,
in our side of our text editor,
we should see a couple of things got added in.
First, we now have a CSS file back inside of our application
with the same name that we were using originally.
So we don't need to change any of our configuration there.
With this, it's added the Tailwind directives,
as well as set it up in a way
where we use CSS variables for our colors.
And these are then passed into our Tailwind configuration.
And you can see it's also using layers here as well
to designate priority on certain things.
We now also have a components directory.
This is where it will install our shotCN components
as we install them individually.
It will put them inside of a subdirectory
inside of components called UI.
And we also now have a lib with utilities added in.
This is really just a single function of CN
that's just going to merge classes together.
I'm not sure if we actually ever make use of this,
but this is something that shotCN view uses internally
inside of the components as well.
Okay, so we can collapse those back down,
scroll down a little bit further,
and we should see in addition to those two files,
a components.json that just kind of holds
our shotCN configuration inside of it,
specifying that we are using TypeScript,
that we're using the default style,
where our TS config is, the Tailwind config,
what framework we're using, and the aliases there as well.
And then lastly, our Tailwind config,
which has now been added.
If you're using ESLint,
you can go ahead and give that a save
or replace all of the double quotes with single quotes.
And then you can see that it sets our theme up
and it extends our colors
so that we are using CSS variables for all of those.
And it also adds in their animate plugin there
that they use as well.
So you can tell by the red squigglies here
that we definitely want to change some things
inside of here, but most importantly,
we're going to want to make sure that our content is updated
because currently this thinks that we're working off
of the root of our project, which we are not.
All of our view-based stuff is going to be
specifically inside of our inertia directory.
So we want to update that accordingly.
We can also simplify their strings there
a little bit as well.
So we can do ./inertia,
have this consider the pages directory,
components directory, app, and layouts directory
inside of our inertia directory.
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Im following along using SolidJS, but got stuck at the auto imports package as it seems to be a vue specific library - how may i get this working with a SolidJS setup? Thanks!
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Hi yunus! Apologies for the delayed response! I'm not familiar with the SolidJS ecosystem in the slightest, so I unfortunately do not know. You might have luck using unplugin-auto-import, that is what unplugin-vue-components utilizes, but I'm not certain whether it'll work nor how it'd need to be configured.
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Not a problem brother, appreciate the work you're putting into Adonis :). The potential is huge imo and using Inertia fullstack development just makes sense compared to meta frameworks.
I decided to stick to React until SolidJS matures a bit more. One other thing i would like to suggest while here is; could we get more information about deployment options using Adonis? Cleavr was looking promising, but i would like to do server management myself on AWS for example(EC2 or ECS/Fargate if possible)
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Thank you, yunus! I very much agree in regards to using Inertia over meta frameworks when you need the full stack! 😊
As for deployment, please see my comment here. The TLDR is it's coming, but not something I do myself all that often. So I just need to dedicate some time to do proper R&D to do some lessons justice. 😁
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The Vue ecosystem is fantastic. I’ve also set up Prettier with the following plugins:
This setup ensures consistent code formatting while keeping Tailwind classes, attributes, and imports perfectly organized.
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Yeah, I absolutely love Vue & it's ecosystem!! Thank you for sharing these plugins' gribbl!! 😊
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@tomgobich I followed your instructions to have the
package to autoimport my shadcn-vue components. It works with simple components like buttons, but more complicated ones, such asresizable
needs radix-vue, and I had trouble setting it up thevite.config.js
to resolve these more complex components. Do you have nay suggestions?Please sign in or sign up for free to reply
Hi, csaba-kiss!! You can try registering radix-vue's unplugin-vue-components plugin to see if that helps. The caveat here is you'll likely need to use the original name defined in radix-vue, rather than renamed components from shadcn-vue.
For example, to auto-import, you'd probably need to use the name "SplitterPanel" rather than shadcn-vue's "ResizablePanel."
I noticed a similar issue when rebuilding the Adocasts CMS and opted to import the components directly instead.
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