Tips and tricks to help you level up your skills with AdonisJS. These are typically shorter, hyper-focused, lessons meant to answer frequently asked questions throughout the AdonisJS community.
Debugging, Inspecting, and Freezing Code Execution
In this lesson, we cover a couple of ways to debug your AdonisJS application using the Edge inspect global function, the debugger keyword, and the Chromium NodeJS Devtools.
Getting Data by the User's Timezone with Luxon's DateTime
In this lesson, we'll learn how we can use the user's current time zone to create, update, or query time-sensitive information in AdonisJS using Luxon's DateTime object.
How To Add A Global Property To Your HttpContext in AdonisJS 5
In this lesson, we'll be covering how we can extend our HttpContext with a new property that we'll populate using a route parameter.
Extending the Adonis Router and Route Matchers
In this lesson, we'll be learning how we can add our own chainable methods using macros to the Adonis Router's Route, Route Group, Route Resource, Brisk Route, and Matchers properties.
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