Splitting frontend and backend styles & scripts [AdonisJS 6]

In Progress

Requested by drummersi-3  


It's common to have a front-facing website and an admin section that certain users can login to to update content.. As a simple site it's best to have these as one project, but each section requires unique dependencies.. The admin section requires a different set of JS vendor libraries than the front-end… So how can this be elegantly achieved using AdonisJS 6's Vite integration?


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  1. Commented 11 months ago

    Hey there, drummersi-3! This is something we have planned within the last module of our Let's Learn AdonisJS 6 series. That module will be specific to create an admin section.

    However, to get you going before then here's some steps on how to approach this. Typically, you'd have a layout that loads in assets required for your pages. In this case, you'd have two layouts one for you base application and one for your admin section.

    Your application layout, we'll call this our index layout, can use the default JavaScript and CSS files provided when creating a new AdonisJS 6 web app.

    • /resources/js/app.js

    • /resources/css/app.css

    We can duplicate these and alter them as needed for our admin assets

    • /resources/js/admin.js

    • /resources/css/admin.css

    We'll need to inform Vite about the new JavaScript entrypoint so that it bundles it within our vite.config.js file

    export default defineConfig({
      plugins: [
           * Entrypoints of your application. Each entrypoint will
           * result in a separate bundle.
          entrypoints: [
    ++        'resources/js/admin.js',
           * Paths to watch and reload the browser on file change
          reload: ['resources/views/**/*.edge'],
      // ...

    For our application pages, we can then use our index layout which will use our app.js and app.css assets.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
      <title> {{ title || "App Layout" }} </title>
      @if ($slots.meta)
        {{{ await $slots.meta() }}}
      {{-- here is our asset for our index layout --}}
      <div class="max-w-3xl mx-auto mt-6">
        {{{ await $slots.main() }}}
    • resources
    • views
    • components
    • layouts
    • index.edge

    Then, we can duplicate this, changing it as needed, and update our Vite asset from app.js to admin.js

    <!DOCTYPE html>
      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
      <title> {{ title || "Admin Layout" }} </title>
      @if ($slots.meta)
        {{{ await $slots.meta() }}}
      {{-- here is our asset for our admin layout --}}
      <div class="max-w-3xl mx-auto mt-6">
        {{{ await $slots.main() }}}
    • resources
    • views
    • components
    • layouts
    • admin.edge

    On our application pages, we can use our app layout, like so

        <meta name="description" content="Our application home page" />
      <h1> App page </h1>
    • resources
    • views
    • pages
    • home.edge

    Then, for our admin pages, we can use the admin layout like so

        <meta name="description" content="Our admin home page" />
      <h1> Admin page </h1>
    • resources
    • views
    • pages
    • admin
    • index.edge

    Hope this helps!


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