4 months ago

AdonisJs Session Installing error

node ace add @adonisjs/session

[ info ] Installing the package using the following command : npm add @adonisjs/session

❯ Continue ? (y/N) · true

[ wait ] unable to install the package ...

[ error ] Command failed with exit code 1: npm install @adonisjs/session

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  1. Commented 4 months ago

    Hey Mohammad!

    If you happen to be using NodeJS v22, maybe try using v21 or v20 instead. There might be something breaking in the latest NodeJS versions.

    It could also be a cache issue, in which case you can try npm cache clean --force


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    1. Commented 3 months ago


      My node version is v21.6.1 also I tried npm cache clean —force, but still facing to the same issue while installing adonisjs session package


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      1. Commented 3 months ago

        If this isn't a brand new project, try giving this a go within a new project to see if you're having the same issue. If you are, it's likely something with your environment otherwise, it's possibly something with the project.

        If it's something with your project, you can try the following

        1. Delete the project's node_modules folder

        2. Delete the project's package-lock.json file (if this is not a new project be sure to have a version you can rollback to on Git should any version issues arise)

        3. Try running npm install to reinstall the dependencies

        You may also try cloning the project into another location on your device as sort of a clean slate attempt.

        Hope this helps!


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        1. Commented 3 months ago



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          1. Commented 3 months ago



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