6 months ago

Video Changes & Chapters

You've probably noticed some changes with our video player if you've watched our latest three Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 lessons.

Until now, we had written all the initialization logic for the player, including dynamically selecting the best video quality based on your available bandwidth, which we used HLS.js to do.

In January, Bunny Stream, which we use to host our newer videos, launched Player.js API support for their embedded player. Meaning, we would be able to use their embedded player very similar to how we're embedding YouTube's player.

Over the past weekend, we made the change from our player handling, using Plyr, to Bunny Stream's embedded player. Thanks to this we can…

  • Make use of chapters

  • Highlight key moments within the video (the dots you see in the timeline)

  • Remove the large and evaluation heavy HLS.js package from our site's scripts.

  • Keep all our pre-existing functionality

If you experience any issues with our change to Bunny Stream's embedded player, please do reach out and let me know! For the most part, though, I think this will drastically improve our on-site video experience.

It'll be a slow process, but we'll be going back through our released videos and adding chapters to them, both here and on YouTube.

Join The Discussion! (6 Replies)

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  1. Commented 3 months ago

    @tomgobich Hey, can you add keyboard support for the player? I would be great to have those, as currently you can't pause, seek or pause the video with keyboard. Thanks for the great work ❤️


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    1. Commented 3 months ago

      Hey Jahan! Our player does currently support keyboard shortcuts, but at present, they only work when the player's toolbar is focused. I'll look into expanding the shortcuts this week so they work when anything but an input is focused. Thanks for the feedback!


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    2. Commented 3 months ago

      This has now been added!

      • Space = play/pause

      • Left arrow = skip backward

      • Right arrow = skip forward

      Thanks again for the feedback!


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      1. Commented 3 months ago

        Great, let's goo!

        Thanks you for your great work.


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      2. Commented 3 months ago

        Hey, I noticed another thing, that the action buttons for comments are not visible on mobile screens. The hover state should be disabled on the touch devices. I believe hoverOnlyWhenSupported isn't working as expected.


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        1. Commented 3 months ago

          Thanks so much for the heads up on this! Yeah, the hoverOnlyWhenSupported turns off classes using the hover: Tailwind selector on touch devices. I've added a lg breakpoint to the opacity-0 on these comment actions. Should be all good now!

          Thanks again!


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