00:00 - Creating Our Forgot Password Page & Form
03:32 - Defining Our Forgot Password Routes
04:50 - Password Reset Send Validator
05:40 - Try Send Password Reset Email Action
08:36 - Expire Password Reset Tokens Action
09:54 - Continuing the Try Send Action
12:30 - Installing & Configuring AdonisJS Mail
14:38 - Sending Our Password Reset Email
17:14 - Forgot Password Send Route Handler
17:39 - Forgot Password Index Route Handler
19:13 - Testing Our Forgot Password Flow
19:46 - Creating Our Reset Password Page & Form
22:18 - Reset Password Route Handler
22:44 - Verify Password Reset Token Action
24:35 - Continuing Our Reset Password Handler
25:28 - Password Reset Validator
26:30 - Reset Password Action
27:27 - Reset Password Update Route Handler
28:38 - Testing Our Reset Password Flow
Forgot Password Email
You can find the complete forgot password email from this lesson, on GitHub. This email was created using
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