18 days ago

Add a webhook endpoint to AdonisJS web app | FIXED

I'm just getting started with AdonisJS, I used the web app template, and now I need to add a webhook endpoint, so I can receive events from third-party platforms(such as payments) how can I do that.

Excuse my newbie question.


Fixed it, it was just an issue of the Shield middleware.

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  1. Commented 18 days ago

    Glad to hear you were able to get it figured out, Hexacker!

    For anyone else who may come across this, you want to make sure you have CSRF disabled for the route, which is in config/shield.ts:

     * Configure CSRF protection options. Refer documentation
     * to learn more
    csrf: {
      enabled: env.get('NODE_ENV') !== 'test',
      exceptRoutes: ['/stripe/webhook'], // 👈 add your webhook route(s) here
      enableXsrfCookie: true,
      methods: ['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'],

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    1. Commented 18 days ago

      That was a better solution than mine.

      Thank you for the amazing content you're sharing 😊 because of you I'm switching from NestJS to AdonisJS 😎.


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      1. Commented 18 days ago

        Thank you for watching!! 😊 That's awesome to hear, thanks Hexacker!! I hope you enjoy your time with AdonisJS!! 😁


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